
Why can't I set a custom color-tint for the UINavigationBar?

I want to change the color on the navigation bar and the documentation states not to attempt to change the 'alpha' value. So, how can I set a color that is not the SDK defined values (e.g., [UIColor redColor], brownColor, etc.) if all the constructors provide an alpha value? I tried getting the current alpha value but that did not help...

How to restrict rightBarButtonItem size in UINavigationBar ?

I create a rightBarButtonItem with this method : - (UIBarButtonItem *)customBarButtonWithSelector:(SEL)callback { UIButton *customButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect]; customButton.bounds = CGRectMake(0, 0, 30.0f, 30.0f); return [[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:customButton] autorelease]; } At exec...

Why is uitableview underneath my uinavigationbar

I have a UINavigationController with a UIViewController (vc1) as the "root view controller". There are 3 views in the UIViewController: HeaderView(UIViewSubclass) UITableView (custom frame) FooterView(UIViewSubclass) The reason that the header/footer view are separate from the uitableview is because they need to be stationary a...

iPhone: Navigation Bar button indefinitely links to it's own view.

Hi there, When I navigate from the root view to another view, it works. However, when I want to get back, the navigation button links to itself. This goes on for about 6 taps, until it eventually goes back to the root view. This only occurs on one view, and the rest are working fine. I have no idea what code is causing this, but if yo...

UINavigationController doesn't fully push view and only changes the Navigation toolbar to the next view's toolbar

So I have an iPhone application that utilizes a UINavigationController for setting up the views. When the application first starts, it presents the user with a UITableViewController and the user can select an item and it will push another view. Now I have it set so that my app remembers the user's last selection and automatically selec...

How to hide UIStatusBar and show UINavigationBar at the top when UIView changes to LandscapeOrientation

I am using two views (portraitView and landscapeView) loaded from xib in a viewcontroller for different InterfaceOrientation each for Portrait and Landscape mode. The view in portrait mode has statusbar and navigationbar and other one has just the navigationbar. The problem is that even i made statusbar hidden programatically the view in...

How to determine UINavigationBar custom view text/shadow color for different styles in UISplitViewController?

I have a splitview with a pop over master view using UINavigationController. The problem is I have some custom text views in the header of the nav controller and when it switches to the pop-over view the style of the nav bar changes. This makes the colors of the text clash since they are no longer using the correct settings for the new n...

Remove Custom UINavigationBar

Hi, I've customized my UINavigationBar with an image like that : @implementation UINavigationBar (CustomImage) - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed: @"NavigationBar.png"]; [image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height)]; } @end When I launch a video my custom ...

navigation controller question

i want multiple back buttons for the view i have click through , i saw this tutorial before, but now i can't find it anymore, can someone help me please for example i have view1 with button, after i click it the navigation controller will push to view2 , then on the navigation bar we have view1 (back) button which can go back to view1...

How do I push another viewController onto the navigationController from within a tabviewController?

Hi, I have a project set up using these two tutorials. http://twilloapp.blogspot.com/2009/03/how-to-embed-navigation-controller.html and the link for the second tutorial is at the bottom of the first. The tutorial is slightly outdated but I managed to get it to work as advertised. Now I want to push a new detailedView onto the Navi...

iphone custom navigation bar edit button

Hi all, I use custom image for my navigation bar buttons using the following code, that allows me to make custom add button. I want to be able to do the same for the edit button item. UIImage *image=[UIImage imageNamed:@"Plus.png"]; UIButton *button = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom]; button.bounds = CGRectMake( 0, 0, imag...

iPhone UISearchBar animated to top

There are lots of apps where the searchbar moves upwards if active and moves down when it is inactive. There is a sample code from apple available which works with IB, but how can I achieve this behavior programmatically? Mostly it is combined with a navigationbar which moves out of the screen in replace with the searchbar ...

TabBarController NavigationController with black backgroundbar

hello I've placed this code my applicationDidFinishLaunching method, to get a black Navigationbar. rootTabBarController.navigationController.navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlackOpaque; rootTabBarController.moreNavigationController.navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlackOpaque; its working fine, but when the user rearranges the ...

Adding back button to navigation bar

I've added a navigation bar to a UIViewController. It is displayed from another UIViewController only. I'd like to have a left side back button that is shaped similar to an arrow, just like the normal navigation bar back button. It seems I can only add a bar button through IB. I'm guessing the back button needs to be added programmat...

add button to navigationbar programatically

Hi i need to set the button on right side, in navigation bar, programatically , so that if i press the button i will perform some actions, i have created the navigation bar,programatically by navBar=[[UINavigationBar alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,320,44) ]; similarly i need to add the button , right side of this navigation bar,...

How do I dissmis an UIPopoverController when clicking on anywhere on UINavigationBar ?

Now my UIPopoverController auto dismiss when click on anywhere but Navigation Bar. Does anyone have solution ? Thanks for help. ...

How to change UINavigationBar background image - iphone sdk ?

first of all, i read all "changing uinavigationbar color & backgound image", but i couldnt get over my problem. i have a tabbar app with 4 tabs. each tab has navigationcontroller. (i arranged all the objects in mainwindow.xib file in IB) in thew first tab, i wanna display 1.jpg on navigationbars background image in first view. when the...

UINavigationBar height

In my app I work with an UINavigationController. I've added it to the window (MainWindow.xib, with IB) and simulated on my main view (in IB: Simulated User Elements / Top Bar / Navigation Bar). Navigation bar is displayed, but its height isn't standard. At least in IB it is bigger than in launched app. What's wrong? And how can I resto...

How to prevent view resizing/transform when UINavigationBar hides/shows

I have an application with a tab bar and a navigation bar. I push a view controller that is used to show photos, one at a time. It initially shows the bars and forward/back controls; after a delay, these hide, using setNavigationBarHidden:animated: and a custom transform (CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation) on the tab bar. This works, b...

How to move from custom to transluscent NavigationBar and back? Display problems!

So, i got this Navigation-based App (with a custom NavigationBar - Category) and I have 2 problems here... @implementation UINavigationBar (Custom) - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed: @"bg_toolbar.png"]; [image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height)]; } @end...