
C++ Huffman Code Header

Hello, basically, I've got my Huffman table as std::map<std::string, char> ciMap; Where string is the bit pattern and char is the value represented by said pattern. The problem is how do I store that as a header of my compressed file so I can build again the same map when I want to decode it? Trying to store it as binary: size_t m...

How do I combine a Combo Box with a Tree in Swing?

For my application, I want a Combo Box that displays its elements when dropped down as a Tree. Problem is, I'm not versed well enough in Swing to know how to go about doing this. At least without ending up writing a new widget from scratch, or something to that effect. How would I do something like this without creating one from scrat...

Using when implementing a tree?

Hey everyone, I have ANOTHER serialization question, but this time it is in regards to Java's native serialization import when serializing to binary. I have to serialize a random tree that is generated in another java file. I know how serialization and deserialization works, but the example I followed when using binary serialization wi...

prevent rich:tree from scrolling if not needed

Hello to all, I have a problem with JBoss Richfaces tree: Whenever I select a tree node (programmatically or by user click), the tree is re-rendered and (if needed) the tree node is scrolled into the visible area of the tree. So far - so good, but: the selected node is automatically scrolled at the very bottom of the tree view area, al...

Find minimal path in a tree with multivalued nodes

Hi My math classes are far behind, and I'm currently struggling to find a decent solution to a problem I'm having: I have a tree, in which nodes are actions, and are "weighted" according to multiple criteria : the cost of said action, the time it will take, the necessary resources, the disturbance, etc... And I want to to find in this ...

How would you implement?: Lots of rules over a tree in C#

I have a data structure that represents C# code like this: class Namespace: string Name; List<Class> Classes; class Class: string Name; List<Property> Properties; List<Method> Methods; List<Method> Constructors; List<Field> Fields; List<Class> InnerClasses; Class Parent; List<Interface> Implement...

Implementing a tree in c# managing parent-child

I am implementing a tree think of it as a folder structure so I have a class that looks like: public class Folder { //Various Props like Name etc. public IList<Folder> Children{get;} public Folder Parent {get;} } Now what I want is to be able to walk up and down the tree so given a root I can find a leaf, and given a leaf ...

dynamic tree structure using struts tiles framework ?

I want to create a dynamic tree with menus and submenus fetching data from the database. I am using the struts tiles framework. Is there any tag or other ways to do it ? ...

How can I change the size of icons in the Tree control in Flex?

I embed SVG graphics in my Flex application using package MyUI { public class Assets { [Embed(source="/assets/pic.svg"] [Bindable] public static var svgPic:Class; } } and then extending the Tree class with some of my own code, setting the icon upon adding a node to the data provider: public class M...

Traversing a tree of objects in c#

I have a tree that consists of several objects where each object has a name (string), id (int) and possibly an array of children, that are of the same type. How do I go through the entire tree and print out all of the ids and names? I'm new to programming and frankly, I'm having trouble wraping my head around this because I don't know h...

How to efficiently build a tree from a flat structure ?

Hi, I have a bunch of objects in a flat structure. These objects have an ID and a ParentID property so they can be arranged in trees. They are in no particular order. Each ParentID property does not necessarily matches with an ID in the structure. Therefore their could be several trees emerging from these objects. How would you process...

Storing a large number of images

I'm thinking about developing my own PHP based gallery for storing lots of pictures, maybe in the tens of thousands. At the database I'll point to the url of the image, but here's the problem: I know is impractical to have all of them sitting at the same directory in the server as it would slow access to a crawl, so, how would you store...

On Linux, what tools for Subversion have a tree view (like in Cervisia) for browsing branch history?

My company is moving from CVS to SVN. With CVS, I made branches for each production release (now svn copy) and applied limited patches to the branch for critical issues. We used Cervisia for its tree view of branch history. Is there a GUI tool on Linux that will show a similar tree for SVN? ...

What is the best way to tie a Flex Tree control to a tree stored in a database?

I have a local SQLite database that contains a tree (as Nested Sets). In an AIR application, I want to display that tree in a tree control and provide means to change the nodes' names and copy, move, add or delete nodes. Now, I'm hiccupping a little on where to put which code. Obviously, I have a class which will perform operations lik...

'Head First' Style Data Structures & Algorithms Book?

I loved the Head First series book on object oriented design. It was a very gentle and funny introduction to the subject. I am currently taking a data structures class and find the text we are using (Kruse/Ryba Data Structures and Program Design in C++) to be very dry and hard to comprehend. This is mostly due I think to my own limita...

How to find all nodes in a subtree in a recursive SQL query?

I have a table which defines a child-parent relationship between nodes: CREATE TABLE node ( ' pseudo code alert id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, parentID INTEGER, ' should be a valid id. ) If parentID always points to a valid existing node, then this will naturally define a tree structure. If the parentID...

XML tree printer?

Is there a program that will print a nicely formatted tree from XML data? I am working on a B+ tree programming assignment for class and it would greatly help if I could visualize the tree. It wouldn't be too hard to output my internal data structure to XML (see below) if there was a program that would render it. ...

C# Drawing oriented graph

Hello, is there a way to draw an oriented graph / tree in c#, without using external libraries? ...

Flex Tree Node Naming question...

I have a tree in flex built from an XML document into an XMLlist In the XML the tags are all different and have a bunch of attributes each, and are not consistent. When I publish the file I want the name of the folders in the tree to be the tag. It is easy with attributes.. "@id" or something similar, but I can't find what it could be...

The "Ruby" way of doing an n-ary tree

I'm writing a Ruby script and would like to use a n-ary tree data structure. Is there a good implementation that is available as source code? Thanks. ...