
JQuery css opacity on transparent png + IE = dark ugly outlines on transparent pngs...

Not sure what is going on here, but the opacity setting in this line of code is turning my transparent png in IE into an ugly mess. This wasn't just for IE6 but the newest version of IE as well. Any ideas? $('#someid.pre').css({margin:'0px', right:'0px', opacity:'1.0'}); ...

Transparent picturebox over another picturebox.

How can I put a transparent PictureBox on another PictureBox? One transparent PictureBox works on my form but i can not put a transparent PictureBox over another PictureBox. Here is a picture from my problem. ...

Making 3d Models Transparent in OpenGl and OpenFrameworks

I'm using c++ OpenFrameworks and ofx3dModelLoader to load in 3ds models that I've already created. This is working great. However I would like to smoothly transition models visually as the enter the frustum's back plane. I have fog working but would really like to fade the models in from transparency. Is there any way to do this eithe...

WS_EX_LAYERED window does not receive mouse events

I'm coding a custom background non rectangular window with buttons such as minimize and close in bitmaps. Here is my code just for now The problem is the custom window does not receive mouse messages while hovering over non zero alpha regions. ...

PHP GD Trim Transparent Pixels from created PNG

I am currently working on a website and lately have been using GD with PHP to automatically create transparent images that consist of text for use with navigation, headers, etc on the website. It saves me a lot of time in Photoshop plus I can change the text on the buttons instantly when needed. Well I have hit a dead end here. I foun...

PHP GD: Blur for transparent image

Hello world. I am trying to create the silhouette of PNG image with transparencies. Here is my code //file that i am working with $file=''; $im =imagecreatefrompng($file); imagealphablending($im, false); imagesavealpha($im, true); $imw =imagesx($im); $imh =imagesy($im); //turkey body ...

Calculate resulting RGB from 2 colors, one is transparent

I'm looking for a formula to convert them. I know to convert a general transparency it is alpha * new + ( 1 - alpha ) * old I have: Color A : RGB( 85, 113, 135 ) Color B : RGB( 43, 169, 225 ) Color A has 90% opacity and is laid on top of Color B, resulting in Color C : RGB( 65, 119, 145 ) My question is, how does it get Color C...

Ethical Dilemma: Should I still cater for IE6 as a web-developer.

Possible Duplicates: IE6: To support or not to support. Should we support IE6 anymore? I'd hate to (HATE TO) admit it, but there are some people still using this browser. A client of mine is facing an issue where the "transparency" area of a png comes out a light grey - ONLY on IE6. I know it's an unsupported browser, but ...

Set opacity to the menu but keep text opaque in CSS

How can I create a menu which only its background is transparent? The text should keep opaque (opacity: 1) If I set li:hover { opacity: 0.5 } The whole list item becomes transparent. How do I fix that? ...

PHP Imagick setImageOpacity destroys transparency and does nothing

Here's the thing. I hava a simple snippet in PHP like this regarding a transparent image: $im = new Imagick('some-transparent-image.png'); $im->setImageOpacity(0.3); $im->writeImage('output.png'); The file output should be a transparent image with lower opacity, right? Well, the output is an image with black color where it was supp...

SDL/OpenGL Texture Transparency

So I have a seemingly simple problem, and I've searched around, but none of the solutions I've found have worked (though I probably applied them incorrectly). I'm just wondering how I can convert an SDL_Surface (loaded from a png via IMG_Load) and stick it on a quad. Here is what I have (mostly just copy pasted from a tutorial I found). ...

wxWidgets transparent background image?

I'm attempting to create a window with a transparent PNG background with no success, how would I go about it? Setting wx.Frame.SetShape allows for non-box shapes, but transparency effects like shadows still have a background behind them. For example, the Photoshop splash screen. ...

Getting alpha/opacity of a View in Android

How can I get the alpha/opacity of a View after I've animated it? My fadeIn() is below - fadeOut() is the same with the endpoints switched. public void fadeIn(View view) { Animation animation = new AlphaAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f); animation.setDuration(1000); animation.setFillAfter(true); view.startAnimation(animation); } ...

o3d textures and transparency

I'm working at galery on o3d(plagin version) and I need make photos transparent. Photos are on hud. Here is some code: g_canvasInfoPict = o3djs.canvas.create(g_pack, g_hudRoot, g_hudViewInfo); alphaParam = g_canvasInfoPict.transparentState_.getStateParam("o3d.AlphaReference"); alphaParam.value = 0.5; alphaParam = g_canvasInfoPict.tran...

Transparent PNG image not looking nice...

I have an image that has a fairly large shadow around it and its background is transparent. I have saved it as a PNG file from photoshop and am using it in an ImageView through xml. This results in the shadow having a banding effect and just doesn't look nice. Not too sure what to do... ...

Using canvas can you create a glow effect on a semi-transparent shape?

I have a semi-transparent shape: ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(0, 150); ctx.lineTo(300, 0); ctx.lineTo(300, 450); ctx.lineTo(50, 500); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); I want to add a bit of shadow, but I want it to only appear outside of the shape, I guess more of a glow than a shadow. Is t...

How to set opacity/ transparancy on view/ List view row

Hi, In my code i have state for each row of content so in list view if row has state as read, i need to display it with opacity/ transparency but for the view there is no direct method to set alpha. if(termDetails.getInt("isRead") > 0) { AlphaAnimation animation = new AlphaAnimation(1, 0.2f); animation.setFillAfter(true); ...

android/opengles alpha textures not semitransparent but binary transparent

Hello, I am drawing some textures with alpha channel, but when they are displayed it looks like the alpha channel is only binary. So a pixel is either transparent or opaque, although in the texture file itself the pixel is half-transparent. The blending is set up like this: gl.glEnable(GL10.GL_BLEND); gl.glBlendFunc(GL10.GL_ONE, GL10....

Help with Tkinter Alpha

I have a python program that has no windows frame and doesn't show up in the taskbar because of self.overrideredirect(1). This program has an options menu (a top level widget) that allows for the alpha to be adjusted with self.attributes("-alpha", 0.85). However when I close out of the options menu my program shows up in the task bar. Ob...

How to create a window with a bit depth of 32

Hi, I'm trying to create a X11 window with a bit depth of 32 so that I can use ARGB colors. Here's what I do: XVisualInfo vinfo; int depth = 32; XMatchVisualInfo(dpy, XDefaultScreen(dpy), depth, TrueColor, XCreateWindow(dpy, XDefaultRootWindow(dpy), 0, 0, 150, 100, 0, depth, InputOutput, vinfo.visual, 0, NULL); Here's what happe...