
Is it possible to translate everething written in OCaml to PHP?

Is it possible to translate everething written in OCaml to PHP? for example will it be hard to translate such lib as lib for Fast content-aware image resizing ...

django internationalization and translations problem

I have a problem with django translations. Problem 1 - i updated string in django.po file, but the change does not appear on the webpage. Problem 2 - i have created my own locale file with makemessages -l et, added the translation string into file, but they too do not appear on the page. I do not think this is settin...

What products support 3-digit region subtags, e.g., es-419 for Latin-American Spanish?

What products support 3-digit region subtags, e.g., es-419 for Latin-American Spanish? Are web browsers, translation tools and translators familiar with these numeric codes in addition to the more common "es" or "es-ES"? I've already visited the following pages: W3C Choosing a Language Tag W3C Language tags in HTML and XML RFC 5646 ...

void foo(int &x) -> Ruby? Passing integers by reference?

Hello, as a way to spice up my C++ programming homework, I've decided to instead of typing the C++ from the book onto my computer, instead reforming it in Ruby. Yes it's a bit silly, but I'm bored. Anyway, I'm having trouble converting this kind of function to Ruby void swap(int &a,int &b){ int c=b; b=a; a=c } What would be th...

Google Translate translates inline Javascript Code

Hi, I have some PHP code that sends a section of html code including some inline Javascript code by curl to google. When i get it back from Google translated into the language that i chose, the Javascript code has been translated too. Any ideas as to how i can stop Google translating my inline JavaScript code? Thanks, M ...

Django: switch language of message sent from admin panel

I have a model, Order, that has an action in the admin panel that lets an admin send information about the order to certain persons listed that order. Each person has language set and that is the language the message is supposed to be sent in. A short version of what I'm using: from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from dj...

Django model translation : store translations in database or use gettext ?

I'm in a django website's I18N process. I've selected two potentially good django-apps : django-modeltranslation wich modifies the db schema to store translations django-dbgettext wich inspect db content to create .po files and uses gettext From your point of view, what are the pros and cons of those two techniques ? ...

Website in right-to-left languages (Arabic, Hebrew)

I currently developing a multi-language interface for a Django project. But when I started to work on Arabic and Hebrew languages, I noticed all pages messed up after dir="rtl" to html tag (according to instructions on Does that mean I need separate stylesheets for right-to-left lan...

Can i Convert VB code to C++ code

Can I convert my VB code to C++? How can I do it? This is my VB code: Dim OpenFileDialog1 As New OpenFileDialog With OpenFileDialog1 .CheckFileExists = True .ShowReadOnly = False .Filter = "All Files|*.*|Bitmap Files (*)|*.bmp;*.gif;*.jpg" .FilterIndex = 2 If .ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then ' Load the sp...

How would you write this C# code (that uses the yield keyword) succinctly in Ruby?

Is there a good way to emulate yield in Ruby? I'm interested in writing similar 'infinite fib sequence' in Ruby. Here is the code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace cs2 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var i=Fibs().TakeWhile(x=>x < 1000).Whe...

Tagging translated text correctly (tagging with lang="")

A client has asked me to add some polish text to their website, not having much experience in this area, can anyone tell me which of the two 'lang' solutions below is correct (or offer an alternative):- Tag everything:- <div lang="pl"> <h2 lang="pl">Najlepszy ruch jaki zrobisz!</h2> <p lang="pl">Do przyszłych najemców:</p> <p lang="...

RESTful API: How to handle translated textfields in representations?

I am designing a RESTful API for a booking application. There are accommodations that you can request a list or the details. As the application targets a multi-language audience, the descriptions are (sometimes) available in different languages. Now I'm not sure how to handle these translations in the representation of an accommodation...

Simple web general localization/translation backend (using mysql)?

Hi is there a free avaible translation backend with database avaible which can handle multiple users(no login needed), multiple languages (UTF-8) and provides automatic google translation? I just need this tool to fill a database (preferable mysql) with simple tables like this: language | label | text english | _helloworld | Hello Wor...

Translatable behavior not working if used with Containable

An example: $this->Parent->Behaviors->attach('Containable'); $parent = $this->Parent->find('first', array( 'contain' => array('Child' => array( 'order' => 'Child.order ASC', )), ) ); Child has translated data and parent isn't using translatable. When I fetch the child data this way it'...

iPhone - UIView Animation not looping correctly

Hey all, got a little problem here and can't figure out what I am doing wrong. I am trying to animate a UIView up and down repeatedly. When I start it, it goes down correctly and then back up but then immediately shoots to the "final" position of the animation. Code is as follows: UIImageView *guide = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:...

c++ library for spanish dictionary

I am looking for a good dictionary library to translate english words to spanish. Can someone suggest open-source libraries with reasonably comprehensive data. ...

Problem with ajax and posting non-latin characters

Posting non-latin based languages with ajax + jquery doesn't save to mysql the correct text. What I have done is this: I am getting multiple translated words from Google's translation api. The ajax request is showing the correct translations for all languages. But when i try and insert this into the db it shows up in php my admin as g...

Google AJAX Transliteration API :- How do i translate many elements in page to some language at one stretch?

Hello, I have many elements on page and all of which i want to translate to some language. The language is not the same for all fields, that is, for 1st field it may be fr and for third field it may be en then again for 7th field it may be pa. Basically i wrote the code and it's working :- <script type="text/javascript"> ...

Help translating from assembly to C

I have some code from a function subl $24, %esp movl 8(%ebp), %eax cmpl 12(%ebp), %eax Before the code is just the 'ENTER' command and afterwards there's an if statement to return 1 if ebp > eax or 0 if it's less. I'm assuming cmpl means compare, but I can't tell what the concrete values are. Can anyone tell me what's happening? ...

Using GitHub with another Bug-tracker?

I am involved in this project, Pinta, and we are currently using GitHub for our development. We all love Git and GitHub and want to keep using it. However, now the project is getting stable and involved, and it's time we started using a more capable bug tracking system than GitHub's simple issue tracker. We also want to start doing GetTe...