
String Constants Vs Resource Bundle in an Java web Application

From past Year are so, we have developed an application, in which we have used the static String Constants to store the Constants. Like public static final String PAYMENT_CHEQUE = "cheque"; Where Ever I Require i.e. in the jsp pages as well the Action class I will be refering to the Above String Constant I am thinking after reviewing th...

Where does ResourceBundle.getBundle("ResourceFile", new Locale("us", "US")) look for the file?

I'm running Eclipse and trying to create a simple test program trying our ResourceBundle with a couple of different files. The file is properly named as But I'm getting an exception on the getBundle() call because it apparently can't find the file. Where should it be located so it can be found? ...

Java: Best practice for sharing localization object across many GUI objects?

What would be the best practice for sharing localization object (in this case ResourceBundle, where I do save all translations) across many GUI objects in app? I have few ideas, but both have drawbacks: 1) passing ResourceBundle via each GUI class constructor, but then I need to save it inside every class (for later use) - means having ...

Is ResourceBundle fallback resolution broken in Resin3x?

Given the following ResourceBundle properties files: messages_{some locale}.properties Note: contains all the messages for the default locale. is really empty - it's just there for correctness. will fall...

resourceBundle = Platform.getResourceBundle(bundle); returns null

hello, I am developing an Eclipse Plugin. I am using the following call to get ResourceBundle: bundle = Platform.getBundle(PLUGIN_ID); resourceBundle = Platform.getResourceBundle(bundle); bundle returns correct value, but resourceBundle always returns null. There was no exception happening when this is called, My plugin_en.prope...

how to log resource bundle key missing

Hi! I am using tag library for outputting messages from Message Resource Bundle which is set up in Spring configuration. Also message resolving can go in Controllers. I would like to log situations when the keys are not found in resource bundle file. Does any body know how to do it? ...

ResourceBundles outside a jar file

Hello, I'm facing a problem when I need to distribute my java application, created using NetBeans 6.8. I have some translation files made with gettext as class files - made with msgfmt from gettext package with the following script (shell script run under msys - no problems here) PO_FILES=`find . -iname "*_*.po"` rm -f *.class for PO_...

Do resource bundles in Java support runtime string substitution?

Can you do the following with a Java ResourceBundle? In the properties file... example.dynamicresource=You currently have {0} accounts. At runtime... int accountAcount = 3; bundle.get("example.dynamicresource",accountCount,param2,...); To give a result of "You currently have 3 accounts." ...

How do I avoid repetition in Java ResourceBundle strings?

We had a lot of strings which contained the same sub-string, from sentences about checking the log or how to contact support, to branding-like strings containing the company or product name. The repetition was causing a few issues for ourselves (primarily typos or copy/paste errors) but it also causes issues in that it increases the amo...

Java Multiple ResourceBundles

Hi, I want to load multiple property files from various packages as ResourceBundle. Can I achieve that in Java ...


Hello Crew I am getting below exception while running an application. This application read file, Exception in thread "main" java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name abc, locale en_US at java.util.ResourceBundle.throwMissingResourceException( at java.util.Resourc...

List all avilable ResourceBundle Files

Hello all , i am using ResourceBundle and i want to give the user an option to select a language for the GUI. i want to get a list of all resource files that are under a specific package. i don't know what resource i will have since this application based on plug-ins is there an option to ask from java to search all available resourc...

No properties file found Error for ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource

I'm trying to use a reloadable spring resource bundle but spring cannot find the file. I've tried tons of different paths, but can't get it to work anywhere. In the code below you'll see that i load both the spring bundle and the regular one from the same path variable but only one works. I've been banging my head against this for far...

JSF2 ResourceBundleLoader override?

I need to have resource messages that contain EL expressions be resolved when loaded from a ResourceBundle. Basically I have a number of properties files containing the text. Some of the text will look like the following: welcomeText=Welcome #{} The only possible way I can see this working currently is implementing a custo...

How to create a bundle

Hi there, how do I create a bundle with resources like images and xibs to share it between apps? I saw that there's a way to do it when creating a new project, but there must be a way to do it based on a finished project, right? Thanks in advance –f ...

Tool for checking Java resource bundles (i18n)

I'm searching for a tool, ant-task, IDE plugin, ... which helps with I18N of a Java application using the standard message-properties resource bundles. Both open source and commercial solutions are welcome. Specifically I'm searching for support in the following tasks: 1) Extract the used keys from Java-code, JSPs and other artifacts...

show label of an object property in struts2 text tag

Hello. I want to show a property of an object in my Jsp page. the problem is that this property is the name of a label in my resource bundle and the only way I know is to use <s:text name="labelname"> but now that it's a property of an object, I don't know how to do this. This is a part of my code, 'brandList' is a list of brand objects...

How do I write combined selectors in CssResource?

Suppose I have a css style like this: .foo a, .foo a:visited .foo a:hover { /* some styles here */ } .bar table tr td{ /* other style here */ } How do I identify them them in CSS resource? Specifically, what style name should I refer to in my own CssResource interface? ...

Wicket resource - string not found?

I'm playing with wicket's form input components. I tried to put an enum to a DropDownMenu: public enum Choice { ONE, TWO, THREE } -------------- .add( new DropDownChoice("choice", Arrays.asList( Choice.values() ), new EnumChoiceRenderer() ) ) and added a properties file: cz.oz.wi...

ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource unable to find message when default locale is "en"

Why is the spring "ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource" unable to find the proper message associated with a code when Locale.getDefault() returns en, but able to find the proper message when it returns en_US Default Locale: en_US key: CODE_1, Locale: Locale.US = Hit key: CODE_1, Locale: Locale.CANADA = Hit key: CODE_1...