
iphone tiling an image

I have an image which is 1280 x 1664 and I want to use the ScrollViewSuite example that Apple gives us but I need to cut this image up to multiple zoom levels. So, does anybody know how I can tile an image at multiple zoom levels. There must be an easy way to tilling an image to 256x256 without cutting it by hand via photoshop? ...

Struts2 with Rest and Tiles

Hello I try to create a struts2 based webapp that is using the rest-plugin and the tiles-plugin together. This works fine for me exept when i using validation. I have a login Exception with an create method for the validation like this. @Validations(requiredStrings = { @RequiredStringValidator(type = ValidatorType.FIELD, fieldN...

How to: python script + imagemagic = windows application ?

Hi guys. I have a small problem. I have a script in python, which uses imagemagic. It works fine on my Mac, or Linux. But I need to give it to the client, and he uses Windows. Actually the question: how can I build applications for it, and on what to do Gui. (Perhaps you know the finished product is open source, who knows how to resize i...

Method for determining a tile's subtype based on surrounding tiles

In a tile based game, how could a tile identified as just a "road tile" in an array determine what kind of road tile it should be (horizontal road, vertical road, left turn, etc)? So, the array that describes the map would be like this: There are generic grass tiles and generic road tiles. However, when the map is actually rendered f...

Is it possible to tile images in a UIScrollView without having to manually create all the tiles?

In the iPhone sample code "PhotoScroller" from WWDC 2010, they show how to do a pretty good mimmic of the Photos app with scrolling, zooming, and paging of images. They also tile the images to show how to display high resolution images and maintain good performance. Tiling is implemented in the sample code by grabbing pre scaled and cut...

What to do when Apache Tiles 2.1 does nothing when it has to ?

Hello, readers (girl) and readers (boy), I have a slighly f%*#@ probelm with Apache Tiles 2.1, I work with : Struts Apache Tiles 2.1 Spring 3.0.3 Spring Security 3.0.3 My problem is : Apache Tiles does not work on each JSPs, it seems to have problem with <tiles:insertAttribute name="body" /> This insert no data. When i s...

How to create a big image file from many tiles in java ?

My program produces 10 x 10 tiles images of 3000x3000 pixel, one by one (currently saved to 100 files named image_x_y.jpg) I want to assemble these 100 images into one big image, without loading everything in memory. My goal is to create one big image file, of 30'000 * 30'000 pixels. I'm looking for a way to do this without using JAI (...

how to configure apache tiles to read jsps from inside jar files?

Hi, The architecture of my web application is highly modular. I am using apache tiles as the templating framework. The app modules are bundled as different jar files and put inside WEB-INF/lib folder. So each jar file will contain its own tiles configuration files (containing tiles definitions) and related jsp templates. I am using Com...

Tilemap - Collision layer necessary?

hey. I'm creating a 2d side scrolling game and have a question regarding the collision. I've been reading various articles and a few of them say that you should have a collision layer, which is exactly the same style as the tile layer but simply stores bits. I understand this logic, but what if my tiles are actually structs that contain...

WPF chessboard - how to draw in XAML

I need to draw a chessboard in WPF. I'm new in WPF and writing some working code in XAML is quite complicated for me. So far I read that I should probably use a TileBrush however I don't really know how to use it. I also read that some people draw boards using UniformGrid, however I don't know how to fill in the grid's cells in the prop...

UrlBasedViewResolver and Apache Tiles2 in Spring 3

Hi people, I've got the following exception while trying to open the URL http://localhost:8080/app/clientes/agregar: javax.servlet.ServletException: Could not resolve view with name 'clientes/agregar' in servlet with name 'Spring MVC Dispatcher Servlet' My mvc-config.xml is the following: <mvc:annotation-driven /> <bean class="org.s...

Drawing 2D Sprite (Bitmap) TIles Efficiently

I'm writing a 2d tile-based engine. Currently, my drawing routine uses the C# Drawing library to redraw every visible tile every time the screen refreshes. I got scrolling and zooming to work, and everything looks the way I want it to. But the routine is slow. Now I'm trying to improve it. I've a couple of questions: First, I think redr...

spring GenericFilterBean usage

I'm using spring GenericFilterBean as a filter to display the menu of my application. A shopping cart is there part of menu. When the user adds an item to the cart the database gets updated. I can see the updated cart value in the filter. And putting the value to the HttpServletRequest from the filter. But the jsp page displays the old v...

how to include tiles definition attributes in an inserted page

I have a tiles-defs.xml that has these definitions... <definition name="masterLayout" path="/WEB-INF/tiles-layouts/globalLayout.jsp"> <put name="pageTemplate" value="over-ride for each page" /> </definition> <definition name="childLayout" extends="masterLayout"> <put name="pageTemplate" value="/WEB-INF/tiles-layouts/child/layou...

How do I have common error page templates with tiles in a Spring/MVC 3.0 app?

I have a Spring MVC/3.0 app using tiles as it's view, this is working fine however I can't figure out how to get the error pages to also use tiles. I have in my web.xml <error-page> <error-code>404</error-code> <location>/WEB-INF/error/404.jsp</location> </error-page> which works fine as an ordinary view NOT using tiles, however ...

setting view name in spring filter

I've an ErrorFilter which extends the spring GenericFilterBean. I want to show an error page decorated with tiles if some error happens. Is there any way to set a view name from the filter? <filter> <filter-name>errorFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>com.abc.filter.ErrorFilter</filter-class> <init-param> <param-nam...

displaying tiled map in Gtk+ app

Hi I am about to embark on a project that will involve a GUI application that will need to display a map interface, generated from a global map tile cache (on local disk) at different levels of zoom. The app will be written using Gtk, and while I am fairly familiar with the basic Gtk widgets, I am unsure how to approach the map interfa...

Breadcrumbs using struts 1 and Tiles

Hi guys, I need to implement breadcrumbs on an application that is written in Struts (Version 1) and Tiles. Are there any resources that provide information on how to achieve this? i.e any tags already available? I am looking at struts-layout but i cant work out how to implement the crumb as dynamic. Thanks ...

how to convert tjp fileformat (tiled jpeg) ?

Hi, does anyone know how i can convert a tjp (tiled jpeg file) to another fileformat as jpeg, png, etc.? It would be great if i can convert them in batch, because i have lots of these files. kind regards, Daan ...

Spring MVC 3.0 and Apache Tiles 2

Howdy, I'm currently in a Spring MVC 3 based project, and found out about Apache Tiles 2 the other day, I think Tiles 2 is a heck of framework that I could make good use in my project, but before I commit to it, I would like to know if it integrates well with Spring MVC 3, given that Tiles' inherent relationship with Struts. Spring als...