
load python code at runtime

I would like to load a .py file at runtime. This .py file is basically a config file of the following format: var1=value var2=value predicate_function=func line : Once this file is loaded, I would like to be able to access var1, var2 and predicate_function. For each line, I'll pass it to the predicate func, if it returns...

Security of scala runtime

I'm developer of Robocode engine. We would like to make Robocode multilingual and Scala seems to be good match. We have Scala plugin prototype here. The problem: Because users are creative programmers, they may try to win battle different ways. As well robots are downloaded from online database where anyone could upload one. So gap in s...

Flex - Changing the color of a Custom scrollbar using CSS properties

Hey everyone, Currently, I am implementing a scrollbar using a custom embedded image using my CSS stylesheet. This is a very simple, thin scrollbar. I would like to configure this scrollbar using CSS properties at runtime, but so far I have been unable to do so. I know it can be done because I've seen examples of it in the net, but no c...

What is total frequency count and running time (Big-O notation)?

I have the following code snippet: 1. for (i = 1; i < n; i++) 2. for (j = 1; j < i*i; j++) 3. if(j % i == 0) 4. for(k = 0; k < j;k++) 5. sum++; What is total frequency count and running time (Big-Oh notation)? Frequency count examine a piece code and predict the number of instructions to be executed (e.g...

What is the exactly Runtime Host?

What is the exactly definition of Runtime Host? From MSDN: The common language runtime has been designed to support a variety of different types of applications, from Web server applications to applications with a traditional rich Windows user interface. Each type of application requires a runtime host to start it. The runtime hos...

Are there Visual C++ runtime implementations for other platforms?

Does Visual C++ runtime imply Windows platform? I mean if I write a program that only directly uses functions specific to VC++ runtime and doesn't directly call Windows API functions can it be recompiled and run on any OS except Windows? I don't mean on Windows system emulator, I mean a ready implementation of VC++ runtime for some other...

Ensure the termination of a Application launched by Runtime.exec when tomcat is killed

Hi, I launch several external process via a call to Runtime.getRuntime.exec("java myApp"); I monitor the correct launching and execution of the application with some java.concurent.Future. I can tell if the app is launched, in error, stopped. I can stop it. But, when I kill the main application (the one who launches the others) the...

translate a javascript programme in C

Hello, I have a javascript file, and I want to translate it in C, I did it but I have a big runtime error. Everything work well until the end of the function when it return an int. If you have some ideas where the bug is. Thanks a lot. #ifndef max #define max( a, b ) ( ((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b) ) #endif char *substring(size_t start, ...

I am getting a System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object when trying to add a value to an array at runtime

I have a piece of code: EDIT: The _penParams are initialized as the added line below. ProjectionParameters _penParams = new ProjectionParameters(); [Given(@"Rate Rule List $raterule")] public void Rate_Rule_List(Int32 raterule) { _penParams.RateRuleIds.Initialize(); _penParams.RateRuleIds.Add(raterule...

Playing with Java Compilation

I have developed an SDK in Java for which I also have a runtime. I want to restrict development using my runtime jars. My SDK is node-locked but I dont want to keep runtime node-locked so that my clients are free for developing applications using my SDK and sell and run at their clients using runtime. I havent written my own compiler and...

What kind of errors affect previous statements in C?

Sorry for a very generic sounding question. let's say #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #define SERVER_ADDRESS "123.456.789.012" #define CLIENT_ADDRESS "123.456.789.013" #define SERVER_TCP_PORT "1234" #define CLIENT_...

Is it possible : rendering server tags at runtime in

Is it possible that I reserve a code in db and load it at runtime. the code contains server side tags like Text='<%# Eval("Description") %>' ...

Runtime Library mis-matches and VC++ - Oh, the misery!

It seems that all my adult life I've been tormented by the VC++ linker complaining or balking because various libraries do not agree on which version of the Runtime library to use. I'm never in the mood to master that dismal subject. So I just try to mess with it until it works. The error messages are never useful. Neither is the Mic...

how can i clear the configurationmanager cache for connectionstrings

I am trying to change the database name in the connectionstring located in the App.Config of our servicehost at runtime and restart it afterwards connecting to another database. This works fine, but only if the application is shut down for multiple seconds. Shutting down the application for several seconds seems to clear the cache of th...

PocketC GUI Code Examples

I'm using PocketC on my Windows CE device, but I want to know where I can find some code examples of GUIs, because I don't know where to get help on this point. Also, I have some specify questions: How to create Buttons, ListBoxes...? What are the controls supported? How to create menus? ...

ActionScript 3 in other runtimes besides Flash?

I find ActionScript 3 one of the best high level dynamic languages out there, but because it only runs in Flash/Flex/AIR (to my knowledge) its uses are fairly limited. Are there alternative and/or generic runtimes available which would allow running it on a server, or on the desktop without the Flash API? I suppose not, but is there a c...

What is the Visual C runtime?

Hello, I just wanted to know what is inside the Visual C ++ runtime DLLs? What code? Which functions? Just curious about that. Thanks in advance. ...

ANTLR3 runtime metadata

How can I know during parsing which rule is currently matched? I'd like to automatically build an XML (or other objectal hierarchy) representing the parsed input, using rule names, without the need of using grammar actions or trees. Is this possible? Many thanks, Yaakov ...

Creating an LUT in C# at compile time or run time

I feel like this is a stupid question, but I can't think of a good way to do it. What I want to do is create a sine wave LUT at compile time or run time. Ideally compile time, but run time is fine if it is much easier to code. However, I want this static object to be accessible by everything that includes its library (I don't want to ...

Runtime embedding of fonts in Flash CS4 for chinese,japanese, cryllic etc extended characters

Hi I have no problem with runtime embedding of fonts, there are plenty of online tutorials for this. However, what I can't get to work is runtime embedding for extended character sets, even if I omit the unicode range and embed the entire font. I've tried various approaches, and though I am able to runtime embed the font properly, can't...