
<jsp:forward> doesn't work with tiles framework? Please help

Hi all, I have recently decided to implement struct framework with my current project. All are good except there a number of pages that uses , the particular page forwarding statement stopped working. The pages that used are all part of the "body" of the tiles. Say I have a Register.jsp page that uses signup.jsp as its body thru tiles...

Where can I buy game sprites and tiles?

Yes, I'd prefer to buy them instead of using "free" or "free" with some kind of weird license. Tried Google, but no luck and my fav RF graphics sites don't have any... :( ...

Tiles locale change only refreshes tiles that come through controller

Tiles locale change only refreshes tiles that come through controller and not tiles that are just jsp pages that are called from tiles definitions. Is there some way to make all tiles refresh without writing some javascript refresh function or writing controllers for every tile? ...

Grails + Struts Tiles

Have someone there any experience with integrating Tiles into Grails (instead of SiteMesh)? I found a few articles like this: http://devdevdev.wordpress.com/2009/01/ and as i understand at least one year ago there was no way to use Tiles inside Grails. Maybe something changed last time? Has anyone tried to do it? ps. or maybe there ar...

How to transfer attribute from several JSP pages to be displayed in a Tiles template page

I have a file pageLayout.jsp, where the basic structure of each page is laid out, including an HTML title. <title>Project Name</title> Instead of having a static title (like above), I would like to transfer the value of the title of each page to the template. For example, if the JSP page using the template has an H1 element displaye...

Tiles-def xml put values with html tags

in tiles def <tiles:insert definition="link"> <tiles:put name="name" value="rule<sup>tm</sup>"/> </tiles:insert> Can i use anything like this inside put value html tag. ...

Random Tile layout

I need to place tiles on a large grid radiating from a central point in a way that looks organic and random. New tiles will need to find an open space on the grid that is touching at least 1 other tile. Can anyone point me in the right to direction to anything that might help with this? Or some basic concepts I can read up on that are i...

How to write a huge JPEG that exceeds the physical RAM using Delphi ?

Hi all, Here is the problem. I have a large set of 512x512 pixels JPEG tiles as regular jpg files. I have written a piece of software that does a bunch of things and does need to stitch all those files into a single huge JPEG at the end. First of all, I do NOT wish to use ImageMagick to do this, but perform it inside my software ! In...

android: how to merge an array of bitmap together in one bitmap ?

hi there, i'm trying to make a map loader for tiled, on android.. so far i could parse the tmx file, grab all the tile data, and put them in a 2dimensional array, like this: Bitmap tiles[x][y] ... it works and i can render tiled maps on android now, but only by interating through that tiles[][] array, like shown below.. how can i merg...

How to dynamically size the height and border of a ListView in View.Tile?

In a C# Winforms Application I have a ListView control. I am using the View.Tile mode and have run into two issues: The Tile truncates at a certain height (I haven't manually set anything). How do I get it to expand to fit the text? The Tile view doesn't show a border - how do I get the border to show? Or is the border issue relat...

request.getQueryString() should not be null?

I'm debugging an old Struts 1.2 w/ Tiles application running on Oracle App Server 10.1.3. There are some scenarios in which request.getQueryString() seems to improperly return null and it seems to have started doing this without any changes to the application code, indicating that server patching may be a factor. I added some scriptlet c...

Why would I use a templating engine? jsp include and jstl vs tiles, freemaker, velocity, sitemesh

I'm about to choose to way to organize my view (with spring-mvc, but that should matter much) There are 6 options as far as I see (though they are not mutually exclusive): tiles sitemesh freemaker velocity <jsp:include> <%@ include file=".."> tiles and sitemesh can be grouped; so can freemaker and velocity. Which one within each gro...

How to show tiles2.tilesview in spring mvc3

I have been trying to render tiles view with UrlBasedViewResolver for hours. Can anybody show me how it's done. I generally am trying to work this out <bean id="tilesViewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.UrlBasedViewResolver"> <property name="viewClass" value="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles2.TilesView...

Tutorial/sample app on SpringMVC, Tiles and FreeMarker integration

Hi, I'm trying to setup a new project using SpringMVC, Tiles and FreeMarker. So far I'm pretty lost between the TilesConfigurer, FreeMarkerConfigurer and the ViewResolvers. I have tried with several combinations of them but far no luck. I have also google a lot about it and I haven't really found a solid tutorial. Any suggestions? Car...

How to create reusable components in Spring MVC 3.0

Ok I really don't know where to start. I have been trying to develop reusable component-like pages in Spring MVC. I ended up using tiles. I had the idea from "Spring in action" book on writing ComponentControllerSupport class. But the problem starts with tile2 and spring 3.0. All old features of tile1 is deprecated and tile2 has changed ...

HTTP 403 : Forbidden error while accessing Google Tile through a C# program.

I have one URL "http://mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@129&amp;hl=en&amp;x=11728&amp;y=7595&amp;z=14&amp;s=Galileo" used to fetch Google Tiles from Internet. If I use this Google Tile URL from browser (any), I successfully get the Google Tiles (Map). But the problem is, if I try to access this URL programmaticaly, I get an Error: HTTP 403 Forbi...

Java - Better way to block tiles (Login prob)

Ok so I have this 2D Tile RPG I am making.... here is a live applet: http://mystikrpg.com/so/ The code is also at http://mystikrpg.com/so/ Anyway, if you examine the code, it seems the I can only block tile 24 (which are the walls)... Do any of you awesome wise java experts see any way I can have MULTIPLE tiles that are blocked? I h...

Spring MVC: RESTful URLs + Freemarker + Tiles + Spring macros - can these work together?

Hi guys, I want to use RESTful URLs in Spring MVC 3.0.3, e.g. the following in my web.xml: <servlet> <servlet-name>addictedWebServices</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet</servlet-class> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>addictedW...

Tiling in Google Tile Server (x, y and z parameter)

Hi All I am working on Google Tile Server. I have written one WCF Service (C#) which fetches tile from Google server using http URL :- http://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@129&amp;hl=en&amp;x=1&amp;y=0&amp;z=1&amp;s=Galileo As you know, Google Tile requires three variable parameters x, y and z in it's URL to provide a tile. Other co-ordin...

Three Column Layout and Spring-MVC

I want to implement ThreeColumnLayout for my web-app. E.g. having NavigationComponent, BookmarkComponent in Left Panel, OnlineUserComponent in Right Panel. There are also some more components, which can be made visual/hidden by User dynamically and User can move components here and there. E.g. from Left Panel to Right Panel and/or chan...