
Is there a way of filtering System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine() output

log4net logging internal logs to console and trace and I want to redirect the trace output to system EventLog. But in some points later perhaps I will need to issue trace messages from my code so I need to filter somehow the log4net traces. I could not find a way to do that. System.Diagnostics.SourceFilter or a custom filter doens't sens...

How do I describe a local function to (trace)?

In common lisp, the function (trace name) can be used to see output about the calls to a function. If my function is declared with local scope, how do I describe it to trace? eg, how do I trace bar, below: (defun foo (x) (labels ((bar (y) (format t "bar: ~a~&" y))) (bar x))) ...

Java Call Interception Logging

I would like a program that logs every call I made to a class folder like com.mycompany.mylibrary and outputs a valid java program, much like does in Linux. Do you guys know any call interceptor like the one I am looking for? ...

Traceable/documented calculations

We are about to redesign our calculation engine, and want each step in the calculation to be traceable/documented so that the user can get a complete report on what amounts make up each total. Are there any patterns or good examples on how to implement 'traceable' or 'self-documenting' calculations? ...

Can i get the execution trace for a test case for a java program?

I want to run a java program with some test input values and when the execution ends I want to know the complete execution trace, for each conditional statement - what path was followed. Is there anything that can help me with this? ...

Automate tracing in GDB

Hi, I have been trying to find a way for some time to automate the progress in GDB of tracing the control flow of a program. Even just a simple way of automating the 'n' command so you can see what order routines are called. I realise that you can issues 'n x' where x is the number of times GDB steps through, but the trouble with that...

Seeing debug traces without a debugger?

How can one look at .NET Debug.WriteLine traces outside the debugger? ...

Compile Time DEFINEs in an ASP.NET Web Deployment Project

My envirorment is Visual Studio 2005. My specifically problemis I want to define TRACE. I have a Web Site Project that send trace messages when run out of the ASP.NET Development Server thanks to defining it in the system.codedom element of the web.config. When I deploy to IIS, I do so via a web deployment project. So the site is prec...

Trace Host of a SOAP Request

The software my company uses has a web service which signature is more or less like this: [WebMethod] public DataSet MakeQuery(string sql) { } NOTE 1: I don't have the code for this. Recently, we noted the Sql Server gets a lot of processes without dying, so I want to trace the input of this webMethod. Is any way I can do this? I...

Defining multiple TraceSources not running

I'm new with TraceSource so I'm doing some investigation into how it can/ can't be used (basically pros and cons). Something I do like is that I can get dumps from within the .NET framework itself, so I've made a little app to test that and using my own custom source together (as that's how I'd expect it to be used), like so: class Pro...

How to trace a certain object in VC++ 6

Hello, i was wondering how to trace a certain object in VC++6. It can be done by tracing the unique object ID with "Trace Points", in more recent versions of visual studio. I still haven't figured out how to do this in VC++ 6. Maybe you guys can point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance! Best regards, zhengtonic ...

Clearing the log associated with a tracelistener after each run ?

I'm using TextWriterTraceListener for logging, which is being configured into the app using app.config as shown below. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <system.diagnostics> <trace autoflush="true" indentsize="100" > <listeners> <add name="myListener" type="System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceLi...

Flash trace output in firefox, linux

I'm developing an applications which I've got running on a server on my linux desktop. Due to the shortcomings of Flash on Linux (read: too hard) I'm developing the (small) flash portion of the app in Windows, which means there's a lot of frustrating back and forth. Now I'm trying to capture the output of the flash portion using flash tr...

Tracing in C#

exact duplicate: Hi, I like to do tracing in my c# code. I don't like to add statements in each method to do it. Is there any way to use a method to do trace when rest of the methods in the application getting invoked at runtime. Thanks, P.Gopal...

What is the URL_CHANGED Event on IIS7 Request Tracing Log?

Hi, I just enabled Failed Request Tracing for a site and I get a URL_CHANGED event as the third item on the log. 1. GENERAL_REQUEST_START SiteId="1", AppPoolId="DefaultAppPool", ConnId="1610613013", RawConnId="0", RequestURL="", RequestVerb="GET" 15:35:54.176 2. GENERAL_SET_REQUEST_HEADER HeaderName...

Without using trace, how to tell if flash application is in a container?

Hello all. I'm trying to determine if my flash content is inside a container. I have no idea what this means, but apparently it's bad for making ExternalInterface.calls. I'm developing the site on a linux machine I'm running the server on and I'm working with the flash on a windows machine. I've tried many options for using trace, none o...

Is the -Xdebug option supported in JDK 1.5?

I couldn't find any suitable documentation for the same. In any case, which is the best way to generate trace reports while running a JVM process (a tool provided by SUN in its JDK bundle preferably) so that any JVM crashes can be logged? Thanks in advance, z0ltan ...

Add Timestamp to Trace.WriteLine()

In my C# .NET application I have an issue with the Trace.WriteLine()-method. I uses this method alot, and want to add a TimeStamp every time I use it. Instead of Trace.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " Something wrong!"), is there a solution where the DateTime is on default? ...

See trace() of Flash when running in browser

Whats an easy way to see the trace() of Flash/Flex movies when running in any browser? ...

Flex3 Improving basic trace

Hi, I read somewhere a utils to show the class + line nbr of the function who called a trace("foo") which is very handy once you start getting a lot of debug output. Any hints on where to find it ? it was open source, maybe shown at a flex event. trace("my debug"); > mydebug :34 bla.as3 .. Thanks, Greg ...