
pushing the button of cancel the value must return the initial value but it dosn't work.

$('#mdialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 320, buttons: { Apply: function() { <!--alert($('#slider').slider('option', 'value'));--> try{ SendCommandToAO($('#slider').slider('option', 'value'), 'AO=a1c1p1', 0, 65535, 0, 65535, -1); } catch(e) { //...

jquery ui slider with tooltip?

Is it possible to have tooltip in jquery ui slider? Or is there other/better slider plugins with this in it already? Also if i use jquery ui's range slider, is it possible to have two different kind of tabs (the thing that you slide)? ...

How to create Jquery products slider?

Hi all, I am trying to create jquery slider that could slide DIV's. I need something like jCarousel or jquery Moving Boxes. It should be simple sliding of 3 items at a time. <div class="all-items"> <div class="item"><img src="">Item text 1</div> <div class="item"><img src="">Item text 2</div> <div class="item"><img src="">Item ...

Weird Behavior with Jquery image slideshow... Help!

I built a jquery slideshow based on the tutorial found here: It seems to be working perfectly fine, except that it behaves strangley right at the beginning when it displays the first image. The first image appears like normal and then flashes, f...

round slider select

I am in need of a jquery based 360 rotational slider I want the user to be able to grab the end and rotate it 360 degrees anyone know of anything like that I can't seem to find one ...

JQuery Slider, Need to Create a Slider with range as Current Date - 3 Months...

I am new to Jquery but my task is to create a Slider in Jquery, which will have a range as Current Date to (Last 3 Months Date). Slider --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Below is Just a Reference, the Slider should have a callout box or an area to show the Current Date which is selected) 1---------...

jquery ui multiple sliders and their values during form validation

Hello everyone I m setting up 5 sliders using jQuery UI in a form like this: $(".slider").slider({ step: 1, min:0, max:10, value: 5, start: // start logic, slide: function(event, ui) { //slide logic }, stop: function(event, ui) { //stop logic } }); The sliders are part of a form with other fields like name, emai...

jQuery slider not visible after container div is toggled

I have a page which contains a jQuery-UI horizontal slider, created using a little function, inside a div which can be displayed / hidden by clicking on it's title, using $.toggle(). Problem is, once the div is hidden, when it is expanded the slider is gone. A simplified demo of the problem can be seen here:

jquery content slider

this content slider works fine in IE8, and i just tested on FF with FireBug 1.5 and could not find why it doesnt work in FireFox... can anyone else find why its not working in FF? ...

Android slide bar widget ?

Is there any slide bar widget to which i will place few icons and user can slide them it will role in and rol out from screen. ...

Radion button unclickable / uncheckable due to jQuery script (slider)

I'm using a jQuery slider script to show and hide content. The script works perfectly but has one downside: radio buttons inside the sliding div are unclickable / cannot be checked. If you hit the radio button of "Keuzerondjes" or "Selectievakjes", you'll see a div slides out - and that the radio button you just hit isn't checked. Does...

Slider value available between different cocoa classes

I am playing around with an iPhone app, and need to accomplish something that I am sure is very basic: I have a slider that is implemented in a Controller.m class. However, I need its value must be available in a different class, MainView.m class where I have defined an equation that depends on the value of the slider. How can I do i...

Slider with default functionality

Hi All, I am trying to create a slider like this example. pls anyone help me. <link type="text/css" href="ui.all.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquer...

Dual slider control with custom skin

Hi All, I'm currently trying to create a page for users to select two points from a range, using a slide control. The first point in the range is when an alert will be sent to the user, the second point is a max limit. What I would like to do is have the bar colored green from the 0 point to the first slider point, then orange between t...

Jquery Slider functionality

Hi all, Please go to : . As you can see there is a carousel effect in the header and it goes forward and backwards once you click on the arrows or press left/right key. But i want to display 1st panel along with 2 and 3 but it displaying 2nd panel along with 3 and 4 on load This carousel effect uses jqu...

jquery range slider not sliding after changing min value after init

I init my range slider on loading of the page: $("#slider").slider({ range: true, min: 634606, max: 734818, step: 1, values: [634606, 734818] }) on user input (html form) i retrieve data from the server with an ajax request. The data has to limit the slider (user input). I'm ...

Binding a slider value on the height of its thumb in WPF

Hi, I have a databinding problem in WPF. I would like to "customise" a slider in a way that the thumb grows when you move the slider to the right and the thumb shrinks when you move the slider to the left. So I edited the template for the slider and changed the look of the slider so the slider looks like I want it to. But now I have ...

Android: How can i make my page slide as the user slides finger on the screen?

How can i make my page slide as the user slides finger on the screen in android? Any example code? I just require the same feel as it is on my android g-phone's home screen.The screen moves as the finger moves(also includes the elastic effect). ...

Looking for a jQuery plugin that scrolls HTML content continuously on mouseover and in a loop

I've looked at a lot of various jQuery plugins that I thought I could tweak to get working the way I want but so far have been unsuccessful. I'm not sure if there is a plugin out there that meets these requirements or if I should just write my own (although I'm a bit of a novice!). The requirements: Scroll HTML containers left/right ...

Is there a jQuery equivalent of this flash effect? (sliding effect)

I know Coda Slider and Easy Slider. But, I would like a jQuery plugin which shows the next and previous image with low opacity. Like this example: Should I just modify Coda Slider or Easy Slider to obtain that result? Or there's a plugin which has the whole effect? ...