
C++/OpenGL - Rotating a rectangle

Hi, For my project i needed to rotate a rectangle. I thought, that would be easy but i'm getting an unpredictable behavior when running it.. Here is the code: glPushMatrix(); glRotatef(30.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); glTranslatef(vec_vehicle_position_.x, vec_vehicle_position_.y, 0); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glEnable(GL_B...

iPhone autorotation only on specific screens in under a navigation controller

This is just an example of the basic problem I'm having, so don't worry if this situation sounds a bit pointless ;) Let's say I have an app that's mainly a UINavigationController just two levels deep. The top level is a table with a list of image filenames, and the second level has just a UIImageView showing the image for the filename ...

Rotate normal vector onto axis plane

I have a set of data points in 3D space which apparently all fall onto a specific plane. I use PCA to compute the plane parameters. The 3rd component of PCA gives me the normal vector of the plane (weakest component). What I want to do next is to transform all the points onto said plane and look at it in 2D. My idea was to do the foll...

Autorotate with a UINavigationController

I am a little unclear on how to rotate views that are sitting on a UINavigationController. I have overridden the UINavigationController object with one of my own that overrides: (void)didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)fromInterfaceOrientation { return YES; } I have one view on the stack on the control...

UIWebView rotation and position

Hello, I use a UIWebView displaying a PDF file. By default the PDF is displayed in portait mode but the user can rotate the iPhone. The rotation work well, but after being in landscape, the PDF position is not the same as in portrait. Whe I switch back to portrait mode, the scroll is at the "old" position in the PDF. My controller send...

Rotation in flash causing image borders to look "pixely", how to fix?

I have a bitmap loaded in flash, for a 2D game. The bitmap represents a character and is rotating when the user uses the A (left) or D (right) keys. The problem I have is that the border of the image becomes ugly while rotating, you can see "pixels" (you can always see pixels, but I hope you understand what I mean). How can I fix this i...

Portrait UITabBarController on one view, Landscape view on another UIView, not working.

Hello guys, and heres the deal. Im trying to get a few of my views to play nicely together, but unfortunately i must be missing something. heres the over view i have Application Delegate UIViewController containing a tabbarcontroller UiViewController containing an OpenGL view (needs to be landscape) The application Delgate handles ...

Don't scale the child movieClip?

I have a question of how to transform the parent movieclip and not the child movieclip...I have a movieclip holding an image loader and some handles as a movieclip. The handles movieclips are used to listen the mouse event to do such function scaling rotation and translation of the parent movieclip. The problem here when I scale or rotat...

How can I copy a locked mySQL table?

I am trying to rotate out an innoDB table which has a high number of transaction, so I need to lock all the tables involved. With the tables locked I cannot use RENAME to move data around using auxiliary tables. And if I do an INSERT, then I have to worry about the integrity of the ids. Any suggestions? Is this even possible ...

Actionscript: How do I rotate a text field?

How do you rotate a text field in actionscript 3.0? As soon as I change the rotation property of the text field, it does not display. for example: var txtFld:TextField = new TextField(); txtFld.x = 100; txtFld.y = 100; txtFld.width = 300; txtFld.height = 300; txtFld.text = "Test String"; txtFld.rotation = 90; addChild(txtFld); ...

[iphone] How to rotate image around center point automatically with finger touch

On iPhone, how to implement rotating image around the center point using finger touch ? Just like wheel, if you put finger on the iPhone screen , then move suddenly, then the image becoming rotating around center point just like the wheel, after a while, it becomes more and more slow , finally stop. Who can help to give some pieces of ...

Apache Log rotation Script

I have the following script running to backup my apache logs #!/bin/sh dt=`date +%m%d%Y` cp /var/log/httpd/domainname/www/error_log /var/log/httpd/domainname/www/oldlogs/error_log$dt cat /dev/null > /var/log/httpd/domainname/www/error_log cp /var/log/httpd/domainname/www/access_log /var/log/httpd/domainname/www/oldlogs/access_log$dt cat...

Rotating images client side using jQuery

Is there a good jQuery plug-in to rotate images? Looking for something that is stable. ...

hiding TabBar when rotating iPhone device to landscape

Hi, So here is what i have: A UITabBarController that handles different UIViewControllers. In one of the UIViewController i am trying to switch the view being displayed when the device rotates to landscape. the important part is that the view displayed in landscape MUST take the whole screen... I have correctly implemented the methods :...

I need help on how to rotate an image with OpenGL using SDL

I'm making a game and the arm of the character will be constantly rotating since it will be following the mouse cursor. I've never worked with openGL before and I need some help getting started. If anyone knows any good websites to start learning and one that specifically contains rotation, please let me know. I've already visited NeHe ...

Selective Autorotation within a UINavigationController and UITabBarController

Greetings! Here's the scenario. Starting with a navigation controller (and no tab bar is present - it is hidden from a previous view controller push), I init a new view controller and push it onto the nav controller stack. This new VC contains a lonesome UIView into which I programmatically add a UIScrollView with the same frame. (I wan...

animate rotation

I'm trying to animate a rotation using CATransform3DMakeRotation, but the problem is once the animation is finished, the image goes back to its initial position, i.e back to zero. But I'd like to keep it where it finished rotating. How would I do that? edit What I'm trying to do is to create the same compass which comes with the new iPh...

Spatial Rotation in Gmod Expression2.

I'm using expression2 to program behavior in Garry's mod ( Okay so, to set the precedent. In Gmod I have a block and I am at a complete loss of how to get it to rotate around the 3 up, down and right vectors (Which are local. ie; if I pitch it 45 degrees the forward vector is 0.707, 0.70...

My Iphone App crashes (Bad access) when turned on it's side (landscape mode).

For some reason, every time I run my Iphone App, the App works fine as long as it is upright. The second the simulator turns to the left or right (like if I manually turn it, or if it's trying to play a video), the code crashes, with either a "Bad Access" or an exception. The crazy thing is that this stuff was JUST working, and I didn't...

What are some of the possible causes of a UIView rarely not being rotated when revisited?

I put this code into all of my viewControllers: UIInterfaceOrientation orientation = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation]; if (orientation == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight) { CGAffineTransform transform = self.view.transform; // Use the status bar frame to determine the center point of the window's con...