I'm putting together a book flip where I flip pages using CSS, JavaScript and HTML. It works very well, except for this one thing.
Every image has a block-level parent. The block-level parent's dimensions has the same ratio as the image but it's scaled down to fit inside the window. Every image has a width:100%; and height:100%; de...
So I have multiple textareas on my page that are editable depending on a users status. The problem is that even when a user clicks on a textarea that they are not allowed to edit, the keyboard comes up on mobile safari. The user can't actually edit the textarea, but it's really annoying/looks bad. I was thinking of maybe making it dis...
I have a small problem with rendering a img tag with an associated with a class. I've recreated the issue with a simple html page.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Test for image problem</title>
.image {
float: left;
cursor: pointer;
When I try to print jpg images in Safari (Windows) it print a blank page. Even if I open the JPEG directly in the browser, it prints nothing. Any solutions are welcome.
I am working on a Google Maps-like scrolling/panning system. The system is supposed to be a lot simpler than the "original" (no zooming) and as such is built in a quite straight forward fashion:
There is a containing div representing the viewport with overflow set to hidden and a fixed size
This div contains another div that's being pa...
I've posted a question of how Safari behaves for the anchor tag click event here on Apple's Forum. It has not gotten any answers as of posting here. http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2581038&tstart=0
I'm asking developers here at Stackoverflow to take a look and provide their intelligent comment how to circumvent th...
I have an Apache password-protected directory filled with text files and movie files. Currently, I load the contents of the text files using cURL, passing the username and password information with CURLOPT_USERPWD. For the movies, I set the OBJECT and EMBED src's to http://username:[email protected]/file.mov. In both cases, the userna...
From page Javascript, is there any way to know when a Webkit-based browser (particularly interested in recent Chrome, but a generic solution would be nice) has finished drawing the page, and/or has finished resolving all styles? Mozilla browsers have the MozAfterPaint event that's quite handy for this sort of thing.
I want to display very wide, panoramic images in Mobile Safari (iPhone, iPod, iPad). These work fine in OS X Safari and in other browsers, but on Mobile Safari there seems to be a limit on the maximum image width.
Consider this web page:
with this source:
<meta name ...
I am in the process of investigating whether it is possible to prevent mobile Safari from caching certain file. I went through a few posts about controlling caches in SO (e.g. meta tag, HTTP headers), and a few blog post. This one seems to implies that components are not cached unless either Expires or Cache-Control in the response heade...
I have a really strange issue. If I insert a flash video from YouTube, BlipTV, JW Player etc. the text on the page is jagged and the links from the "Pages" drop down menu that overlays the video are all bunched up. This problem only occurs in Safari, you can see it for yourself here: http://ghostpool.com/wordpress/reviewit/pages
I canno...
I need to retrieve UDID (or any other device unique id) from iPhone safari browser (through cookies or request/response header or any other way).
Is it possible if yes how?
I have written a few lines of jQuery to animate a div to the left/right depending on mouse movements
$("#status").html(e.pageX +', '+e.pageY);
if(e.pageX > 1100 && e.pageX < 1170){
$(".galleryNav").animate({marginLeft:"-60px"},{queue: false, duration: 450});
if(e.pageX > 410 && e.p...
I have a simple html page in an iframe that I am trying to scale with an html5 input range slider. it creates a white border inside the iframe, what looks to be a doubling side effect.
It works perfect in chrome(6.0.472.59 mac), but not in safari (5.0.1 mac).
here is a link to live demo - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1031653/safari-bug.html...
Hi all,
I have an URL in IFRAME with parameters like this:
<iframe src="http://www.example.com/id=123&place=123"></iframe>
Works perfectly on FF3+, IE6+ (believe in me) and Safari 4, but in Safari 5 is different. S5 changes the URL to http://www.example.com/id=123 & place=123
Someone knows how can I do a workaround...
The css part is totally not reflected in the output (for webkit only, others ok), it is as if no css was defined, javascript works tho...
Ajax call
abc.html sourcecode: (Angle brackets are omitted)
style type="text/css"
So i have a simple set up.
index.php which embeds myswf.swf into the page using swfobject 2.
myswf wants to open a new window to interface with an external website - in this instance paypal. (for what its worth, this problem exists even when using documents on my own server - so its not the whole paypal thing)
When the process has fin...
So I've made custom function for a game I'm working on, one being fade in the other one fade out. The problem is fadeOut works, but fading back IN does not... strange. Any clues? See code below.
o.style.opacity = 1;
o._anim = function()
if(o.style.opacity <=0)
Hello Everyone, I am trying to get a onmouseover and onmouseout effect in a xhtml page for my navigation menu.
This code only works in Firefox, but nothing else. Can someone please tell me how to get it to work on all browsers?
Here is my code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/D...
I've setup an HTML file with a cache manifest, an HTML5 doc type, and verified the manifest file is returning the correct mime type. The file, however, does not cache and therefore does not work in offline mode on Mobile Safari on the iPhone.
The simple HTML file is at the URL below.