
UINavigationBar BarButtonItem with Plain Style

Hi, i got the following code: - (id)init { if (self = [super init]) { self.title = @"please wait"; UIBarButtonItem *favorite = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"star.png"] style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:@selector(buttonFavoriteClicked:)]; self.navigationItem.rightBarBut...

customView on left button of UINavigationBar

Hi, guys! I'm trying to implement UINavigationBar with custom controls. So, I've added UIView on left side of UINavigationBar and trying to add controls to that UIView with following code: UIView *view = navigationController.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem.customView; UIButton *button = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:view.frame]; [bu...

How to open any link from a UIWebView to a new UIWebView?

I want to make a simple app, where a UIWebView with custom content will have several links to other pages with similar content as well (and a navigation bar on top, with just a back button). I read the answers to this question, however I'm not sure if I should do that in my application, as the user might be able to go deep enough, and I ...

UINavigationBar multi-line title

Is there a straightforward way of overriding the titleView of the current navigation bar item in a navigation bar within a navigation controller? I've tried creating a new UIView and replacing the titleView property of topView with my own UIVIew with no success. Basically, I want a multi-line title for the navigation bar title. Any sugg...

Using undecorated UiNavigationBar

Hello, I would like to use UINavigationBar without decoration. I.e. I would like to create my own custom buttons and link those to the same actions (e.g. back) as the navigation items were linked to and have no bar presented at the top. I was told that one should use navigation bar even though graphically you should design the interacti...

Hide button on first of two UIViews, but have it visible on second...

So I have a UIViewController (main application controller is a TabBarController). On this there is a UINavigationBar, and a UIBarButtonItem. I'm PRETTY sure I hooked up everything correctly in the Interface Builder and that the outlet in the code is connected to the button in the .xib. It should be because the method works correctly. No...

UINavigationBar is getting buttons from another view

I have three Views, Splash, Login and List. From Splash I just wait and then Push Login View, with the Navigation Bar hidden. In Login I Show the NavigationBar, hide the BackButton1 and add a new RightButton1, then I check if Settings.bundle "login" and "pass" are set. If so, I push List View. Otherwise I stay in the Login view waiting...

Setting navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem - why does it hide my back arrow button ?

When I do this : // --------------- SETTING NAVIGATION BAR LEFT BUTTON activityIndicator = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0,0.0,25.0,25.0)]; [activityIndicator sizeToFit]; activityIndicator.autoresizingMask = (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMarg...

View doesn't respond to touches after shake

In my app I've implemented a shake event and it shows a UIImageView. When the UIImageView is shown, I hide the Nav Bar with: [self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:YES animated:NO]; And after that I want to bring it back when user touches the screen: - (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { [[...

How to add a button to UINavigationBar?

How to add a button to UINavigationBar programmatically? ...

How no make a button show UINavigationBar only in 3 of 5 tabs in UITabBar?

I have an app, where there's a UITabBar with 5 tabs. When user shakes the device, I want the UINavigationBar to push an UIImageView. When I show the UIImageView, I need to hide both tab and nav bars. After that, when user taps the UIImageView, the NavBar appears again and user can go to the UIImageView's parent view. I make the Nav Bar a...

Hiding a navigation bar via scrolling (safari style)

After a page is loaded in Safari on the iPhone, when you begin scrolling down, the navigation bar is also scrolled out of view. When you scroll back up, the navigation scrolls back into view. I'm looking to implement this same behavior using a UIWebView underneath the UINavigationBar, but I'm guessing it should be possible with any UISc...

UINavigationController (drawRect:)

Hi, I created an application with a TabBarController, 4 TabBarItems and every TabBarItem have is own NavigationController file (everything created in IB). I'm using the drawRect function to design my navigationBar: @implementation UINavigationBar (customImage) -(void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@...

Adjusting table cells for navigation prompt

I have a tableview with a navigation bar at the top. I've added text to the prompt property of the navigation bar. This cuts the top half of the first tableview cell. Is there a way to tell the tableview that the prompt is present or do I need to roll something custom? ...

How do I support the touch of the navigation bar label?

I have an editor that I am making, and I need a way of editing the document's title. I was considering touching the title of the navigation item and have a custom view appear. I did this in an initial version of the application with a button bar item (and target/action), but I cannot seem to find a way to do it with the managed navigati...

How can I make the text of a UIBarButtonItem wrap to two lines?

Some of the titles of view controllers in my UINavigationController are quite long, which makes the back button in the navigation bar of the next view controller in the hierarchy miss out some of the text, with a "..." instead. How could I make the text of the back button wrap onto two lines, as with "Now Playing" in the navigation bar ...

making a minesweeper program for iphone having issues with navbar and adding images to a scroll view

originally i had a navigation bar with some buttons on it. in interface builder i hooked a button up with the "newGame" action on my main (autocreated) viewcontroller. "newGame" just outputs the board to the console,as a test to see if it's working. well it wasn't. so i decided to get rid of the navbar and just place the button in the ma...

Custom logo on top of UINavigationBar?

I've read plenty of requests about a full-on custom UINavigationBar background, but what I want is to overlay a logo on the default UINavigationBar instead of text. Preferably, I'd like to apply it to a subclass of UINavigationBar called CustomNavigationBar. Thanks in advance. ...

iPad SplitView changes main navigation bar color

Weird problem: After rotating my app to portrait, picking the toolbar item and exposing the uipopovercontroller, if I rotate back to landscape, the UINavigationController on the right side (objectAtIndex:0 of the SplitView) changes the color of the navigation bar. I am not sure why. I have it set in Interface Builder to be barStyle = U...

Change title of UINavigationBar created by Interface Builder

All is in the title. I want to change the title of my UINavigationBar that I created with Interface Builder ( Navigation Bar + Navigation Item ) in the "awakeFromNib" methode of my view class. But I don't know how to create the link with Interface Builder. Can you help me? ...