
How do I execute an action in drupal after each time a node is saved?

I'm developing an Action in Drupal which is supposed to activate after saving a node, exporting content to XML (which includes data from the node that was just saved), using the "Trigger: After saving an updated post" trigger. Unfortunately this action actually happens right before the information from the recently saved post is saved ...

Is it possible a trigger on a select statement with MySQL?

Hi. I know that triggers can be used on insert, update and delete, but what about a trigger (or sort of) on a select statement. I want to use a trigger to insert data on a table B when it is selected an existent record on a table A, it could be possible?. Thanks in advance. ...

select more rows as a column

I have a MySQL issue i want to have the result of the next query into a var and use it to update into the trigger i am trying to get the names comma separated The query returns more then one row SELECT t.naam FROM trefwoorden t INNER JOIN organisaties_has_trefwoorden AS o ON (t.id_trefwoorden = o.id_trefwoorden) WHERE o.id_organ...

WPF MVVM Trigger Animation on MainWindow close

I'm using trying to implement MVVM in my app. I have a MainWindow.xaml and a MainWindowViewModel. I'm in the process of removing all of the code-behind code from the MainWindow.xaml but I'm stuck on one final piece. In my pre-MVVM setup I started an animation in the MainWindow.xaml.cs that would fade out the form before closing it. ...

MySQL - Before Insert Trigger Syntax?

With MySQL 5.1.43. I am trying to create a trigger like this: USE `databaseA`; DELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` trigger triggerName BEFORE INSERT ON tableA FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF(convert(new.subTime, signed) > '600') THEN SET new.fieldA = new.fieldB; END IF; END$$ When I insert a record the fieldA field does not upda...


I am adding a new GUID/Uniqueidentifier column to my table. ALTER TABLE table_name ADD VersionNumber UNIQUEIDENTIFIER UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT NEWSEQUENTIALID() GO And when ever a record is updated in the table, I would want to update this column "VersionNumber". So I create a new trigger CREATE TRIGGER [DBO].[TR_TABLE_NAMWE] ON [DBO]...

jQuery/JavaScript: Trigger when preloaded

Hello there, jQuery has the .ready() function, but I am unsure whether this is what I need: I set a default background image in CSS (imange 1 out of 4), once document is loaded (images and all, not only DOM); I want to start preloading background image 2 out of 4. Once that is loaded, I want to fade image 1 into image 2. Then I want to...

help with mysql triggers (checking values before insert)

hi I'm quite new to mysql and I'm trying to figure out how to use triggers. what I'm trying to do: I have 2 tables, max and sub_max, when I insert a new row to sub_max I want to check if the SUM of the values with the same foreign_key as the new row are less than the value in the max table. I think this sounds confusing so here are my ...

Logging into table in SQL Server trigger

I am coding SQL Server 2005 trigger. I want to make some logging during trigger execution, using INSERT statement into my log table. When there occurs error during execution, I want to raise error and cancel action that cause trigger execution, but not to lose log records. What is the best way to achieve this? Now my trigger logs everyt...

Migrate style from TabItem to TabHeader

Good day! I have a TabControl with TabItems that have been customized via a control template. This control template specifies a trigger whereby on mouseover, the content of tab header grows slightly. <ControlTemplate> <Storyboard x:Key="TabHeaderGrow"> <DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames BeginTime="00:00:00" Storyboard.Target...

Oracle: How can I get all the triggers linked to a specific table?

Hi, I'm searching for a way to retrieve all the triggers where there is an action linked to a specific table. I don't want to read manually all the triggers I have on the server as there are too many. Any ideas? Thanks ...

Query on Triggers..

Created One Trigger in Oracle.. SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER student_after_insert 2 AFTER INSERT 3 ON student 4 FOR EACH ROW 5 BEGIN 6 9 END student_after_insert; 10 / Contents of are:- BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('hello world'); END; And.. the result is pretty good, as the content of h...

sql - Update Trigger to populate a ModifyDate field

I'm looking for an example of a good update trigger to update the ModifyDate field of a table. It would be nice to handle the case where an update command updated more than one record in the table. Is there a good template or tutorial for this? Thanks ...

How to use External Procedures in Triggers on Oracle 11g..

Hi, I want to fire a trigger whenever an insert command is fired.. The trigger will access a pl/sql file which can change anytime.. So the query is, if we design the trigger, how can we make sure this dynamic thing happens.. As during the stored procedure, it is not workingg.. I think - it should work for 1) External Procedures 2)...

Creating a MySQL trigger to verify data on another table

I am trying to set up a MySQL trigger that does the following: When someone inserts data into databaseA.bills, it verifies if databaseB.bills already has that row, if it doesn't, then it does an additional insert into databaseB.bills. Here is what I have: CREATE TRIGGER ins_bills AFTER INSERT ON databaseA.bills FOR EACH ROW BEGIN ...

Stop invalid data in a attribute with foreign key constraint using triggers?

How to specify a trigger which checks if the data inserted into a tables foreign key attribute, actually exists in the references table. If it exist no action should be performed , else the trigger should delete the inserted tuple. Eg: Consider have 2 tables R(A int Primary Key) and S(B int Primary Key , A int For...

enable/disable trigger via code C#

Is there a way to enable or disable a trigger via code? tks. ...

running a stored procedure inside a sql trigger

Hi all, the business logic in my application requires me to insert a row in table X when a row is inserted in table Y. Furthermore, it should only do it between specific times(which I have to query another table for). I have considered running a script every 5 minutes or so to check this, but I stumbled upon triggers and figured this mig...

Triggering a JavaScript click() event at specific coordinates

Trying to fire off (trigger) a click event. Its easy to do in jQuery, but cannot figure out how to set the coordinates of the event and send them along. Essentially, I need to trigger a click at a specific location (which is calculated prior to the trigger() call). Any way to do this (in jQuery or otherwise)? Thanks - ...

WPF Trigger / Style overrides another

I have a listview defined as such <ListView Width="auto" SelectionMode="Single" ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource ItemContStyle}" .... Then in "baseListViewStyle" I have defined some base styles to apply to my lis...