
UINavigationBar buttons color

Hello, How to change the color of the button in the UINavigationBar? For example, I use UINavigationBar with light gray background, and I need the buttons to be dark gray (almost black). It will be cool to have one solution for all button types, i.e. back button, button with image, button with text thanks ...

Is it possible to force value in property setter?

What I want is to override UINavigationBar tintColor setter and force default color to it. Bellow is my code (which of course fails). Is there a way to make it work? @implementation UINavigationBar (UINavigationBarCategory) - (void)setTintColor:(UIColor *)tint { self.tintColor = [UIColor greenColor]; } @end ...

UISearchBar with hidden UINavigationBar

Hello, I have the search bar in the top of the table and the hidden navigation bar. Along with UISearchBar I use UISearchDisplayController. UISearchDisplayController has the possibility to bring forward the navigation bar. So, when I tap the cancel button in the search bar, the navigation bar fly's down. How can I dismiss this possibili...

iPhone - How set uinavigationbar height?

I want to make the top of the navigation view a bit smaller. How would you achieve this? This is what I've tried so far, but as you can see, even though I make the navigationbar smaller, the area which it used to occupy is still there (black). [window addSubview:[navigationController view]]; navigationController.view.frame = CGRectMake(...

Iphone navigation bar change title?

How do I change the title text on an Iphone navigation bar? ...

UINavigationBar .items accessor doesn't return the current UINavigationItem

In my UINavigationBar: didPopItem: function the navigation bar's _itemStack has n items in it, shown in the debugger, but the .items accessor function returns an array with n-1 items in it, missing the current navigation item, which is what I want to check. backItem returns the n-2 item instead of the n-1, etc. The didPopItem item is the...

Android Navigation Bar Top

How can i make a Navigation Bar at the top of my application? I would like something like the top bar in the photo: link text ...

How to set the text of a back button on a UINavigationBar?

The Situation: I have a UIViewController that is governed by a navigation controller. I am able to set the title of the navigation bar covering the UIViewController by simply calling self.title = @"title". But, I want to be able to set the back button text of the navigation bar, too (for different languages n' such..) The Problem: I don...

Custom background under transparent UINavigationBar

There is a custom UIImageView under "Black Translucent" UINavigationBar, but I'm not too happy with the result. The custom image is not visible enough and while changing navigation bar alpha value brings it more visible, it makes the navigation bar title and buttons less visible. Question: I want a fully visible custom UINavigationBar b...

I don't apply setFrame:CGRectMake.

[Button1 setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 50, 0)]; [Button2 setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 120, 0)]; [Button3 setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 50, 0)]; self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:Button1]; self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:Button2]; self.navigationI...

IPhone Development - Switching Views

So I have programatically created a tabbarcontroller that uses navigation controllers(based on Jeff Fithian's example). Now I need to push an additional page onto the navbarcontroller (ie I have clicked on an item on the list) but I can't quite figured out how to get a reference to the navigation controller of the current view from it's ...

Change UINavigationItem Color to Black

I am looking at example provided by Apple called LocateMe. I am basing my application on similar UI flow. In that example the top bar of the screen is black. Looking in the code and xib file I am not able to figure out how did they get that black bar on the top. When I set up my project exactly like them, I get blue bar. Please help. ...

In IB why can you not add multiple Bar Button Items?

In Interface builder, create a UIView, then a UINavigationBar and then attempt to add multiple UIBarButtomItems to that Navigation Bar. The resulting hierarchy should be: - View - Navigation Bar - Navigation Item (Title) - Bar Button Item - Bar Buttom Item I can never seem to add the second Bar Button Item. I know...

iphone - programatically change navigation bar button to activity indicator

I have added a refresh UIBarButtonItem to my navigation bar on my iPhone app. When the user taps the button I'd like the refresh button to change to the animated activity indicator and once the operation (in this case a download) is complete switch the activity indicator back to the refresh button. I have added the refresh button using ...

How many UINavigationController objects in a single iPhone application?

I think one of my design problems is that I keep creating navigation objects when I should only have one UINavigationController and a delegate. Is that correct? I not as concerned from a style-preference, but the answer I am looking for is more about the a technical perspective and managing the navigation among several view controllers...

[iphone] UINavigationBar UIBarButtonItems much larger click area than required

hey guys- hopefully someone can help me out- iv'e scoured the net for the answer and cannot find one- the UIBarButtonItems added to UINavigationBar have a much larger click area than required- for example, open up any project you have a nav bar with buttons on- click anywhere between the end of the button and the title of the nav bar- ...

iPhone: Setting Navigation Bar Title

Hey all. I'm still pretty new to iPhone development, and I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how to change the title of my Navigation Bar. On another question on this site somebody recommended using : viewController.title = @"title text"; but that isn't working for me...Do I need to add a UINavigationController to accomplish th...

Send UIWebView title to UINavigationBar

Hi I have looked everywhere but nothing as help, I am trying to send the UIWebView page Title to UINavigationBar. I would also like it if a user clicks on a link the UINavigationBar shows a back button but if on the home page hide the back button. If you can help that would be very nice ...

iPhone SDK - make UINavigationBar transparent

How do you make a UINavigationBar transparent? Though I want its bar items to remain visible. ...

Hide ActivityIndicator and display Title in NavigationBar

Hey all, i display an activityindicator like CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 25.0, 25.0); loading = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithFrame:frame]; [loading startAnimating]; [loading sizeToFit]; loading.autoresizingMask = (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightM...