
Stack Overflow error on Color Changer Function

i have two color "red" also "Salmon". i need create dynamiclly panel also panel background color. These colors must be between two color(red public Color x, y; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BackGroundColorArranger(Color.Red, Color.Salmon); } void BackGroundColorArrang...

Visualising StackOverFlow!

Hey All, I recently downloaded the stack overflow xml dump, and began playing around with the files. I plan to develop some visualisations of the data, for the community of course, but I am wondering does anybody have any suggestions on how they would like to view or indeed interact with this data? Social Network Analysis springs to ...

Protect.exe for AutoLISP code protection

I am developing an architectural LISP-based package for a member of the IntelliCAD consortium. Per recommendations I have found on websites, I have used the Kelvinator to deformat and disguise some of the code. Now I am attempting to use Protect.exe to encrypt the code. The exe seemed to work until I tried to put use a folder name in ...

Providing open source support from

We're starting an new open source project soon and was wondering if I could provide halp and support to the community via stackoverflow by directing our users to raising their questions there. The material would be fairly technical but I could imagine there would be some posts that fall outside the sweet-spot for stackoverflow. I can se...

How did stackoverflow create a xml data dump of those large tables?

Inspired by the xml data dump stackoverflows makes I wondered how to make them myself. I use the same tooling as they do (SqlServer and C#) but when the tables are so big I guess you wouldn't do a 'select * from questions' and iterate over it while writing it to xml via an XMLWriter class. ...

Flex Popup Window: Stack Overflow?

I'm somehow creating a stack overflow in Flex 3...I'm trying to get data out of a modal dialogue window as such: Main application: var myPopup:MyPopup; function buttonClick( event:MouseEvent ):void { myPopup = MyPopup( PopUpManager.createPopUp( this, MyPopUp, true ) ); myPopup.addEventListener( CloseEvent.CLOSE, handler, false, 0, tru...

Revisited:Stack Overflow in Fortran program

I am getting stack overflow when executing the following code in Compac Fortran. Specially for the line: DIMENSION IZ(NX,NY),VX(NX-1,NY-1),VY(NX-1,NY-1),VZ(NX-1,NY-1) What I am doing is to read the NX,NY,DX,DY from a parameter file. Any suggestions? PARAMETER(NGMAX=30000) INTEGER NX,NY,DX,DY OPEN(6,FILE='MGSTAO...

linq to sql + stackoverflow exception when querying objects

OK, i have confirmed i only this issue when i attempt to query on the primary key if that primary key in the entity is set to 'Auto Generated Value' -- but w/o this, how can i insert? Sorry if this is a noob linq2sql but i just started working with it. How does one go about using Linq to Sql with this option turned off but also have th...

Tomcat stack overflow error

I have tomcat located here: /work/tomcat So, /work/tomcat/conf is where configuration is located The default webapps are in /work/tomcat/webapps I have created a folder /work/tomcat/foocom I have a virtual host set up to the domain with an appBase="foocom" I start my server and visit in the browser and see the index fi...

How stackoverflow team is organized?

Stackoverflow is one of the greatest web applications I've ever seen. It's not just its purpose, but also its quality, design and speed. Is it just 6 people doing all the hard work? (I don't know if I can call these guys people since they are jedis). Are you using SCRUM or something like that? Are you all doing everything or do you h...

How SO architecture copes up with so much of data and it scales so efficiently

I just wonder how efficient the architecture of SO and want to know how it has been implemented. ...

User Details like in stackoverflow at the bottom of each question and answer

Hi, I was wondering how implemented user info below each post , based on data dump of stackoweflow in Posts table are : OwnerDisplayName and OwnerUserId records, but what about reputation score s and badges ? are there made joins to user table on each post ? Is there other way to get such info? Maybe i...

How does Stackoverflow's homepage filtering work?

How does Stackoverflow's homepage filtering work? I believe the questions that appear on the homepage are specifically related to your interests, which are indicated by the tags that you look at, question ans answer. Does anyone know the name of the algorithm/technique or have some basic details (nothing that violated their IP) about h...

Stack overflow when opening menu with ApplicationCommands in C#

When I add an ApplicationCommands command to a MenuItem in my file menu, no matter via XAML or via code, when I open the menu the application crashes in a stack overflow, with absolutely no details about the problem. When I remove the Command, the problem also disappears. It doesn't matter which ApplicationCommand I use. Part of the cal...

I keep getting stack overflows when trying to use Spirit to parse stuff

I figured when I started getting stack overflow it was time to come here to ask ;) I'm trying to learn how to use Boost Spirit right now. I've figured out the basic stuff. Since I had K&R handy (which contains the grammar of C) I decided to see if I could make an acceptor for the language. This was more or less my original goal anyway, ...

How do i remove an 'Ingore These Tags' from preferences

I see the add but no delete. thx ...

feature: stackoverflow should display search term

Yeah, not a question - just a minor usability idea. I often have multiple tabs open at SO, and it'd be nice to see the search term I used on a given tab... just in simple text somewhere in the top section of the UI. ...

What is the difference between a stack overflow and buffer overflow ?

What is different between stack overflow and buffer overflow in Programming ? ...

how to format source code in stackoverflow

I should remember this, but how to you format source code in stackoveflow? ...

flex combobox customize problem

Hi All , I'm new to flex and i need to create item and subitems in combobox, where only subitem is clickable. similar to what is shown in the given link as under: but here both header and option are clicked at the same time whereas i need that onl...