
change width of UIAlertView in iPad

Hi Friends, Is there any way to change the frame of the UIAlertView in iPhone or iPad. I tried changing the frame in the following delegate method- (void)willPresentAlertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView; but even then the width of the Alertview remained unchanged. And I think a small Alertview in iPad will not make sense. And I guess the...

Using ModalAlert from cookbook - app does not load

I'm using iphone cookbook code to prompt a user for text in a UIAlertView. The cookbook code is available at http://github.com/erica/iphone-3.0-cookbook-/tree/master/C10-Alerts/03-Soliciting%20Text/ In my AppDelegate, applicationDidFinishLaunching(), I invoke as below NSString *str = [ModalAlert ask:@"what is your name?" withText...

MPVolumeView in a UIAlertView?

Is it possibe to put an MPVolumeView in a UIAlertView? I have tried to put it inside of it, but it does not display. It may be the sizeToFit or initWithFrame: part? Is there a way of testing if the MPVolumeView is actually being created? Here's the code I initialize both the UIAlertView and MPVolumeView with: UIAlertView *volumeAlert ...

UIAlertView within XML Parser didEndElement not showing

Hi guys, I am working on an iphone application. Application uses .net web service to perform an operation and return the status either "Success" or "Failure". I am getting this status in xml parser didEndElement like if( [elementName isEqualToString:@"OperationStatusResult"]) { } I am trying to show an UIAlert view if status is fai...

UIAlertView -show causing a memory leak

I'm relatively new to iPhone Development, so this may be my fault, but it goes against what I've seen. :) I think that I'm creating a UIAlertView that lives just in this vaccuum of the 'if' statement. NSData *data = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response error:&error]; if(!data) { // Add an ale...

How to do a pop-up window with textfields in Objective-C?

In the iPhone Objective-C app, I want to pop-up a window (which is smaller than the main view, and the app does not stop running) when a button is tapped, with textField for the user to input text, and dismiss it when it is done. This is widely used but I really cannot google the relevant content out. What view should I use to connect i...

UIAlertView won't rotate to landscape even with applicationDidFinishLaunching call

I am trying to use UIAlertView on my landscape right (home button on the right) app but it is showing up in portrait orientation. I have tried putting: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight animated: NO ]; in applicationDidFinishLaunching, but it doesn't work. Are there any o...

iPhone UIAlertView in background process

Is it possible to create an alert in the background process? I've tried looking at mobile substrate and hooking functions to SpringBoard but I didn't find anything that works Thanks Reuben ...

Keyboard cannot display when using UIAlertView on top of a modal view

1.; [m_splitViewController presentModalViewController:m_ModalViewController animated:NO];` 2.; UIAlertView* alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"login" message:strUserName delegate: self cancelButtonTitle:@"Cancel" otherButtonTitles:NSLocalizedString: @"Yes"]; [alert addTextField...

UIAlertView with subview animating to new view crashes app

UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Congratulations" message:message delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:@"Cancel" otherButtonTitles:@"View", nil]; UIImageView *imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(110, 100, 80, 80)]; NSString *imagePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [Array objectAtIndex:x]]; ...

Writing a function for UIAlertView?

I'm sick of writing basic UIAlertView's, ie: UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWith...]] //etc Instead of doing this, is it possible to put all this in a "helper" function, where I can return the buttonIndex, or whatever an alert usually returns? For a simple helper function I guess you could feed parameters for the title...

UIAlertView subclass with text fields for iOS 4

Has anyone seen a solution for adding text fields to a UIAlertView (without private APIs)? On 3.x I've been using enormego's EGOTextFieldAlertView, but this doesn't work properly when compiled for iOS 4. Any suggestions? http://github.com/enormego/EGOTextFieldAlertView/ ...

How to create an alertview with search bar in iphone?

I want to display an alert view with a search bar option on it.How can i create a search bar in a alert view.Please help me out.Any sample codes would me more helpful. Thanks ...

AlertView too high with iPhone OS 4

I had a UIAlertView window which worked fine in iPhone OS 3.2.3, with SDK 3.1.3 and XCode 3.2.1. But after I updated the iPhone to OS 4.0 by iTunes, consequently had to upgrade the SDK to 4.0 (with XCode 3.2.3), the UIAlertView window turns out too high when popping up, and only drops down to the correct position after the textField is ...

UIAlertView display an informative statement with OK

I want to display a UIAlert to indicate to my users that something went wrong (maybe no Internet). I just need an OK button. Thanks for the help :) ...

Frame for an AlertView

Hi guys, Is any one know to how to set frame for the UIAlertView.Please tell me. Thankig you, Sekhar Bethalam. ...

How to change width of UIAlertView buttons?

When users begin a specific action in my iPhone app, I am using a UIAlertView to display a help message with two button options: "OK" and "Don't Display Again", so the user can choose whether or not see the help message the next time they begin that action. However, the UIAlertView buttons are divided equally within the screen space - so...

iOS4.0: UIAlertView with UITextField messed up

this is what i get when using this code: [[Director sharedDirector] pause]; UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Rank on ScoreBoard: %d",positionOnBoard] message:@"" delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:@"Dismiss" otherButtonTitles:@"Submit", nil]; nameField = [[UITextField alloc] initWit...

Another "wait_fences: failed to receive reply" Question (UIAlertView)

There are a number of questions regarding the "wait_fences: failed to receive reply" on this forum already, but none of the proposed solutions work for me (although they did help me to mitigate it). When my app starts up, I do a reachability check, and if I can't reach the host I'm looking for, I pop up a UIAlertView. Initially I was do...

Close UIAlertView and Replace with Another

I'm running an application that requires LocationServices be enabled. I'm checking if they are by making a call to the service and catching the error. In the error case, I want to pop up an alertview notifying the user to activate location services. I have another AlertView open already when this test happens. I want to close that on...