
Rails 2.3.5 model name translation problem in error messages

Hi Rails'ers, I encountered some problem while trying to translate my model's names and attributes in a Rails 2.3.5 app. I have the following model: class BillingPlan < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :billing_option_id belongs_to :order belongs_to :user belongs_to :billing_option end When validation fails, my m...

C# to php translator

Is there a C# to php translator (capable of dealing with byte operations, TCPSockets)? ...

Sentence alignment for dual-line bilingual paragraph in LaTeX

I would like to make a translation of entire paragraphs at a time for a large document, with the start of the new sentences aligning. The following is almost what I want done, though it doesn't yet do the alignment for new sentences. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[margin=1in, paperwidth=8.5in, paperheight=11in]{geometry} \usepacka...

How to specify your webpage's language so Google Chrome doesn't offer to translate it.

I have a page that Google Chrome insists on thinking is in French. Here's a snapshot of it: Note that I'm including a meta http-equiv tag to tell it that it's in fact in English: <meta http-equiv="Content-language" content="en"> But it doesn't help. Is there anything else I can do to p...

Rails: translations for table's column.

In rails application I have two models: Food and Drink. Both food and drink have a name, which has to be stored in two languages. How do I better realize translations for theese tables? First solution I realized was to replace name column with name_en and name_ru. Another solution is to encode with YAML hash like { :en => 'eng', :ru => ...

How do I convert this cURL command to PHP (libcurl)?

In continuation off of this question, what are the PHP statements I need to accomplish this: curl -is -F 'J:A-login=BTDT::Action::Login' -F 'J:A:F-address-login=EMAILADDRESS' -F 'J:A:F-password-login=PASSWORD' | grep -o 'JIFTY_SID_HIVEMINDER=[0-9a-f]\+' The flags and fields are still mysterious, and I've n...

Something similar to this C# code in Ruby on Rails

Hey guys, I am trying to get a collection of objects based on a conditions. Now normally in C# I would do something like this employeesCollection.Where(emp => emp.Name == "john"); how can I do something similar in Ruby on Rails (I am trying to map a collection of objects to a select but I only want to map certain objects that match a...

Microsoft sublanguage string to locale identifier

I can't seem to find a way to convert, or find, a local identifier from a sublanguage string. This site shows the mappings: I want the user to enter a sublanguage string, such as "France (FR)" and to get the local identifier from this, which in this case would be 0x0484. Or...

Community based translating system

Since we don't funds to hire translators for getting multiple languages translated we want the community to do the translation for us. Its a social network. I can't find any good open souce framework to auto do this. Thinking something like: User selects a language, system displays random sentences and user will translate it. Then other ...

Creating a Linq->HQL provider

Hi all, I have a client application that connects to a server. The server uses hibernate for persistence and querying so it has a set of annotated hibernate objects for persistence. The client sends HQL queries to the server and gets responses back. The client has an auto-generated set of objects that match the server hibernate objec...

Cakephp problem with translation behavior

I use cakphp version 1.3. The documentation says, that if I want to use the translation behavior for my dynamic content no changes in my view are necessarily. The problem is, that the translated fields are there but empty. The translation only appears in the ['I18n'] array like this Array ( [0] => Array ( [Cat...

Displaying Unicode Characters

I already searched for answers to this sort of question here, and have found plenty of them -- but I still have this nagging doubt about the apparent triviality of the matter. I have read this very interesting an helpful article on the subject:, but it left me wondering about how one w...

Automark model names/attributes for translation

Is there any way one could automatically mark all model names and attributes for translation, without specifying verbose_name/_plural on each one of them? Doesn't feel very DRY to do this every time: class Profile(models.Model): length = models.IntegerField(_('length')) weight = models.IntegerField(_('weight')) favorite_mov...

Assign default language custom URL to translated Drupal nodes

My Drupal site is in English, but supports user contributed translations. When users create a translation of the page /About, I'd like the translated version to get automatically assigned the same URL instead of being Node/123. The two versions of the page can have the same custom URL because the i18N / internationalization system append...

How to use a message resource file in a precompiled library for BlackBerry

I'm building a library for the BlackBerry, which needs to have several strings in it using the messages.rrc and messages.rrh files to create the MessagesResource interface to allow access. The catch is, everything being done on the command line, I'm using RAPC to generate the messages, and a standard java compiler to build the library i...

Delphi ITE: when can resource IDs change?

I'm looking into Delphi ITE (Integrated Translation Environment) to add multi-language support in my app. I'm concerned about validity issues for resource DLLs, which is generated by ITE. In other words, when it is safe to deploy already compiled resource DLL, if main application was recompiled or (possibly) changed. Questions: If I j...

Core Animation and Transformation like zoomRectToVisible

Hi ! I'm trying to get an effect like the zoomRectToVisible-method of UIScrollview. But my method should be able to center the particular rect in the layer while zooming and it should be able to re-adjust after the device orientation changed. I'm trying to write a software like the marvel-comic app and need a view that presents each pa...

How to Integrate Qt4 qm files into binary using cmake and QRC?

I have a Qt4 CMake project and I'd like to integrate the QM files for i18n into the output binary. These are the rules I have so far for generating the TS and QM files: set(myapp_TRANSLATIONS i18n/myapp_de.ts ) set(FILES_TO_TRANSLATE ${myapp_SRCS} ${myapp_MOC_HDRS} ) QT4_CREATE_TRANSLATION(QM_FILES ${FILES_TO_TRANSLATE} ${...

What translation process do you use for your web app.

We're working on some Ruby on Rails web application which is currently in English but should be translated to more languages. We deploy new version of application to production every 2 weeks. Translators are a separate team. We have a special page in admin area for making translations. Dictionaries are stored as YAML-files. We can let ...

Changing language in Qt on runtime

Hi i have a Qt application and there are several plug-ins attached to the application. i want to change the language of the program on runtime but i dont know how to do it. i know i can do it by a call of this code: ui.retranslateUi(this); but since there are many plug-ins and many widgets on these plug-ins, it is hard to write th...