
Looking for a Office 2007 Style zoom slider template

Has anyone seen a good template for a Office 2007 style zoom slider? As shown in this picture ...

[jQuery] Next and Previous Slide Button Functionality i++, i--

Hi Ya'll, I had a great experience asking a question last time and thought I'd come back for more help. You guys are wonderful. Thank you in advance. I am working with a featured post slider that advances through 4 posts automatically. I would like to add next and previous buttons. I know that I need to attach some kind of .click()...

iPhone Unlock Slider With Mootools?

I try to make a slider similar to the iPhone unlock Slider, that forwards to a linked site, when complete, and returns to its initial position when the slider wasn't dragged to the end. This is not meant to be a iPhone webapp, i just want to put this to a general website as a effect. So far I've tried those two tests, but i'm stuck on ...

JQuery Slider alternative?

I am using the JQuery Slider control for use as a double sided slider. It's a great UI control but I'm looking for an alternative that isn't so "fat". Right now, just for me to use the Slider control, I have to include: JQuery core JQuery UI core JQuery Slider plugin When I both minimize using Google's awesome Closure (minimizer)...

jQuery sliders control each other

Hello, I have created two sliders with jQuery but each slider controls the other, how can I resolve this? $(function() { $.extend($.ui.slider.defaults, { handle: ".slider-handle", min: 0, max: 45, start: function(e,ui){ }, slide: function(e,ui){ var handleVal ...

continuous loop with divs and jquery

Hi - I'm continuing a previous post, but I thought I'd open a new thread since it takes a different approach and has more actual code. Anyway, I'm trying to get an infinite loop going with divs scrolling through a window (the other post has an image, and the code below works). <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" co...

Slider control in SeekBar really my best/only option?

I'm using SeekBar as a slider because I can't find anything else, but I have to do so much hacky work because it doesn't allow me to set a minimum value or go in between ints. So, any time I need a slider to start at a value other than 0 or return a floating point number, I have to set a max value that doesn't describe the true max valu...

Get correct start position when using jQuery slider for a scrollable pagination

Hi! I am building a script for handling very long paginations. For this I use jQuery slider. I using some modified functions from here. This is the js code so far. The only thing that is missing is the pagination div to move to the correct position (slider does) when the script loads. On initialization I just want to run the same func...

Shift UIImageView or similar Picture trough view

Hello, i want to shift images trough the app, maybe like in the album or something similar, so that i can watch one image after the next,... how would you program that? Such a kind of sliding would be nice ...

Jquery: iphone "slide to unlock"

I want to create a jquery script that works like the iphones "slide to unlock" bar. i want to have 2 divs, the container, and the slider. i want to be able to drag the slider to the right, and when the slider reaches the very right of the container, have it do something. i don't want to use jqueryUI in doing this, that library is too bl...

slider control in javascript

i want the full code for a js slider control for range selector like 5 miles,10miles,....upto50.. please help me........... ...

Using jQuery range slider with TableSorter

I recently scrapped a project that utilized a few different jQuery technologies. After deciding to use Tablesorter (or any other sorting method), I found that I simply had to use it. I have a list of data and am in need of finding a method to sort it. There is a catch: it needs to also include the range slider. I have a table with ea...

Jquery horizontal slider for categorylist

Hi, im trying to create a sliding horizontal menu with different categories. I would like to use one div layer that has a fixed width value, and another div inside this one with more width that the first one. This way only part of this second div could be visible. Im having two problems: The categorylist html code is not working prop...

Isolating jQuery to only contained elements

I have been looking for awhile, and I am just too new with JQuery and javascript to figure out where I am going wrong. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I have the script below, which works great for one element. How can I modify this to work with multiple elements? If I have multiple elements on the page the slider will scroll ever...

slider that also magnifies around cursor

It can be difficult to use (webpage) sliders that cover a large range with fine granularity. On the one hand, it is easy to move across the range. On the other hand, it is difficult to locate the exact point one wants, assuming a fine enough granularity. I was thinking that a magnify effect around the cursor could solve this problem (a...

Jquery UI Slider - Assigning a name to values

I need to assign names to the values of a Jquery UI slider is this possible? Here's the code so far: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#slider_style").slider({ value:2, min: 1, max: 3, step: 1, slide: function(event, ui) { $("#style...

IE 6 Compatible Content Slider suggestions

Hi Folks, I am working on a site that requires a selection of images to appear in a tabbed featured content area. Does anyone know of a good (IE=>6) compatible content slider that would allow me to do this? Any language goes, but the simpler the better. Thanks! ...

How to expand a Slider to fill the available space when the slider is within a StackPanel

Inserting a Slider in a Grid would expand it to fill the available space, but I would prefer not use a grid for the following reason: I've a TextBlock and a Slider in a UserControl, the slider is spring loaded and does jog / shuttle; the current value has to be displayed because the user can't rely on the neutral cursor's position, so t...

YUI date slider?

Does anyone know about a YUI double-thumb slider that could be used for dates? I'd love to have a slider that lets a user select min/max date for a query. Each tick could be for the first day of the month. A user could then pick, for example, Jan 1, 2002 as a min and July 1, 2004 as a max. ...

Slider Component Using Apache MyFaces

I am using Apache MyFaces Trinidad implementation in my application I currently need a slider component and Trinidad implementation does not have a slider component. Can anyone tell me a way to get around this ?? ...