
iPhone: detect "touch-and-drag" gesture from UIBarButtonItem?

I have an "add" button that's represented by a UIBarButtonItem. Hitting the "add" button adds an object into a list that represents a moment in time. By default, that time is "now"...but I'd like to be able to use dragging behavior to let the user specify earlier times for the object. Here's the behavior I want to implement: If the use...

Android Button events doesn't work with touch events

I use example with zoom and scrool big image, which use GestureDetector code here . When I place button on it, I cannot handle any button events - both onClickListener, OnTouchListener doesn't fired. public class ScrollableView extends AbsoluteLayout implements OnGestureListener, OnDoubleTapListener { private GestureDetector mGestu...

ExpandableListView child items don't get focus when touched...

Ok, so I wrote an ExpandableListView and subclassed BaseExpandableListAdapter... Everything works fine except I cannot get the child views to take focus when clicked. If I use the trackball everything works fine. But if I try to click on a child I get no feedback whatsoever. I have tried setting android:focusable, android:focusableInT...

How to create a controllable flip effect (flip as far (and fast) as you drag) of an UIView

I have a card (a flashcard you could say) What I can do: On fingersweeping over the flashcard the card gets turned. It's happening by detecting touchesBegan and touchesMoved and then I do stuff like [UIView beginAnimations:@"View Flip" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.5]; [UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveEas...

HTML APIs for touch devices?

What HTML APIs are available for touch screen devices (e.g. tablet PCs)? I notice that GMail's iPad interface (and other mobile interfaces) doesn't scroll down in a normal web browser (pretending to be an iPad via a user-agent hack). How can one access this API on a PC? I have a school full of tablet PCs that aren't wonderful in tablet...

Tap through transparent part of UIScrollView

I have a scroll view with transparent background that covers most of the screen. It also covers some buttons that still need to be tap-able. How can I make sure that the scroll view doesn't respond to touches in regions where the subview image is transparent? ...

Making element draggable with Android WebView (ideally, just with Javascript) ?

I'm building an app with a build target of 1.5 . I have a variable, WebView browser, that is calling loadUrl to load a static HTML page from my assets folder. In that HTML page, the following JavaScript is defined: var supportsTouch = ('createTouch' in document); ... var w = $('wrapper'); w[supportsTouch ? 'touchmove' : 'onmousem...

UIView keep forward toutches

Hi all, I subclassed UIImageView for controlling touch events. The problem is that when i do userInteractionEnabled = NO, it doesn't work, i can still touch it and the touch methods response. Even if i add big subview over it the touches happen. Any suggest? ...

Can't we use touchesBegan,touchesMoved,touchesEnded for a scrollview?

Actually I'm having a scroll-view. In that I'm using 30-buttons. what's my requirement is I need to rearrange the buttons. Like, when i touched any button it should be selected with our touch. and where ever we move in the scroll-view it should move along with our touch. after i ended the touch, the buttons should be swapped. Can any one...

Blackberry custom slideshow-style BitmapField manager

Right now, I'm trying to figure out how to implement the following: Suppose I have a custom Manager that has about 10 or so BitmapFields layed out in a horizontal manner (similar to a slideshow contained in a HFM ) . What I want to achieve is to be able to move the image HFM via touchEvent horizontally, where a BitmapField would take fo...

NSXMLParser with multiple attributes

Hi. I have the following XML (doing an app for iPhone): <Row> <Field name="employee_id_disp">00070431</Field> <Field name="given_name">John</Field> <Field name="family_name">Doe</Field> </Row> ... How can I retrieve values only for one of the attributes, for example value "John" for attribute name="given_name" ? Thanks for answers. ...

Detecting Touches in an OpenGL rendered scene

Hey. I was wondering whether there is a way to detect a touch in an OpenGL rendered scene. What I have i a set of images which are being rendered in my main view. Now if the user touches one of these images (or objects) I would like to know which one was touched - similar to the CGRectContainsPoint(frame, [touch

Silverlight 4 desktop application sometimes zooms when touching it... and cannot zoom out

Hi, I have a Silverlight 4 desktop application which I control using a touchscreen (on an HP Touchsmart). Most of the time it works fine but sometimes when clicking something everything just zooms in and every time it happens things get bigger and bigger. The only way to get the normal size again is by restarting the application. Ha...

Detecting browser capabilities and selective events for mouse and touch

I started using touch events for a while now, but I just stumbled upon quite a problem. Until now, I checked if touch capabilities are supported, and applied selective events based on that. Like this: if(document.ontouchmove === undefined){ //apply mouse events }else{ //apply touch events } However, my scripts stopped working ...

Touch Screen Product Catalog for Retail Store

I am a UI/UX designer and I would like to create kiosk type of app that would be a product catalog (help/suggestor) for customers in a retail store using a touch screen monitor (and computer). Something as simple as this: This is what I would like it to do: 1st Screen (Main Menu): Pick a t...

iPhone - Track three touches

Suppose you have three points of contact on the iPhone screen and one of those touches moves... The touchesMoved method will be invoked and the [[event touchesForView:self] count] will be equal to '3' because there are three touches for the event, but how can you distinguish between the touches? For example - find out whether it was th...

Getting touch events from points -6,0 to 320, 470

Hi, I am just trying to program a simple drawing program. Along with drawing, I would like to know the points that I am currently touching. I am just using a window, subclassed viewController and a subclassed view.I also hid the status bar. Everything seems to work the way it is supposed to. The thing is that I can't get it to draw with...

Is there a way to touch-enable scrolling in a WPF ScrollViewer?

I'm trying to create a form in a WPF application that will allow the user to use iPhone-like gestures to scroll through the available fields. So, I've put all my form controls inside a StackPanel inside a ScrollViewer, and the scrollbar shows up as expected when there are too many elements to be shown on the screen. However, when I try ...

Should I subclass UIControl or UIView to implement a canvas to handle touch events?

I have and EntryEditor that allows users to add postit's (views with a UItextView in them) onto it and move them around. I'm working on handling touch events: making it so only one postit is selected at a time, and unselecting the postit if the user touch's outside any postit. I've implemented the touch handling in the postit's, and I'...

How do I simulate a hover with a touch in touch enabled browsers?

With some HTML like this: <p>Some Text</p> Then some CSS like this: p { color:black; } p:hover { color:red; } How can I allow a long touch on a touch enabled device to replicate hover? I can change markup/use JS etc, but can't think of an easy way to do this. ...