
UITextView text disappear?

My program has a UITextView and I enter and scroll the text manually: [myTextView scrollRangeToVisible:NSMakeRange([myTextView.text length]-1, 1)]; The text will disappear after a certain amount of input (if text length > 200) However, when I output the content via NSLog, the text content is still valid and being updated every time I e...

UITextView does not respect the secureTextEntry property

I'm trying to get a UITextView (NOT a UITextField) to act as a password field where the text is obfuscated as you type into it. However, setting this property to YES on a UITextView seems to have no effect and the letters are always visible instead of only being visible if it's the last letter typed and a dot otherwise. Has anyone else...

how to give background color for selected text in text view

how to give background color for selected text in text view ? hi, Im developing text view based app. in that i have to change color for selected text. i tried using delegate methods but i not found any property like this. if any iahve any ideas , suggestions how to overcome this issue. thanks in advance ...

iPhone: rendering of different views possible?

Hello all! I have a problem, I can't solve properly. In short: I want to create a single view (say: UIImageView) out of multiple subviews - i.e. it consists out of multiple ImageViews and TextViews. The thing is, I want to sort of 'render' them to be a single View. Say, I take an image, add some description below, add a title above,...

iPhone: Can't affect UITextView content with initWithCoder

I'm trying to get a string displayed in my UITextView the moment the app is launched. I have a UIView and (obviously) a UITextView in my interface, and one outlet, myText, which is connected to the UITextView. It doesn't seem to be working and I can't say why.... Here is the code in question: MainView.h #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #impo...

iphone sdk , apostrophe showing up as question mark

The quotation marks (apostrophe to be more specific) single and double are displaying as question mark on my text view. The problem come up when I try to copy and paste some thing from a webpage and save it. This problem does not happen when I type the sentence. How can I replace a apostrophe with a regular single quote? ...

UITextViews that don't suck

Hello all, I'm looking to customise the behaviour of a UITextView quite dramatically - adding in regex-based highlighting, line numbers and find and replace - as I essentially want to create a text editor on the iPhone/iPad. I've been looking through the UITextView reference but it seems to be very restricted, not very customisable at ...

get all hyperlinks in array of uitextview in iphone sdk?

Hello all, I have a UITextView in which i have 5 hyperlinks and 5 phone numbers.How do i get all those hyperlinks and phone numbers in a NSarray? ...

UITextView paste method override

Hi All I really want to be able to detect a paste event in a UITextView, however it appears this cannot be done. I originally tried subclassing a UITextView and overriding the paste: method, but it never gets called on a paste event. Has anyone been able to do this? A previous question on the same ilk didn't have an answer back in Aug...

iPhone SDK - UITextField subview of UITableCell gives drawing issues?

I'm adding some UITextFields, UITextViews and UIImageViews as subviews to a UITableCell. When I'm entering some text to the TextFields or TextViews and scroll the table up or down, I get some drawing issues. The text of every second field overlaps other fields like this: I'm creating the form elements like this: self.formFields =...

Scrolling don't work in UITextView included in UIImageView

I have a simple application with a "big" text in a "little" UITextView included in an UIImageView. I can't scroll into my text, and i don't understand why ? If there isn't UIImageView, scrolling works. - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { UIImage *backImg ...

Text input box like the SMS app on the iPhone

I am having a terrible time trying to get an input box like the one in the SMS app. Can anyone offer some guidance on how to build one of these and make it look good? I need an input box that is shaped nicely like the UITextfield but will stretch vertically when typing. I assume that I need to calculate width of the text and stretch ...

iphone tableview cells memory leak?

SO, I have a tableview with 20 cells each with a text title, a subtitle label and a textfield (with a button to give it a nice background), but I find that after scrolling the tableview a few times it starts to slow down in the simulator. I figure this is a memory leak, but I thought I'd already released everything that I needed. Any c...

iPhone - UITextField not set to editable programmatically when using modal dialog?

Hello, I am kinda new with iPhone development and I'm having a bit of trouble with an apparently very simple thing. - (IBAction) addButtonPressed:(id) sender { AddDrinkViewController *addDrinkVC = [[AddDrinkViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"DrinkDetailView" bundle:nil]; UINavigationController *addNavCon = [[UINavigationContr...

Custom Keyboard for UITextView , appending the text .

Hey Guys , I wanted to make a basic custom keypad for the iPhone , I did manage to terminate the default iPhone keypad. I have made simple Q W E R T Y and Spacebar keys .. I want to input text as QWERTY with the buttons and then if I click and put the blinker(yes the UITextView is editable) before Q and try to append it the next string...

UITextField in UIAlertView doesn't respond to cut/copy/paste on second showing

Edit I've replaced this question with a new post that is not marked "community wiki". That means that answers to the new post will enhance your stackoverflow "reputation". Here's the new post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2428393 ...

UITextField in UIAlertView doesn't respond to cut/copy/paste on second showing

Edit Reposting... I accidentally marked my previous question as "commuity wiki" and didn't realize that answers to wiki posts don't generate reputation. I"m adding a UITextView to a UIAlertView with the following code: UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Enter Name Here" message:@"this gets covered!" delegate:sel...

Save UITextView content in NSString.

Hi, I'm trying to save the contents of an UITextView into a NSString which I will somehow persist later. The problem is that the UITextView "text" property doesn't save all the rows in the textView (after touching "return"). I tried print the TextView object and the textView.text, and they're different. Does anybody know how (after edi...

pulling an UIImage from a UITextView or UILabel gives white image

Hello all, I need to grab an UIImage from a UITextView or UILabel. I've got a method that will pull an image successfully from other types of views ( [UIViewController view], MKMapView, UIButtons) but I am just getting a white rect for my UITextView. I've been banging my head against the wall for a while and suspect something really, r...

iPhone: How to Display Text from UIWebView HTML Document in a UITextView

I have an RSS feed that gets arranged in a UITableView which lets the user select a story that loads in a UIWebView. However, I'd like to stop using the UIWebView and just use a UITextView or UILabel. This png is what I am trying to do (just display the various text aspects of a news story): I have tried using: NSString *myText = [...