
iPhone SDK allow touches to affect multiple views

I have a main view that has has two buttons on it that control methods to display the next image and display the previous image. In this case the 'Image' is a class that inherits from UIImageView and has multiple pictures on it that you can interact with, and I call this class a 'Pane'. The pane itself handles all the user interaction it...

Change color of the iPhone screen

Hi, I need to change the color of the iPhone screen when i touch on it. The only thing i need to do is to change the color of the area where i am touching. if i am placing a star on the screen as touch then only that area color will be changed. Any idea about this? Thanks in advance, SMAK ...

C# Passing WndProc Messages from a form to another form

I'm working on a C# application with two Windows forms. Both forms are full screen and one form sits on top of the other form as a transparent overlay. The bottom form contains a web browser (also full screen). I'm tracking touch input on the transparent overlay form in order to capture gestures and draw buttons and other controls on the...

How can I get jQuery UI’s Draggable and Sortable functions to work on the Android browser?

I have a question that is pretty similar to this one. Is it possible to make the jQuery UI draggable and sortable interaction work on in the Android browser? ...

iPhone: Getting the Touch Events of Built In "Copy", "Paste" and "Select All buttons"

hello all, I am a newbie in iPhone development. In my project there is one requirement that while editing text the iPhone's built in buttons Copy, Paste and Select all are available. I want the touch event on all these buttons and also want to display an action sheet title upon their respective touch events. ...

iPhone. Detect another finger touch during one finger is touching on the screen

Is it possible to detect another finger touch during one finger is touching on the screen? I need to deal with the gesture of the 2nd finger during which I don't want my first finger to leave the screen. What should be the general logic in the code to handle this? Thanks. ...

Getting iPhone touch coordinates without using javascript events?

Is there any way to get iPhone coordinates without relying on javascript callback events? touchmove generates way too many events to be used in any kind of tight loop (like a game), and without multi-threading, the only option would seem to be non-event driven input coordinates. ...

Presenting UIModalViews in Landscap mode

Hello, I'm trying to present some UIModalFormSheets in a my iPad application. It's working without any problems, except one thing: When I have my iPad in landscape mode my modal form sheet is moving to the center of the screen and THEN rotates into the appropiate angle. All I want is to present the modal form sheet in the right angle a...

iPhone touch screen events

Hello, in iPhone SDK there are touchesBegan, touchesEnded and touchesMoved functions that are called when a touch event appears. My problem is that when I put a finger on the screen and I'm not moving it there is no way to know if there is a finger on the screen or not. Is there a way to get current touch screen state? In any of touches...

Testcase with multitouch on Android?

The TouchUtils class in the android documentation has functions like drag(),%20float,%20float,%20float,%20float,%20int) but they do not support multi touch gestures, like a two finger swipe. Looking at the MotionEven...

Making images appear... How?

Hi all, Could someone please tell me how to make an image appear when the user taps the screen and make it appear at the position of the tap. Thanks in advance, Tate ...

How To Disable Inertia in ScatterView

Using ScatterView control shipped in Windows Touch WPF. I want to prevent inertia from happening on a scatterview item. But I still want to allow user to move, scale and rotate the item. So I try this... ScatterviewItem svi = new ScatterviewItem(); svi.ManipulationDelta += OnManipulationDelta; ... void OnManipulationDelta(...

Drawing a UIImageView at position of user tap.

Hello, This is the 2nd time I have asked this. How do I draw an image at the location of the user's tap every time the user taps the screen? Could you please leave a sample project or code because I am new to iPhone programming and have a hard time understanding certain methods etc. Thanks, Tate ...

Is android's motion event handling accurate??

Bug I have a weird bug in my piano app. Sometimes keys (and thus notes) hang. I did a lot of debugging and narrowed it down to what looks like androids inaccuracy of motion event handling: DEBUG/(2091): ACTION_DOWN A4 DEBUG/(2091): KeyDown: A4 DEBUG/(2091): ACTION_MOVE A4 => A4 DEBUG/(2091): ACTION_MOVE ignoring DEBUG/(2091): ACTI...

touchend event doesn't work on Android

Hi, I've just started looking at doing some basic mobile web development on the android and an writing a test script to investigate the touch events. I've run the following code in the android emulator, and the touchend event never gets fired. Can anyone tell me why ? I've tried in three versions of the emulator (1.6, 2.1 and 2.2) and...

Problems with CGPoint/touches event

I'm having some problems with storing variables from my touch events. The warning I get when I run this is that coord and icoord are unused, but I used them in the viewDidLoad implementation, is there a reason why this does not work? Any suggestions? #import "iGameViewController.h" @implementation iGameViewController @synthesize pla...

multi-touch touchesBegan

I'm having a bit of a problem trying to get touchesBegan to respond to multi touch. -(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { NSSet *allTouches = [event allTouches]; for (UITouch *touch in allTouches) { CGPoint location = [touch locationInView:touch.view]; if(CGRectContainsPoint(snare.frame, location) && l...

Is there a way to present a modal view that extends outside of the bounds of the view that is presenting it?

I have a subview of a split view that is presenting a modal view but I need the modal view to take up the entire screen, not just the bounds of the presenting view, is there any way to do this? ...

Shorten the touch delay in a UIScrollView?

I'm looking to shorten the touch delay on a UIScrollView, but I don't want to use setDelaysContentTouches:NO; I still want there to be a slight delay but my users are complaining about it being too long. Is there a way to do this? ...

associating TapDetectingView UIView subclass with UIView object created in IB?

I know this must seem like an extremely basic question for most iphone devs, but so far have been putting all my code logic into a single view controller, and want to start making better use of delegates, breaking up my code into logical components. I have a simple ViewController based application and want to add tap detection. There is...