
Visual C# and Settings

I am using Visual C# built in feature Settings to save some of my program's options. It looks like it is using a xml file to save my values, I can save and load settings easily, my question is if I compile the source to an application, where does it hold these values? Does it make a xml filesomewhere, if it does, then where? I compiled a...

how to determine when settings change on ios

I have created a custom settings using the standard root.plist approach for the iphone. I'm wondering if there's a way to determine when the user changes those settings in my app... ...

How to return from preference screen to main activity?

Hi. I have one main activity and one preferenceActivity. On my first activity I call menu and go on preferenceActivity by calling startActivityForResult. case startActivityForResult(new Intent(this, SettingsActivity.class), LAUNCH_SETTINGS); return true; Then I change my ...

Compatibility settings

Hi there, I'm working on a troubleshooting program, which will help users to fix certain errors caused by.. all sorts of things. Anyway, one of the features I want it to have, is change a program's compatibility mode to windows XP mode without Visual Theme's. But I couldn't find anything. So I'm just wondering if this is possible? Th...

Visual Studio 2010 - How to use System Environment Variables?

Hello All, I'd really appreciate some help or ideas on a very frustrating issue. In my experience it seems that any time I need to organize or update my solutions/projects, I realize how buggy and poor the program actually is. I always end up having to find a hack or run into a nasty trial by failure that forces me start from scratch ...

Loading Settings - Best Practices

I'm at the point in my first real application where I am adding in the user settings. I'm using Java and being very OO (and trying to keep it that way) so here are my ideas: Load everything in the main() and pass it all 'down the line' to the required objects (array) Same as above, but just pass the object that contains the data down t...

Arraylist of custom classes inside My.Settings

I have a Visual Basic .Net 2.0 program. I'm moving the settings from an older settings file, to an app.config program settings file. I'm trying to do this as nicely as possible. So, I added my setting as shown in this image. On load I do this: If My.Settings.databaseConnectionSettings Is Nothing Then My.Settings.database...

How to create Reset button in iPhone Settings

How can I create a "button" in Settings bundle? Something like "Import SIM Contacts" inside Mail settings? Or "Reset Calibration" in Nike + iPod application? Need to have a "Reset Username and Password" button for Settings, if that is a special case... I mean how can I add logic to clear some of other settings, while my own app is not r...

How to apply fomatter and template settings to multiple projects in Eclipse?

I have various interrelated projects in my Eclipse Helios workspace. Some projects use the Java standard coding style with no license header. Some others use similar coding style with 3-space indentation with LGPL 2.1 license header. Some others use tab indentation with Apache License 2 header. They all do not store Eclipse project s...

How to force Visual Studio 2008 to warn about missing header files

I work as the Mac coder on a c++ application which I share with PC coders who use VS2008. When they make changes to a source file that requires an non-included header file they get no warnings, as most of their headers are in a precompiled header. What setting can they use to have them be warned that they failed to add the required inclu...

Storing settings and password in Java SE portably

How should I store program settings and saved password in a desktop Java SE program. Program uses jsch to connect to SSH and should manage passwords and keys. How to do it portably, without implementing separate solutions per OS? Is there a library which will, for example, store things at $HOME/.myapp on GNU/Linux, in registry or in u...

Can I make PSTextFieldSpecifier be read-only

Is there any way I could force PSTextFieldSpecifier be read-only in iPhone Settings view? It has auto-scaling font size, center justification and without title looks just perfect for copyright notice. The problem is that it's editable text. Even when if I would reset value each time app starts up, it's still pretty not-too-nice behaviou...

Question mark in URL for PHP variables makes the link broken. Any idea why?

I don't know what changed in the past--this used to work: Accessing a URL on my server like the following, doesn't work: I'm getting a "Not found The requested address 406.shtml was not found on this server." message. However, if I access this, it works: http://www.domai...

wrong home folder in programs

Hello, I originally installed ubuntu but switched to using kde. Now every gnome programs (e.g. gnome-terminal or gedit) start with ~/Downloads as standard folder. gedit always wants to save in ~/Downloads and gnome-terminal puts me in ~/Downloads. Konsole doesn't. What do I have to change to set this right? ...

how to bind my view model properties to application settings?

My view model MyViewModel has a property MyProperty that i need to read/save from/to the application's settings. My project has Settings.settings file and the Settings type has MyProperty property. i need to bind MyViewModel.MyProperty to Settings.MyProperty so that any changes to MyViewModel.MyProperty are reflected in the Settings.MyPr...

Build multiple (test/prod) versions of Android APKs in Eclipse

Hi guys, I'm looking to optimize generating of slightly different APKs of the same Android app, the only difference being the API server it's using. Ideally, I'd just want my Eclipse to build 2 APKs, one with the prod server and one with the dev one. I'm even OK with having 2 Run configurations, but I haven't been able to figure out h...

Change window opacity when opening a form

I'm trying to change a Form's opacity automatically before loading. I am using built in Settings function to save the value what opacity the window should have. The problem is, when I'm debugging my application, it all works well, when I compile it and try to open the executable, the window just dissapears... I don't get any errors. Thi...

C# Own SettingsProvider problem

I am writing my own settings provider: public static class SettingsProvider { private const string SettingsFilePath = "Settings.xml"; private static ISettings _settings; public static ISettings Settings { get { if (_settings == null) { _settings = readSettings(); ...

How can I get my Facebook app users to change their settings?

The default settings for which information friends can share does NOT allow friends to grant an application access to "interested in and looking for" and "religions and political views". Most Facebook users have not changed these settings, meaning that only the users that have explicitly allowed friends to share interested in informatio...

jquery theme settings options

Creating this theme, I'm pretty new to jquery and struggling as usual. Just watched this tutorial and decided to have a shot at making my own theme settings to simplify customization. This is what i have so far: (function($){ $.fn.themeSettings = function(options) { var slideshow = { ...