
I seek parser markdown-file for presentation

hi, I search web-based markdown-file parser to presentation. I want to presentation from online markdown-file, realtime parse. Because I want to manege markdown-files on git repository like github. I try to parse on ruby script(gem) 'slideshow' or 'slidedown'. It is very useful but it need parsed before. I know javascript base present...

How to start/stop CrossSlide (jQuery)

I found that CrossSlide causes video playback on the same page to stutter quite badly. My thought was to have the cross slide effect on the same page stop or pause during video play back, annd then start again when video stops. Id doesn't look like there is any start stop function included. Does any one know how I might be able to acco...

Hand off variable to html

So instead paying $35 for slideshowpro for lightroom, I just decided to whip up a quick javascript slideshow to do a simple task. Rotate 10 images within a div, randomly. It works like so: var imageSrc = "source_folder/"; var imageType = ".jpg"; var randomImage = imageSrc + 0 + Math.floor(#*Math.random()) + imageType; (This isn't all ...

How to convert a S5 presentation into PDF?

I am using reStructuredText & rst2s5 to create S5 slide presentations. It is great but I also want to have the presentation in PDF. How can I convert S5 to PDF? S5 are HTML based... one of S5 features is to create print-outs of your presentation. So when I try to use a PDF printer from the browser I just get print-outs. I want to a PDF ...

How to resume Windows 7 slideshow after restoring default wallpaper

I use SystemParametersInfo to remove the Desktop wallpaper. SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, _T(""), SPIF_SENDCHANGE) later I restore it with the same method. SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, NULL, SPIF_SENDCHANGE) That worked fine for all Windows versions including Vista. But with Windows 7 I found out that th...

3 jQuery Applications Together - Problem With IE6

I've combined 3 jQuery applications - sortable tabs from jQueryUI, slideshow from Six Revisions, and John Nunemaker's FancyZoom. It can be seen here. The combined application works well in FF, Chrome, and Safari, but in IE6 the slideshow does not work properly. The slides overlap the left control button making it non-functional. Help p...

jQuery image index for a slideshow

I've made a small slideshow script to cycle through a list of images. The problem with it is selecting the current index during the next() and prev() functions. When viewing the slideshow, it performs one too many next()'s resulting in no image being shown for one slide. The index is too high. When click prev(), it seems to sit at 0 ind...

Doubt regarding slideshow effect in iPhone

I m trying to do slideshow effect in iPhone as like in iTunes. One Image at the middle and the others at the left and ride side arranged in the manner of floppies in rack. but I not even a single clue for that. Can any one help me out? ...

Slideshow in Javascript without framework, animation?

The issue I am having is fairly complicated to explain. I have written up a javascript that displays an image slideshow, and it works fairly well, despite using up more resources than I would like // imgArr[] is populated before var i = 0; var pageLoaded = 0; window.onload = function() {pageLoaded = 1;} function loaded(i,f) { if (...

Slideshow on UIWebview?

Is it possible to run a slideshow in UIWebview control on iPhone? When I open picasa on my UIWebview it does not show the top bar with slideshow button, as it shows in Safari. Please help. ...

Random image using javascript, not reloading image from cache.

Hi all, Im working on DotNetNuke BTBRandomImage module and this a custumization of the module to randomly change images on a timer based event. This has been implemented using javascript. But the problem is evertime when the "src" of image is changed it requests the image again from the server. This increases the number of http requests...

Standalone jQuery or MooTools version of YooTools YOOcarousel

I was wondering if anyone knows of a jQuery or MooTools script that will do the exact same thing as YOOcarousel ( I'm looking to emulate the 'List Styling' setup they have where on the left you have the tabbed navigation and on the right it fades in/out thru each of the tabbed items as t...

jquery: for each request image load from URL, jquery not using already cached images

Hi guys i have wrote a small slideshow script and the problem is: Each time slideSwitch() function is called it loads images from server every time even when the image is cached in the browser cache. here is the code $(function() { playSlideshow = setInterval(slideSwitchTimed, 4000 ); }); function slideSwitchTimed() { $active ...

What are the options for a browser-agnostic way of doing a web slideshow with audio?

I have a requirement to put together an application which will generate a web slide show. It needs to be able to do fancy transitions between multiple images (in a browser) and also provide audio while those images are being displayed. The transitions between images must be delayed until the audio is finished (each image will have its o...

jQuery slideshow

I'm trying to create my own slideshow. The following code fades from one image to another. I'd like to cycle from img1.jpg to img4.jpg but i'm not sure how to pause after each change. i++; temp = "img"+i+".jpg"; $("#img").fadeOut(function() { $(this).load(function() { $...

Looking for an image rotator with a numbered tab

Hi Not sure this is the sort of question I should be asking here but here goes... I'm looking to find a flash or javascript applet that can display say 5 images and at the bottom of the images there is a tab with a number on that you can use to jump to that image. I can't think of a way of searching for this particular thing, and I ca...

fast jquery image slide show

as we know that in jquery / Ajax we have lot of slide show projects, but i am looking for fast slide show of images specially for slow internet connections, most of the scripts load all the image on page load which make it slow. one idea may be it load one or two images at a time then load next two images once page is loaded and contin...

What's a jquery plugin for alternating images that comes with a number navigation menu?

Basically I have a list of images that are to be displayed as a slide show. I was looking for a plugin that has numbers that display each slide, and can also be used to navigate between them. Thanks for the help. ...

mootools slideshow2

hello everyone. i am using slideshow2 by Aeron Glemann in a website.Does in generate the thumbnails or do i have to provide them?the images iam showing are coming from a cloud, and are passed to the slideshow in an array.the thumbs exist in the cloud. how can i pass them in the array if the show cannot create them? i have used the repla...

jquery slide show - why does this code work?

I was in the middle of coding a slideshow in javascript using jquery, when I ran into something that was doing what my several lines of code was doing in a couple lines. Problem is, I don't comprehend how it works so I can modify it. var imgs = [ 'image1.jpg', 'image2.jpg', 'image3.jpg']; var cnt = imgs....