
How do you programmatically press a toolbar button with AppleScript?

I hope this isn't too obvious, but I'd like to press one of the toolbar buttons within an application by means of AppleScript. Background: The button doesn't have any menu item or keyboard shortcut. Thus, I can't activate it by any of those methods; I need to find an AppleScript way of actually 'pressing' the button. ...

Losing Safari toolbar icons

(Crossposted to Macrumors forums) I am running Safari 5 with LastPass, Web Snapper, CosmoPod, and Saft installed. My toolbar shows the LastPass, Web Snapper, and CosmoPod icons on the far right end. If I quit Safari and restart, the LastPass icon will be missing. I will have to reinstall it by customizing the toolbar. This happens eve...

Multiple usage of MenuItems declared once (WPF)

Is it possible in WPF to define some menu structure and than use it in multiple contexts? For example I'd like to use a set of menu items from resources in ContextMenu, Window's menu and ToolBar (ToolBar with icons only, without headers). So items order, commands, icons, separators must be defined just once. I look for something like th...

How to inspect elements inside Iframe using IE Developer toolbar in IE7

I have a web application, which uses Iframe. When I try to inspect element in IE developer toolbar, the Iframe node gets highlighted and it stops there. I can see an expand icon near the Iframe node. But when I double-click it, nothing happens. After getting annoyed after many trial and errors, I tried testing it by creating a sample i...

iPad UIWebView Action Toolbar Display

I have a pdf open in a UIWebView and I would like to allow the option to open it in Pages. That is, I would like the action toolbar to become displayed when the user taps on the UIWebView (just like in Safari for iPad). How do you enable this capability in UIWebView, if possible? ...

Excel 2007 floating format toolbar customisation

Is it possible in Excel 2007 to customise the floating format bar that is shown when you right-click on a cell? To avoid confusion, I don't mean the "Cell" commandbar menu, but the second floating toolbar with formatting buttons. e.g. is it possible to add a Styles dropdown, or have any other text alignment option than centre? Thanks i...

Looking for share tools like mashable See the toolbar on the left with share options? I like that! It floats when you scroll, pretty nice. Does anyone think that would be hard to implement, or more importantly, has anyone already done it? I dont really want to store any information in my local DB if I dont have to....

The Build toolbar no longer shows in Visual Studio 2008 Team Suite

I'm using Visual Studio 2008 Team Suite and have always had the Build toolbar enabled and in constant use. Today after logging in I saw the toolbar wasn't there. It is available but even after disabling and reenabling it it still doesn't appear. I have tried: repairing my installation of Visual Studio resetting my settings (and have...

adding image in place of navigation bar and tool bar

i am having rootview controller in my navigation controlller and i want to add a image to navigation bar by hiding that and i want to place a back button on it,and bottom tool bar also i should able to add image and i need to place two buttons upon it,.... any suggestions appreciated... Thanks in advance ...

VC++ ShowBrowserBar doesn't work on IE8

When I run this code on IE8, ShowBrowserBar returns S_OK, but the toolbar isn't shown. On IE7 it works fine. I saw a similar question here, by Anna, but without a working answer... :) Any suggestions? int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { CoInitialize(0); IWebBrowser2 *pIE = NULL; // Create an instance of Internet Explorer ...

jqgrid: how to keep bottom toolbar visible when grid is rolled up?

My jqgrid has a bottom toolbar and changes height depending on the user-agent: $('#titles-table').jqGrid( { . . . height: function(){ return (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) !=null) ? "100%" : "222px";}(), toolbar : [true,"bottom"] } The grid displays a list of titles which is sometimes very long. Therefore, the grid wil...

i should able to add buttons on my image ,this image is placed on toolbar

i am having an image for tool bar and when i should add buttons on this toolbar image,how can i do it.... i am able to create buttons but how can i place them on the image ...

how can i add buttons to my navigation controller toolbar,so that i can see them in all views

I AM HAVING nav controller and in main view.nib i added two buttons on to tool bar and i should view these in next views also,but iam not able to see right now those in next view , where i hav to add these so i can see these buttons or access in any view .... any help appreciated... ...

How can I move my tool bar to next view

I have a tool bar and I want that to be visible on next views as well. How can I do this? ...

Defining two different styles for ToolBar in WPF?

I want to make 2 different styles for the ToolBar control: One is based on black buttons and one on silver buttons. But I can't figure out how to apply my button styles to its own toolbar styles. The following only allows one style for the buttons: <Style x:Key="{x:Static ToolBar.ButtonStyleKey}" BasedOn="{StaticResource Black...

How to set position of toolbar in jqGrid?

Hello! I need to set the position of search toolbar to top in jqGrid. How can I do it? Thanks. ...

Explorer Add-On development

Hi, I'm developing an add-on to Internet Explorer and I wish to add a button to the standard toolbar. All I could find is how to make my own toolbar. Any one can point me to the right direction? Thanks, Eden ...

How do I get the paintable area in a CFrameWnd with dialog bars?

I have a CFrameWnd with a dialog bar, and I'd like to determine the paintable area (excluding the space used by the dialog bar) so I can draw in it without being overlapped by the dialog bar. How can I do this? GetClientRect() seems to cover the client rect area as well, and I don't see any other obvious candiates in the doucumentation. ...

UIView Layout and applicationFrame

Hi everyone I am experiencing some weird behavior with my iPad app. I usually add a view to my viewController like this: CGRect bounds = [[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame]; // Add Basic View UIView *myView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:bounds]; myView.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor]; self.view = myView; [myView release];...

How can i have a Toolbar like this ? (Delphi)

Hi , i like this toolbar. where can i find it ? Thank you ...