
Document conversion software: XHTML and CSS to PDF

I have a large database of XHTML that I wish to render as PDFs and/or RTF using CSS. Is there an off-the-shelf/cheap solution that could do this at scale? Large meaning terabytes. Need something that is robust and good at handling large volumes of files. ...

Unicode RTF text in RichEdit

I'm having trouble getting a RichEdit control to display unicode RTF text. My application is Unicode, so all strings are wchar_t strings. If I create the control as "RichEdit20A" I can use e.g. SetWindowText, and the text is displayed with the proper formatting. If I create the control as "RichEdit20W" then using SetWindowText shows the ...

RTF Tags removal by regex problem

Folks, desperately need your help. I am using C++ VS 2008 to strip RTF tags to make search in the RTF text only. The rtf text I get from CRichTextEdit into CString and it works just fine. Here how I try to remove the tags: 1 std::tr1::cmatch res; 2 std::string str = note; 3 const std::tr1::regex rx("({\\)(.+?)(})|(\\)(.+?)(\b)"); 4 std...

javascript vbscript convert from rtf to html

Hi, Does anyone know of any vbscript / javascript implementations of a RTF to HTML converter? I have seen some in VB / c#, but cannot find any reference to a scripted version. Before I start to write one - does anyone know of an existing open source project that deals with this? Many thanks, Franko ...

Regex pattern help wanted

The raw string is like this: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 MS Shell Dlg 2;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\sb100\sa100\f0\fs24\u30340?\u27494?\u35013?\u20998?\u23376?\u65292?23\u26085?\u22312?\u33778?\u24459?\u23486?\u21335?\u37096?\u30340?\u39532?\u20140?\par \pard\f1...

MS Word documents to rtf documents

Hi all, I've a problem: my application must convert ms word documents (imported from another system) into rtf documents, in order to be manipulated with OOo APIs and to be immune from mistakes (for coding incompatibility reasons). I ask you: how can I manipulate ms word documents directly from my Java application? There are APIs (like...

Java API to convert RTF file to Word document (97-2003 format)

Is there any Java API available which converts .rtf files to .doc file (97-2003) format? ...

dvi2rtf - who can convert DVI files to RTF files?

Consider a *NIX executable, dvi2rtf, whose contents are: #!/bin/sh TMPX=`mktemp /tmp/dvi2rtf.XXXXXX` dvitty $1 $TMPX # CTAN txt2rtf $TMPX $2 # CTAN, in rtfutils If my head is working this morning and the right executables are on the PATH, this clobbers the second argument with an rtf file whose text contents will roughl...

SautinSoft HTML-to-RTF and UNC Paths

Has anybody successfully used the SautinSoft HTML to RTF DLL which has images with a UNC path? When we use the component to transform a HTML document with images whose src attribute is pointing to a UNC path the resulting RTF document has the images missing. When navigating to the HTML page directly - with UNC paths as the source - ...

SQLITE update fails with error code 1 (SQLITE_ERROR)

Hey sqliters, I am having a strange or maybe not so strange problem with my sqlite db. I have a field of "Text" type and it worked like a charm with any English texts for ages. The text in the field used to come from an MFC CEdit. Now I switched to CRichEditCtrl to support formatting and UNICODE texts. The CRichEditCtrl dumps the for...

Why isn't the richtextbox displaying this table properly?

Apparently, the RichTextBox provided by Microsoft doesn't fully support the RTF specs. For some reason, it won't permit multi-lined rows, and destroys formatting instead. Forexample, here is the RTF code to generate a table: \par \trowd\trgaph108\trleft36\trqc\trrh280\trpaddl108\trpaddr108\trpaddfl3\trpaddfr3 \cellx2000\cellx4000\cellx...

RTF Line separator

Does someone knows how to insert a horizontal line separator in a RTF file? Example: some text some other text ...

Subsonic and RTF

I was having some doubts please. I was trying very hard to put the values of a RTF edit box in my database [SQLServer 2005] but i was not able to do that . Somebody in here knows why ? Oh and by the way, my datatype in SQL Server is nvarchar(max) I was wondering if Subsonic supported RTF texts. I am not sure, but still sorry for being...

How to view/edit RTF subscripts in WPF RichTextBox

Hi, I've got the following RTF fragment as data to display in a WPF rich text box. C\dn4\fs14 6\up0\fs18 H\dn4\fs14 12\up4 +2\up0\fs18\par It looks like the \dn4, \up0 and \up4 tags are ignored by the WPF rich text box, which displays this fragment with varying sizes (fs14 and fs18), but with a common baseline for all of the text. Is...

.Net RTF(or)HTML to Image

In .Net (C#) server process, i want to generate image with lot of rich text (with paragraphs, font style, etc.. ). The richtext can be described using RTF or HTML. Is there any way to convert RTF/HTML to a image ? Since it is a server process, i want to avoid windows forms controls. ...

Detect encoding of RTF document in Java

My Java program does text extraction on RTF files using the RTFEditorKit. Some of the RTF files contain cyrillic characters (Russian), and depending on the RTF version, the extracted text is either okay or contains gibberish. When it's gibberish, I can use this to get normal text: String text = ... // extracted text String decodedText ...

rtf format to pdf

Hi, Is there any way to convert rtf format to pdf using PHP? Thanks ...

Generating PDF documents from LISP

I want to generate a technical report from lisp (AllegroCL in my case) and I studied various packages/project to help me do this. Requirements: Need to generate a PDF May create an intermediate format like RTF, Restructured TEXT, HTML, Word DOC or Latex Need to be flexible to be able to add content throughout my application Need to ...

WPF: Allow user to resize images in RichTextBox

Is there a method within the RichTextBox control in WPF to allow for the user to resize inserted images, or do you have to devise your own method for this. What I'm trying to achieve is shown below, a screenshot of a WordPad doing what I want: Notes: Reading the RTF file as plain text I find that the control tags related to image s...

HTML to RTF Converter for .NET

I've already seen lots of posts on the site for RTF to HTML and some other posts talking about some HTML to RTF converters, but I'm really trying to get a full breakdown of what is considered the most widely used commercial product, open source product or if people recommend going home grown. Apologies if you consider this a duplicate qu...