
what is the best way to store time interval in a SQL server database

i have a table where i want to track time so a valid entry might be: 1 hour 3 mins 47 mins 10 hours 3 mins 14 seconds what field type is best used for this. i obviously could use varchar . .but i thought there might be something better as i would like to run queries to total the amount of time over a number of records. ...

Installing PDT in Eclipse - No runtime option .. only SDK

Hello, Admittedly I am new to Eclipse. I have it configured properly for Android development but I want to add the PDT plug-in for PHP development. I have followed the instructions for updating PDT for the Galileo version of Eclipse located here ... When I search through the available PHP tools...

Is there a way to arbitrarily load Resources at runtime in Android?

I've got some XML resources in my Android app. Each one has a different name like "bicycle.xml" and "car.xml". I'd like to know if there's a way to load resources based on conditions during run time. As an example... Say I had a text input in my app. When the user enters "bicycle", my app can look up an XML resource by that name, pars...

How do I make a new Moose class and instantiate an object of that class at runtime?

After creating a metaclass using Moose::Meta::Class->create, how do I instantiate a real Moose class with that class as a metaclass? (I need to create the metaclass also because I also want to apply some roles to it.) ...

Is it possible to compact the VC++ runtime heap?

Can I have the same effect as with HeapCompact() for the Visual C++ runtime heap? How can I achieve that? ...

creating table at runtime in, image control doesnt have imageurl proerty

i am creating a table in code (htmltable) with htmltablerows and htmltablecell. I gave on image control but thatr control cant have the .imageurl property, which i need cause i have a handler image.ashx which brings image from the database. heres' the code - TD = New HtmlTableCell Dim img As New HtmlImage() img.ID = "image_" & rd...

target-action cocoa touch

Hi there, I want to add at-runtime some behaviour to some controls: Suppose we have a UISwitch. The next thing I want to do, is reading an UIML file and add some action to the UISwitch. This action is described in the UIML document. UIML is an XML document. Suppose we have an interface with 1 switch and 1 textfield. When changing the ...

With g++ is there a runtime setting to scramble freed memory with delete?

Does anyone know how I can for the g++ or gcc runtime to scramble the ram where an object was after delete? I have a theory that I'm using an object after it has been deleted but in practice it rarely crashes. ...

How to get function name against function address by reading co-classs'es vtable?

Hello, I need to call the co-class function by reading its address from vtable of COM exposed interface methods. I need some generic way to read addresses. Now I need to call the function, which would have specific address(NOT KNOWN) arguments(parameters) which I have collected from TLB, and name as well. How that address corresponds t...

How do you replace a method of a Moose object at runtime?

Is it possible to replace a method of a Moose object at runtime ? By looking at the source code of Class::MOP::Method (which Moose::Meta::Method inherits from) I concluded that by doing $method->{body} = sub{ my stuff } I would be able to replace at runtime a method of an object. I can get the method using $object->meta->find_meth...

creating new usercontrols at runtime in ASP.NET MVC

Hi everyone, My situation is that the user is creating an entity on my site which contains the particlars of the driectors of that company, name address etc.. The Director form is a separate user control with the appropriate textboxes etc. At run time we don't know how many of these directors there will be so I need one to be able to ...

Scala isn't allowing me to execute a batch file whose path contains spaces.Same Java code does.What gives?

Here's the code I have: var commandsBuffer = List[String]() commandsBuffer ::= "cmd.exe" commandsBuffer ::= "/c" commandsBuffer ::= '"'+vcVarsAll.getAbsolutePath+'"' commandsBuffer ::= "&&" otherCommands.foreach(c => commandsBuffer ::= c) val asArray = commandsBuffer.reverse.toArray val processOutput = processutils.Proc.executeCommand(a...

Evaluation of Haskell Statements/Expressions using GHC API

For a tool I'm writing ( ) I need a way to read haskell function definitions at run-time, apply them to values from my tool and retrieve the results of their application. Can anyone give me a very basic example using GHC (6.10.4 or 6.12.1) API? example function definition to be read from a fil...

Using jQuery tooltip at runtime by livequery

Does anybody know how to use tooltip at runtime using livequery? I found some infos, but for me it doesnt work. jQuery('.button').bind('click', function () { std(); }); function std () { jQuery('.abcd') { jQuery('.abcd').tooltip(); }); } ...

bundle .NET dlls to run application in .NET-less machine?

AFAIK, ngen turns MSIL into native code (also reffered to as pre-JIT), however I never payed too much attention at it's startup performance impact. Ngen'd applications still require the .NET base class libraries (the runtime). Since the base class libraries have everything our .NET assemblies need (correct?) would it be possible to ship...

Send and recieve multiple ssh commands via java runtime and cygwin

Hey I have run into the following problem when attempting to build a program in java which executes commands on a remote linux server and returns the output for processing... Basically I have installed Cygwin with an SSH client and want to do the following: Open Cygwin, Send command "user@ip"; Return output; Send command "password";...

Runtime C function details

Hi, Is there any way to find particular C language function's input and output parameters from a framework (apple's ARM) during the runtime or from any method with out knowing the headers. It is a framework and there are no header files for it.I decompile it with IDA Pro and it gives me the function names but not input and output para...

Small and fast .NET programs? - 65% runtime in ResolvePolicy

Hi, I tried to build a very very small .NET app in F#. It just has to convert a small string into another string and print the result to the console like: convert.exe myString ==> prints something like "myConvertedString" I used dottrace to analyze the performance: 26% (168ms) in my actual string conversion (I thinks this is ok.) ...

How can the generic method called know the type of the generic return?

I couldn't find a duplicate for this question for Java, although there are a lot of them for C#. I have this method: public <T> T getSomething() { // } According to the type of T, I will have a different return. For example: String a = getSomething(); int b = getSomething(); For a, my method will return a specific String. For b, ...

java Process stop entire process tree

I am using Java Runtime to run commands, including certain CVS commands. I use: process = runtime.exec ("cmd /C cvs..."); format for running the Process in Java I need to have the option of stopping it. For this I use the Java Process destroy method process.destroy(); However only the cmd is stopped not the cvs process. It con...