
jQuery 1.3.2 and IE 8 problem with hide() and show()

Can someone tell me please why the following example work in Firefox but not in IE 8? Only content_1 work correct in IE 8. Thx vijey. <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $("#sortable").sortable({handle: '#dragable'}); }); $(function(){ var v; $('div[id^="content_"]').hover( function () { v = $(...

jquery show div next to link tag

Can someone please help? I'm new to jquery and I'm stuck on something that seems too simple. Sorry if this is a repost but I couldn't find what I was looking for. I have 2 links on a page and as you hover over one of the links, you show a corresponding div next to the link. Like a dialog popup. Heres what I have, please let me know ...

Displaying GridView When No Data Exists...

I am using a sqldatasource for filling one GridView and on page loading or before taking any action, there is no data (default value=null) and normally the datagrid is empty (using emptydatatext="no records found etc etc...").. Issue is I can not see the header of that grid in empty case, but only the emptydatatext! I have tried to use...

More elegant way to show | hide in jQuery

Hi Guys, I am learning jQuery and just came up with this - but really not sure whether it is the best solution. Would someone be able to assist and tell me whether this is something more "elegant" ? $('#hde_test').hide(); $('#shw_test').click(function() { $('#shw_test').hide(); $('#hde_test').show(); $('.class1').show(); ...

jQuery IE7 bug on multiple .hide listeners

I'm building a product page, can be seen here (, and the script in a singular fashion (not hiding multiple divs with one listener works perfect - can be seen here by clicking on "Read List" under Zombie Map Pack) works perfectly. My question is, what can I do to ma...

run threads on server side & show progress on client side possible???

I want to run a thread pool on server side & want to show threads work progress on client side. Is this possible. If so kindly guide me. thanx in advance ...

How to detect when window is closed when using Show() in WinForms C#

I've been using ShowDialog() in following way for all my new Windows. SomeGui test = new SomeGui(); test.ShowDialog(); refreshSomeListView(); However recently I've started to use Show() instead of ShowDialog() and it's working much better. The only drawback of this is that refreshSomeListView(); cannot be used like in example above s...

Python crashes when plotting with matplotlib in module importing swig generated wrapper

I have a python module that imports a module generated with swig. When I try to call the show() function of matplotlib later in that module, python crashes without any hint, what went wrong. When I comment the import statement with the swig generated module out, everything works fine. Does anybody have a clue to what could be the reason ...

jQuery toggling div visibility

I have a HTML document with the below setup: <div class="main-div" style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid green;"> <div class="first-div" style="width: 200px; height: 200px; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid purple"> First Div <a href="#" class="control">Control</a> </div> <div class="second-div hidden" style="wid...

Why will show() only work for fields that are hidden using inline css?

I am hiding an element using inline css, like so: <span class="hidden-nojs" style="display:none">Some text</span> Next I use jQuery to show the element, like so: $(".hidden-nojs").show(); This works great. As soon as I remove the inline css and put display:none on the external css stylesheet for the hidden-nojs class, it stops work...

jQuery Show a Textbox When an Option is Selected

I have the following code: <select> <option value="Type 1">Type 1</option> <option value="Type 2">Type 2</option> <option value="Type 3">Type 3</option> <option value="Other">Other</option> </select> <input type="text" id="other" /> What I want to do is using jQuery make the textbox below hidden by default, and then show it if a user...

Chrome + jQuery hide/show inline

Hello I have these things <ul class="ul_std" style="float:right"> <li class="action_buttons" ><a id="button_deleteNormal" class="button_small button_small_red" >Διαγραφή</a></li> <li class="action_buttons"><a id="button_editCancel" class="button_small" >Ακύρωση Τροποποίησης</a></li> <li cl...

ruby on rails photo upload problem

Hallo rails version 2.3.5 I'm learning rails and I run into a problem. I'm doing some nesting forms from the railscasts tutorials. I changed the text area into a data field to upload photos and everything is working. Now i have to display the uploaded pictures and i simply can't do it. I Tried everything I could find on the net but...

jquery show hide replace area

how can i use jQuery to show/hide the same div area... essentially swapping out content? here is what i have so far, and i cant figure out how to hide the previous content and replace it with the new content: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $('.content').hide(); $('a').click(function()...

JQuery not Working in chrome?

Hi everyone! I have some code here which works perfectly in firefox but not in chrome or IE, my javascript is thus ` $(document).ready(function() { $("#clientLoginPop").show(); $("#clientLoginPop").animate({"left": "-=400px"}, "fast"); }); ...

Winforms - why does a "Show()" after a system tray double click end up in my app minimized?

Hi Winforms - why does a "Show()" after a system tray double click end up in my app minimized? How do I ensure Inthe notifyicon double click event that my hidden main form comes back visible as normal, not minimized (nor maximised for that matter too) ...

Dynamic paging using divs and Javascript

I have a recordset loop that creates a table, and every 9 items it wraps a div around them so basically looks like: <div> <table>rs1, rs2 ----> rs9</table> </div> <div> <table>rs10, rs11 ----> rs18</table> </div> etc... Now, I want it so at first only the first div is showing and the others are hidden, but I have ASP loop that genera...

trying to show/hide a div but something is not working

window.addEvent('domready', function(){ $('detail_block_table').addEvent('click', function(){ if ($('detail_showDiv').getStyle('display') == 'none') { $('detail_showDiv').setStyle('display','block'); } else { $('detail_showDiv').setStyle('display','none'); } }); }); ...

jQuery if something is more than value then hide and add a button to show whats hidden?

Hi guys! Exactly what my title says is the problem Im having right now. Im checking a div for how many links php printed and if there is more than 10 Id like to hide them and add a button that says read more and then it show the rest of the links. $(document).ready(function() { var newsRss = $('#rssNews >li').length; ...

How to store MySQL warnings in database?

I'd like to store warnings caused by some SQL statements in the database. E.g. after mysql> select 1/0; +------+ | 1/0 | +------+ | NULL | +------+ 1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec) mysql> show warnings; +-------+------+---------------+ | Level | Code | Message | +-------+------+---------------+ | Error | 1365 | Division by 0 |...