
multiple rails sites pointing to the same database

Hello, I want to run two rails websites (homepage and app) on the same database. However, migrations dont work because both websites try to use schema_migrations table at the same time. Is it possible to override default schema_migrations table name? Any other ideas how to solve this problem? ...

Sphinx returning bad search results

I am using Sphinx with the Thinking Sphinx plugin. I have indexed a model called Venue with the following code (and the rake thinking_sphinx:index command) define_index do indexes :name indexes city indexes zip end I obtain the results in my controller with this code: @venues = params[:search] and I render...

Ruby, windows, active_record, and Control-C

What is active_record doing to the signal processes under windows (I don't see this with the same versions on the mac) that causes it to behave so strangely? For instance: require 'rubygems' trap("INT"){puts "interrupted"} puts __LINE__ sleep 5 require 'active_record' trap("INT"){puts "interrupted again"} puts __LINE__ sleep 5 When I...

Accessing User's Objects in Different States (Ruby on Rails, RESTful Authentication)

In my Rails application I have a User model (more or less built by RESTful Authentication), and several other models belonging to the user. So let's say, for example: user has_many :posts post belongs_to :user Anywhere in the users resource I can access the user variables as I would expect.,, @user.login, etc. a...

What is the best way to chop a string into chunks of a given length in Ruby?

I have been looking for an elegant and efficient way to chunk a string into substrings of a given length in Ruby. So far, the best I could come up with is this: def chunk(string, size) (0..(string.length-1)/size).map{|i|string[i*size,size]} end >> chunk("abcdef",3) => ["abc", "def"] >> chunk("abcde",3) => ["abc", "de"] >> chunk("abc...

Reading the last n lines of a file in Ruby?

I need to read the last 25 lines from a file (for displaying the most recent log entries). Is there anyway in Ruby to start at the end of a file and read it backwards? ...

Making unit tests fail quickly for mutation testing

One problem encountered with mutation testing is that it's slow, because by default you do a full test run (either a test file, or a suite of test files) for each mutation generated. One way to make mutation testing faster would be to stop the test run for a given mutant once a single failure has been encountered (but only during mutati...

Can't run ffmpeg as subprocess in Ruby

I am trying following code to determine video resolution by running ffmpeg utility as subprocess and gain its output and parse it: IO.popen 'ffmpeg -i ' + path_to_file do |ffmpegIO| # my parse goes here end ...but ffmpeg output is still connected to stdout and ffmepgIO.readlines is empty. Are there some special treatment needed fo...

Ruby: Unwanted context in exceptions raised within an eval

There seems to be an odd discrepancy between the messages contained in Ruby Exceptions raised directly and raised from within evals. For instance, the following code: def foo raise "Help!" end puts "\nRescue foo" begin foo rescue RuntimeError => e puts e.message end puts "\nRescue eval 'foo'" begin eval "foo" rescue RuntimeError =...

How do I Convert to UTC in Ruby?

If I have d =, how do I convert 'd' into UTC (with the appropriate date)? ...

Ruby sound playback

This is 2009, back in 2001 or so, there used to be no good bindings for sound playback in ruby. Has there been a change? I am looking for something to control playback of either raw sound or mp3, ogg and flac. My Googling has turned up dry. Edit: Linux, OSX and if possible Windows. ...

Browser IP Address

I have 2 apps 1 Ruby (not written by me. I understand nothing of Ruby) and the other ASP.Net The Ruby app determines the users's IP address (I'm told "using first IP found in "HTTP_X_FORWARDED" )and passes a hashed version of it to the ASP.Net app. The ASP.Net app then determines the Client's IP address again (using Request.UserHostA...

what's the best way to convert a ruby hash to an array

Hi All, I have a ruby hash that looks like this { "stuff_attributes" => { "1" => {"foo" => "bar", "baz" => "quux"}, "2" => {"foo" => "bar", "baz" => "quux"} } } and I want to turn it into a hash that looks like this { "stuff_attributes" => [ { "foo" => "bar", "baz" => "quux"}, { "foo" => "bar", "baz" => "quux"...

How do I expire a view cached fragment from console?

Something like Rails.cache.delete('site_search_form') doesn't seem to work. Is this possible? Thanks. ...

Rails/Passenger/Unknown Content Type

We have the following situation: We invoke a url which runs an action in a controller. The action is fairly long running - it builds a big string of XML, generates a PDF and is supposed to redirect when done. After 60 seconds or so, the browswer gets a 200, but with content type of "application/x-unknown-content-type" no body and no Re...

What is the fastest way to reverse a comma-separated list in vim?

I frequently must correct the following rails code: assert_equal value, expected The two arguments to assert_equal are out of order, and should read: assert_equal expected, value In vim, what is the most efficient way of going from the first line to the second? ...

Relative file paths

I am trying to read in from a few files using something like this IO.foreach("TeamFields.txt") { |line| fieldNames.push(line.chomp) } It works fine when running the from the command line, but when I package to an .exe with shoes and run it can't find the file. Is there a way to specify a path relative the the .exe or do I have to prov...

Best practices for multiple associations with the same class in Rails?

I think my question is best described as an example. Let's say I have a simple model called "Thing" and it has a few attributes that are simple data types. Something like... Thing - foo:string - goo:string - bar:int That isn't hard. The db table will contain three columns with those three attributes and I can access them w...

How to create an anchor and redirect to this specific anchor in Ruby on Rails

I'm trying to create unique anchors for every comment on my blog so a person can take the url of an anchor and paste it in their browser, which will automatically load the page and scroll down to the point in the page where their comment starts. Perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way but I've tried this which was to no avail. Comm...

Looking for ruby gem that determines programming language by reading the code?

A couple of months ago I read a blog post about a ruby gem that could determine the programming language by reading the code itself. For the life of me I can't recall the blog or the name of the gem. And googling for "ruby programming language guess" and variations thereof aren't helping. Anyone happen to know the name of the gem in q...