
Session is restarted when using the alert view in iphone?

I am new to iphone development.I am creating a map application.Now i am facing a problem with the alert view.To see how alert view displayed in simulator, i have added a alert view in the "view did load "method.When i click a button in the landing page it navigates to another view(where alert view is displayed)When i run the app ,in con...

Default alert view in maps in iphone

I am new to iphone development.I am creating a map application.I want to display the alert "asking for load the current location".To do that should i call a alert method or can i invoke the inbuilt method(if available).And if the ipod touch cannot determine the location it should display an alert"your location cannot be determined".For t...

Is it possable to change the frame of a UIAlertView

I want to move a UIAlertView's frame because I am adding a UITextFied to it and when the keypad is hiding the Cancel and Ok buttons that are apart of my alertView ...

Image in UIAlertView

Is it possible to add image in the AlertView?like showing image from plist file. Need help. Thanks ...

iPhone Memory Alert

I have read about this function didReceiveMemoryWarning that actually hasn't really helped. I would like to show a UIAlert View to tell the user that the action he is about to take will lead to problems with memory. So apart from crashing, which is a nasty way to inform the user that there is a memory Warning received, is there a possi...

iPhone - Several UIAlertViews for a delegate

Currently I've got a class popping up UIAlertViews here and there. Currently, the same class is the delegate for these (it's very logical that it would be). Unfortunately, these UIAlertViews will call the same delegate methods of the class. Now, the question is - how do you know from which alert view a delegate method is invoked? I was t...

UIAlert button size

Is there a way to specify the size of a UIAlert button? Is there a way to specify the layout of buttons on UIAlert? Like having three buttons next to each other and a cancel button on the buttom? ...

Changing number of button rows in UIAlertView using public API's

In a UIAlertView I need to align buttons into rows so that there are either 2 in each row or 3 in each row. This is for an appstore app so I need to use documented methods. So obviously I can't use setNumberOfRows: for this. Suggestions on how I could achieve the same effect? ...

iPhone Developer's Cookbook: ModalAlert Frozen

I've used a recipe from the iPhone Developer's Cookbook called ModalAlert in order to get some text from a user; however, when the alert is shown, the keyboard and buttons are frozen. Here is the code for the modal alert. +(NSString *) textQueryWith: (NSString *)question prompt: (NSString *)prompt button1: (NSString *)button1 button2:(N...

UIAlertView button press causing crash, when all others work fine.

I have an alertview which displays fine. In my header I've included the UIAlertViewDelegate, but for some reason whenever I click a button on the alert view my app crashes with a bad excess, saying that an unrecognized selector was sent. Any ideas would be helpful. I have the exact same code running in other classes with no problem at a...

Alertview click to UITableviewcontroller

am new to iphone programming. I have a viewcontoller with an alertview in it. When the ok button on alertview is clicked it takes to another UITableviewcontroller. I am able to get my cells with objects in it. but am unable to get the navigation bar on top. please tell me y is it so? thanks viki ...

Create UIActionSheet 'otherButtons' by passing in array, not varlist

I have an array of strings that I want to use for button titles on a UIActionSheet. Unfortunately, the otherButtonTitles: argument in the method invocation takes a variable length list of strings, not an array. So how I can I pass these titles into the UIActionSheet? The workaround I've seen suggested is to pass nil into otherButtonTitl...

allocating and dismissing UIAlert w/spinner animation: crashes sometimes, doing it wrong?

I'm creating an alert dialog with a spinner graphic. UIAlertView *alert; //(at top of controller) alert = [[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Looking for someone to connnect to via WiFi" message:nil delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:nil otherButtonTitles: nil] autorelease]; [alert show]; UIActivityIndicatorView *indicator = [[UIActivi...

UIAlertView close the App

Hello Users, in my project my app first tries to connect to the internet, but now i have to check if there is an connection available! so i made an if, else within an UIAlertView in the else part! but how can i close the whole app on a click on the following button? UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Keine Inter...

is it possible to slide in UIAlertView from left screen?

instead of popup from center can we change to another animation (eg, undo animation)? ...

Create semi-transparent overlay to mimic UIAlertView or UIActionSheet?

In the iPhone app that I am currently developing, I present several "alert" views that mimic the behaviour of UIAlertView and UIActionSheet. These views require non-standard elements that are not available in UIAlertView or UIActionSheet. Rather than attempt to subclass either, I have created my own classes so that I can easily customi...

UIAlertView shows up twice

Hi My alertview appears twice and requires 2 user clicks to dismiss. - (void) showAlert: (NSString *) message { UIAlertView *av = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"You chose" message: message delegate: self cancelButtonTitle:@"Cancel" otherButtonTitles:@"ok",nil]; av.tag = SLID...

UITextField in UIAlertView doesn't respond to cut/copy/paste on second showing

Edit I've replaced this question with a new post that is not marked "community wiki". That means that answers to the new post will enhance your stackoverflow "reputation". Here's the new post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2428393 ...

UITextField in UIAlertView doesn't respond to cut/copy/paste on second showing

Edit Reposting... I accidentally marked my previous question as "commuity wiki" and didn't realize that answers to wiki posts don't generate reputation. I"m adding a UITextView to a UIAlertView with the following code: UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Enter Name Here" message:@"this gets covered!" delegate:sel...

cant add a alertview to my webview

How can i add a uialert view giving a connection error when the iphone don't have a internet connections. All tutorials online does not work o a tab bar application!!! ...