
How to show multiple Alerts one after another in iphone app

Hi let me explain briefly. i am developing an iphone application where i have to show multiple UIAlerts one after the another, but if i simply use multiple [alert show]; they all show up stacking up to each other. one solution is to show one alert [alert1 show]; then in - (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex...

can i display alert view with the table view with segmented controls in every cell

Hi all i want to display the table view in alert view. This table view contains segmented control. these segmented controls are for on/off the audio, image, text. so there will be 3 cells with segmented controls. how to do this please help me out Thank u ...

TableView ReloadData not working after action

Can someone help me? I made an action to rename items in my uitableview. The table view is populated with videos located in a directory. The problem is when I try to rename a file, th reloaddata do not work. I need to tap on my first tab and come back to the second tab to see the change. This is what I have: - (void)viewDidAp...

IPhone SDK : Basic simple Question how to open a Webview when touch a button in Alert view ?

Hi all ,I import WebView.h to my project,and it only has a simple IBOutlet UIWebView *myWebView ; How to Open a WebView when I press the button in the alert view ? here is how I define alert view button response - (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex{ if ([alertView tag]==0) { ...

How do you display a Alert when not connected to the internet ? iOS

hi How do you display a Alert when not connected to the internet ? iOS not connected to internet means has no wifi , no connection to remote host ( www.google.com) no Cellular Data Network as i have seen many applications showing this message when i am not connected to the internet. i have tried downloading the Reachability from appl...

Click on UIAlertView crashes app if view is dismissed

A UIAlertView is displayed if an error occurs. But in the meantime the view on which the UIAlertView were called has been dismissed (and therefore released). If the user clicks on OK the app crashes because a message to a released instance is sent. This will cause your app crashing: UIAlertView *alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWith...

iphone, How can I get rid of this potential leak, caused by using return after UIAlertview ?

Heres my analyzer leak... I need to return and stop execution of the rest of my method, as I'm stopping the user as hes enter some text fields incorrectly. ...

Problem subclassing UIAlertView in an InputAlertView different sizes and position between iOS4 e iOS3

I've got a problem understanding why a subclass of UIAlertView seems to be drawn in different ways in iOS3 and iOS4. My project must work under iOS4 (base sdk) and iOS3.1.3(deployment target). In that project I subclass a UIAlertView for creating an InputAlertView that is similar to the one that ask you pwd when you buy on the AppStore ...

problem in changing size of uialertview

Hello I am having a alertview and i want to change the size by cgrectmake property but it does not happen . It just take the by default size. i tried following code. - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; UIAlertView* find = [[[UIAlertView alloc] init]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,300,200)]; [find setDelegate:self]; [find setTitle...

identify an exception in an overall iphone app

Hi friends, How to identify an exception in an overall iphone app and throughing to user as alertview(like nsurlconnection exception) Regards, sathish ...

change the internal size of UIAlertView in iphone

I want to adjust the internal format of UIAlertView because when i add three or more button the size become large and button overridden the UITextView in it. Please give some solution Thanx in advance ...

UIAlertView Dismissed Covers Another View

Hello! I'm trying to show a Facebook post to wall window when the user dismisses a UIAlertView, I.E., it is showing the window inside the clickedButtonAtIndex delegate method called when the person taps on OK. WHat appears to happen is the UIAlertView dismisses itself and puts the original view (the main application view) to the front, ...

App Delegate giving warning: 'id <UIApplicationDelegate>' does not conform to the 'UIAlertViewDelegate' protocol

Hello everyone, I'm currently using a UIAlertView at startup in my app with the UIAlertViewDelegate. It all works fine. The only problem is, I get the warning "type 'id ' does not conform to the 'UIAlertViewDelegate' protocol" every time I reference the App Delegate, giving me about 32 warnings. Can anyone shed some light on why I'm g...

UIAlertView is causing a EXC_BAD_ACCESS

I get an error with the following code. Essentially the app confirms calling the number when it is selected from the table view. The EXC_BAD_ACCESS is coming in when the ViewContoller with this alert is dismissed. It only happens if the alert is triggered. It does not if the table is only viewed with no selection. That tells me I am doi...

Problem with NSStrings and UIAlertView

I have having a very odd issue when utilizing this UIAlertView. When viewing a Physician they have several offices. Upon selecting one you get an alert that offers to call this location or display it on a map. To create the alert and to have data at the ready when the alert is dismissed, I declared 4 NSStrings (although I probably only n...

Access another methods sender

Hey guys, So I'm pretty new to Objective-C and kind of just learning as I go here. So I have a method that passes on its sender when called to another method. So when called internally I can call it like this: [self insertNewDBInfoConnection:sender]; Here's where I hit a bump in the road. this insertNewDBInfoConnection: is only going...

My timer isn't stopping my parsing

I want to put in a timeout in case it takes too long to find my location, send out the relevant url, and parse the xml. It worked when I used performSelector:withObject:afterDelay in the locationManager (just to test getting the xml), but when I put similar code around my parser it doesn't actually abort the parsing. I am testing this by...