
NSObjectFromString... Any way to do it?

So Objective-C has these nice functions NSClassFromString() and NSProtocolFromString(), which return a class or protocol from a passed string name. Is there any way to do this with an object? ...

C# TabPages added at runtime don't autosize the parent form

I have a simple form that contains a TabControl where the TabPages are added at runtime. I have gotten all of this to work almost as I want it to, however when I set the form to autosize, it ignores the runtime TabPages in the calculation... How can I either force the form to delay the autosizing until the TabPages have been added, or fo...

Loading Fonts for Glyphs in Silverlight

Is it possible to load a font at runtime in Silverlight for the Glyphs object. I've tried all sorts -I've set the fonturi to a web location at runtime - no joy -I've tried the same approach as textblock etc by setting the source to a stream but Glyphs do not support this. -I've googled forever on it, but it seems that the only way is t...

minimizing runtime of calculating several ranks (based on grades) on large sql tables, how short can it get (ms access)

Hi everyone, I've been stuck with the rather famous problem of ranking students by grade for a couple weeks now, and while I've learned much, I still haven't solved my problem (the ranks are generated, but the process is too slow): I have a large table (320,000 rows) that contains the student codes (serves as an identifier, instead of t...

Do iphone apps in development run more slowly than once they are released?

I am new to developing iPhone apps and have been testing on on the simulator and on my 2nd gen iPod. I am seeing lag times in what I believe is simple code. I know that the simulator will always run faster than the hardware, and I know that when I'm debugging, that the physical iPod has to run the debugging program in the background wh...

netbeans gui designer (autogenerate controls)

Hello, I am coding a small GUI with netbeans and I am using objects from the Palette Manager. I have created a very simple application. Just a JLabel and a JTextArea. A small image here (one image better than 1000 lines of code) I am looking for a "meta programming" idea for my G...

How to create controls at runtime?

How to create dynamic MFC controls and handle message maps of the controls at runtime? ...

GTK+ FT_Select_Size error

Hi! I have installed GTK+ 2.16 and Code::Blocks, trying to run a simple GTK+ program it gives me the following runtime error: "The procedure entry point FT_Select_Size could not be located in the dynamic link library freetype6.dll" I have checked the library exists, which it does, but I cannot seem to figure out how to fix this issue?...

adding textboxes at runtime in

hey... i need to create textboxes dynamically as user specifies the no..actually there are two textboxes in a row..user specifies no of rows needed.. as specified textboxes(two per row) should be added to the form and also i need to read the text entered later....what is the best method?? ...

call method at runtime

I am wondering if it is possible to load a .net DLL at runtime, view the methods available and execute one at runtime. If this is possible could you point me in the right direction ...

Java protect application from writing on disk

I have a problem with running a Java app (B) from my app (A). Code I use: String[] cmd = {"/bin/sh", "-c", "java -Xmx16M -Xms2M -cp /root/ " + B + ">"}; Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); final Process proc = rt.exec(cmd); Thread.sleep(1000); proc.destroy(); I must stop app (B) from accessing my disk (write/read). How to ...

How to load assemblies at runtime: winForms vs. web service

I use the following code to load up types from assemblies annotated with my SearchableAssemblyAttribute. The goal is to be able to load my own assemblies in addition to any 3rd party assemblies. Following this example I get the path from the GetExecutingAssembly().Location. For a web service however this will be a temp directory that co...

Correct way to distribute VC++ runtime files

I have an MFC application which I am trying to package for deployment. It seems to depend on the files 'msvcr90.dll', 'msvcp90.dll' and 'mfc90.dll'. What is the correct way to distribute these files? I can't use merge modules as my installer doesn't support them. I know I can run VCRedist_x86.exe, but I don't want to do this for various...

c++ runtime error? how to solve this and check?

#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int hash, opp, i, j, c = 0; //cout<<"enter hasmat army number and opponent number\n"; while(cin>>hash>>opp) { cout<<opp-hash<<endl; } } time limit for this problem: 3.000 seconds how can i verify and test this condition? i'm submitting this to a compu...

Setting ViewController delegates in iPhone runtime

I am writing an iPhone application and needed to use the address book functionality. For this to work, it is necessary to specify a ABPeoplePickerNavigationControllerDelegate on the ViewController. The problem is that I am creating all fields and buttons dynamically runtime, and thus does not have any custom ViewController - using only ...

Strange runtime error, seemly microsoft related.

I am using the debug_new tool that come in the pack of tools NVWA made by Wu Yongwei. I turned it off once to track a heisenbug, that now is fixed. But as I turned it on, my program throws a bizarre error: It loads, but before accepting any input it quits and writes on the console: "This application has requested ...

Update WPF controls at run time

I'm trying to write a WPF application that will update a set of text boxes and labels at run time using threads but the problem is that when ever a thread tries to update the text boxes and labels I get the following error: "The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it." Is it possible to update the co...

How long should a page generation time take in PHP.

Hello, I was searching the web for this but found no satisfying answer. I am not talking about the time it takes the browser to render and display. Only the part where the HTML is generated in the server itself. <?php $script_start = microtime_float(); #CODE echo (microtime_float()-$script_start) ?> What is the accepted/normal time...

How to run .reg file in Java

Hi guys, I need to install a .reg file (INTRANET) by using Java. How do i get my goal ? Cheers, ...

Reloading code-based workflows

We need to run different version of the code-based workflows without closing application. Our workflows are packet in assembly, for example, WorkflowSet.dll. Here we have a workflow Workflow1: public sealed partial class Workflow1: SequentialWorkflowActivity {… } We can create workflow instance: Assembly workflowAssembly = Assembly.L...