
Swipe gesture in iPhone SDK 4.0?

How do i put a swipe gesture in the new iPhone SDK? I'm trying to detect a swipe gesture over a UIImageView? A swipe up and a swipe down? ...

iPhone - Catch horizontal swipes -before- subview

I have a view, that is able to go back to the previous view. Let's say this is a questionnaire. So my main view is the questionnaireView(Controller), and it has a subview which shows a question with 2 possible answers. When one answers the question, one presses next, and the questionnaireView(Controller) shows the next question in that ...

Flick/swipe more than just images with jQTouch photo gallery extension

The jQTouch photo gallery extension (demo) is fantastic, but it only works for images (<img>s). I would like to have the same flicking/swiping effect with multiple "page" (<div>s). Has anyone tried to tweak this extension to make it more general, so it works with more than just images? Or, is there any other library (e.g. jQuery plugins...

How to add my swipe code to UISearchDisplayController's SearchResultsTableView

Hello All, I have implemented the Tweetie like swipe action on a UITableViewController which has custom drawn cells using a UITableViewCell subclass. For this I have used the code provided here: http://thermoglobalnuclearwar.com/opensource/ My UITableViewController has a UISearchDisplayController implemented and the searches are work...

How to add my swipe code to UISearchDisplayController's SearchResultsTableView

Hello All, I have implemented the Tweetie like swipe action on a UITableViewController which has custom drawn cells using a UITableViewCell subclass. For this I have used the code provided here: http://thermoglobalnuclearwar.com/opensource/ My UITableViewController has a UISearchDisplayController implemented and the searches are work...

How to recognize swipe gesture in UIScrollView

I'm trying to recognize left/right swipe gesture in a UIScrollView. I've tried to create UISwipeGestureRecognizers and associate them with the scroll view. It works but very rarely. Most of the time I do not get called. Why? How can I reliably get swiping left/right to work? Can I use the gesture recognizers or do I have to somehow hand...

iPhone / iPad / iPod swipe events javascript

Im looking for (if possible) javascript libraries/plugins to provide swipe events. However I am not after the simple detection of a swipe, for example what jqTouch provides. I wish to create behavior similar to that of the images viewer on the iPod devices. So for example you drag left or right to go to the next image. You have to drag ...

Android viewflipper flicker

I have a ViewFlipper with multiple views added dynamically. I override onTouchEvent (and onInterceptTouchEvent) in order to get the down, move and up events on the views, so I know when to animate left and right. Now everything works fine, except that there is a small flicker (one of the other views is displayed on top for a split secon...

Gesture problems with a ViewFlipper that contains a ListView

I have a ViewFlipper where one of the views is a ListView. To move back and forth between the views, I have a GestureListener that detects left and right swipes. Sometimes the left & right swipes interfere with the ListView. That is, when I want to switch to the next view by swiping left/right, I may accidentally click on an item in my l...

Passing scroll gesture to UIScrollView from another view

Hi, I do have a view that has a UIScrollView and over it there is a view that display some text. When the user swipes over this view that contains text the UIScrollView won't scroll. How to make this view transparent in a way it relays the swipe gesture to UIScrollView. Thanks ...

Swipe to change UIViewContent

Hej folks, I got an UIView in my application and want to implement kind of a swipe gesture. I know how I detect this gesture (touchesBegan: and touchesEnded: for example is x coordinates are distanced more than 100 pixels or something else) but I really don´t now how to animate my needs. In fact my UIView will contain subviews which are...

how to implement swipe in table view iphone

i have a table view. i divided it into 3 sections. i want to implement swipe in this tableview. when i swipe in table view, next view will be loaded. How to implement this? Thanks in advance ...

Advice on iPhone Horizental UIScrollView

Dear All, I'm trying to create a UIScrollView (horizental) where the user can swipe through images left and right as seen in this photo (http://i.imgur.com/GvtOr.jpg), where tapping on a photo would trigger an event. I just need general advice on how to structure this programmatically, would really appreciate it. ...

Iphone : detecting drag / swipe direction starting from a button

Hello everyone I trying to make a swipe mechanism for a view that might have buttons on it. Without a button its a piece of cake. However if your finger starts on the button, you can trigger an event (drag outside) but that does not tell me the direction. So how can I detect the direction of a swipe / drag where your fingers starts...

iOS Advanced Gestures: Getting Swipe Direction Vector

Looking through the documentation, it seems that the new advanced gestures API doesn't determine the direction of a swipe beyond the basic { left, right, up, down }. I need the start point of the swipe and the direction. Is there anyway to retrieve this other than coding my own advanced gesture library from scratch out the basic gestur...

iPhone SDK - MPMoviePlayerController inside a UIScrollView?

I trying to put some images a videos inside a UIScrollView. If I scroll to the MediPlayer I can't change the position if the UIScrollView anymore. It is like the MoviePlayer takes all the swipe/touch events. Is there any way to pass all swipes to the UIScrollView? This is my code so far: for (int i=0; i<[self.photoSet count]; i++) { ...

Gesture in listview android

hi i have to add a gesture to my listview,i want to implement the same functionality of contact application. when i left swipe it should send a message,right swipe it should call. can anyone help me how to do those gesture detection... i have implemented it in various other views... but i couldn't do for listView... i don't what going wo...

How can I Unit Test Gestures in android?

I want to unit test a swipe left/right action on the screen in Android but I haven't been able to find any documentation on it. Can anyone lend a hand? Can it even be done? ...

how to implement fling in android listview

Hi, I would like to implement onfling (or some similar swipe) in listview in each and every item in list. If I swipe that particular item it should display three buttons next to the name. Is there any idea to implement this. ...

How to create and draw a visual swipe gesture...

I'd like to try implementing a visual swipe for an iPhone project, like they do in some games, like Fruit Ninja. As you drag your finger around the screen, it leaves a trail that disappears after a while. I would think that you could have a fixed number of points in the "chain" and as new points are added to the front, old ones are rem...