
iPhone App doesn't pick up Touch events, after replacing one view with another

Hi, Any idea why after replacing one UIView with another (with the same Touch event logic), the 2nd one won't pick up any touch events? I'm replacing them using: [currentView removeFromSuperview]; NewView *newView = [[NewView alloc] init]; [window addSubview:newView]; Thank you all for your help :) ...

Inconsistency in modified/created/accessed time on mac

I'm having trouble using os.utime to correctly set the modification time on the mac (Mac OS X 10.6.2, running Python 2.6.1 from /usr/bin/python). It's not consistent with the touch utility, and it's not consistent with the properties displayed in the Finder's "get info" window. Consider the following command sequence. The 'created' and ...

How to simulate Touch event in Linux/Mac/Windows?

I wanna to simulate touch event in Windows / Mac OS X or Linux (OS is not critical). ...

iphone basic game loop

I am little confused with my Opengl game loop. as I am skipping touch events some times. My game loop is some thing like this.. I have ScreenManager which draw and update all game screens who so ever has control.In update I am checking input of all screen also. if input state changes, then whichever screen has control, consume touches. ...

How to I get raw 'mouse' events with touch screens on Windows Vista/7?

Does anyone have a clue how to completely disable the touch/tablet 'magic' introduced in Windows Vista? When I follow the steps on (both SetProp disable and WM_TABLET_QUERYSYSTEMGESTURESTATUS override) I succeed in stopping windows from treating press-and-hold as a right-click...

Sliding finger UIImageView

How do you detect when you slide your finger across a UIImageView? Say for example you slide your finger across it and it changes color or something. I want to be able to slide across multiple UIImageViews and have something happen... ...

glow when touch the screen in android?

when i touch whereever in the screen that point will be glow(nothing but like a flash or glittering) for some time. how to do that? any example or idea?? i have to implement to put buttons on it. exactly when i touch the screen it will glow some time and then the button will appear on the point where i touched. ...

glow when touch the button in the view in iphone

Hi, I am new to iPhone development. I have seen the Facebook application in Facebook --> Camera(Click)--> Photo Albums-->Thumbnails--> Write a caption View. Here click event is highlighted. In this view where ever I touch, the touch is highlighted. How can this be achieved? Is there any sample code available? Please help me out, Than...

How to get a continuous Touch Event?

My class extends View and I need to get continuous touch events on it. If I use: public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent me) { if(me.getAction()==MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { myAction(); } return true; } ... the touch event is captured once. What if I need to get continuous touches without moving the finger? Pleas...

iPhone OpenGL ES - How to Pick

I'm working on an OpenGL ES1 app which displays a 2D grid and allows user to navigate and scale/rotate it. I need to know the exact translation of View Touch coordinates into my opengl world and grid cell. Are there any helpers to do the reverse of last few transforms which I do for navigation ? or I should calculate and do the matrix st...

iphone sdk: finding the direction of scrolling in UIScrollView

I have a UIScrollView with only horizontal scrolling allowed, and I would like to know which direction (left, right) the user scrolls. What I did was to subclass the UIScrollView and override the touchesMoved method: - (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { [super touchesMoved:touches withEvent:event]; ...

How to set the touch Access to one element in UIWebView?

Situation: I have an interactive Java/AJAX Object in my HTML page. It's a simple Application for displaying images with zooming. Recently I can tap / touch the screen and the Application detects that and is zooming in - like that i wanted. But the other features like to move the crop of the image to another area of the image isn't suppo...

3G iphone touches less responsive than other devices?

Hi, I'm developing a game for the iPhone and I've noticed a difference specific to the 3G iPhone. I have been testing the software all 3 versions of the iPhone - 2G, 3G and 3GS. The 2G and the 3GS work the same, but I find on the 3G that the swipes and touches are much slower to respond. At first I thought it might just be a CPU issu...

How can I detect touch events on a UIImageView inside a deep hierarchy of UIViews?

I am developing a simple game on iPhone and I started with a View based application, and through the UIViewController I am loading a custom UIView that contains some more UIViews and some UIImageViews. I want to detect touch events on some of the UIImageViews, but I wasn't able so far. I've created a second project for testing purpos...

How do I check to see if my subview is being touched?

I went through this tutorial about how to animate sprites: I've been attempting to expand on the tutorial by trying to make Ryu animate only when he is touched. However, the touch is not even being registered and I believe it has something to do with i...

Android beginner: Touch events in android gridview

I am using the following code to do things with gridview(slightly modified from I want to replace the onClicklistener and the onClick() method with their "touch" equivalents i.e. touchlistener and onTouch() so that when i touch an element in the gridview the ima...

iphone touches that start from the top above the screen nolonger registering

I started my app using the original OpenGL ES template that came with the 2.2.1 sdk. I added the touch callbacks and everything worked fine but I have now migrated my project to the new OpenGL ES template that came with the 3.1.3 sdk, and everything works fine except now touches that begin above the screen, dragged onto the screen no l...

How to recognize touch events and control a script object inside UIWebView?

Situation: I have an UIView with an UIWebView in it. When the viewDidLoad the Javascript Object inside the UIWebView is called (Microsoft Seadragon AJAX JS). For your Understanding: Seadragon loads a specified megapixel image(JPEG) and in a Desktop Browser like Firefox i can Zoom into the image and I can drag the crop for example from t...

Optimize website for touch devices

On a touch device like iPhone/iPad/Android it can be difficult to hit a small button with your finger. There is no cross-browser way to detect touch devices with CSS media queries that I know of. So I check if the browser has support for javascript touch events. Until now, other browsers haven't supported them, but the latest Google Chro...

Getting Tap/Touch Position when selecting a TableView cell

Hi, hope to get some help here because this is something that really makes me mad... I have a view with a tableView, and when I tap a cell I want to present a popOver window pointing the arrow to the cell I tapped. the things that I think I need is: 1- the position of the cell in the screen (not in the view, because on large tables the...