
Database not updating after UPDATE SQL statement in ASP.net

I currently have a problem attepting to update a record within my database. I have a webpage that displays in text boxes a users details, these details are taken from the session upon login. The aim is to update the details when the user overwrites the current text in the text boxes. I have a function that runs when the user clicks the ...

Process in updating my app in the market

Hi, i have released a version 1 on some app in the market. Can anyone tell me how to give an update of it? thanks ...

Telerik ASP.NET AJAX - Ajax Update Label with dynamic created Docks

Hi, i try to Update a simple Label on Close Event of dynamic created RadDock. Works fine so far, Label gets the correct values but doesnt updates it. RadDock dock = new RadDock(); dock.DockMode = DockMode.Docked; dock.UniqueName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); dock.ID = string.Format("RadDock{0}", do...

Strange behavior of MySQL UPDATE query in PHP?

When I am executing following query then its not updating views column by 1 instead sometimes its updating it by 2 or 3. Say currently views count is 24 then after executing this query it becomes 26 or sometimes its 27. $views = $views + 1; $_SQL = ''; $_SQL = 'UPDATE videos SET views = '.$views.' WHERE VideoId= "'.$videoid.'";'; @mysql...

How do I call up values in PHP for user input in forms (radio buttons and selects)

Ok so my admin sets to edit a book which was created. I know how to bring in the values that were initially entered via a simple text field like 'bookname'. On the edit book page the book name field stores the currently assigned 'bookname' in the field (which is what I want! :) ) However I have other field types like selects and radio b...

Sqlite + Java: table not updating

I'm using a Java wrapper for SQLite called SQLiteJDBC - this may have some bearing on any answers... I have a table which I've displayed in a GUI, within that UI I have a button for the fields for an individual row of that table. When I save my changes I do this... Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); stmt.execute("update 'ta...

IDs necessary in update script not being stored (or even seen!?) (PHP MySQL)

Hi guys, I really need help with this one...have spent 3 hours trying to figure it out... Basically, I have 3 tables necessary for this function to work (the query and PHP)... Authors, Books and Users. An author can have many books, and a user can have many books - that's it. When the admin user selects to update a book, they are pres...

Doctrine: Update Join?

Hi, Anyone know how to do an update with a join (i.e. update on two tables in one query) in Doctrine 1.2? I spotted something obscure on a forum that hinted that this is not supported in 1.x but it was about as vague as it comes. Thank you. ...

MySQL UPDATE WHERE IN for each listed value separately?

Hi, I've got the following type of SQL: UPDATE photo AS f LEFT JOIN car AS c ON f.car_id=c.car_id SET f.photo_status=1 , c.photo_count=c.photo_count+1 WHERE f.photo_id IN ($ids) Basically, two tables (car & photo) are related. The list in $ids contains unique photo ids, such as (34, 87, 98, 12). With the query,...

What is wrong with my SQL syntax for an UPDATE with a JOIN?

I have two tables, related by a common key. So TableA has key AID and value Name and TableB has keys AID, BID and values Name, Value: AID Name 74 Alpha AID BID Name Value 74 4 Beta Brilliance I would like to update the TableB Value here from Brilliance to Barmy, using just the Name fields. I thought I could do it via an UPDATE ...

Round-robin assignment

Hi, I have a Customers table and would like to assign a Salesperson to each customer in a round-robin fashion. Customers --CustomerID --FName --SalespersonID Salesperson --SalespersonID --FName So, if I have 15 customers and 5 salespeople, I would like the end result to look something like this: CustomerID -- FName -- S...

Update a value in MongoDB based on its current value

I want to do something like this, but the this keyword doesn't seem to be set inside the update statement. db.items.update({foo:…}, {$set: {bar: this.foo}}, false, true) Do I have to use eval to accomplish this? ...

Label in PyQt4 GUI not updating with every loop of FOR loop

I'm having a problem, where I wish to run several command line functions from a python program using a GUI. I don't know if my problem is specific to PyQt4 or if it has to do with my bad use of python code. What I wish to do is have a label on my GUI change its text value to inform the user which command is being executed. My problem h...

mysql select update

Hi I have read quite a few selcet+update questions in here but cannot understand how to do it. So will have to ask from the beginning. I would like to update a table based on data in another table. Setup is like this: - TABLE a ( int ; string ) ID WORD 1 banana 2 orange 3 apple - TABLE b ( "comma separated" string ...

RIA Services Repository Save does not work!?

Hello everybody! Doing my first SL4 MVVM RIA based application and i ran into the following situation: updating a record (EF4,NO-POCOS!!) in the SL-client seems to take place, but values in the dbms are unchanged. Debugging with Fiddler the message on save is (amongst others): EntityActions.nil� b9http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/1...

asp.net search application index update help

hi im developing a simple search application( ASP.Net VB.Net) the index table is actually a hash table ll be stored in my file system. the search page ll open this in read mode n copy this to a hash table object n perform search. other update n delete functions will open this in write mode n update it. what should i ve to do to make thi...

How to implement a "check for updates" routine for iPhone app that will download a replacement SQLite DB?

My app has a SQLite database that users can read only. I, the developer, would like to add entries to the database from time to time and make the enlarged database available as a file on a Web server. I'd like the users to be able to "check for updates". My question is, once a user checks and finds that an updated DB file exists, how ca...

WPF Best point to update a progress bar from BackgroundWorker

I have a task that takes a long time executing. In order to inform about the progress to the user I have a progress bar that I update inside DoWork but I would like anybody tells me if it is the best way to update the progress bar. I have heard that there is a ReportProgress event handler but I am confused because I don't know what is th...

Re-indexing table; update with from

The query says it all, I can't find out the right syntax without without using a WHILE loop UPDATE Webtree SET Webtree.Sorting=w2.Sorting FROM ( SELECT BranchID, CASE WHEN @Index>=ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Sorting ASC) THEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Sorting ASC) ELSE ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Sorting ASC)+1 ...

TableAdapter.Update not working

Here is my function: private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { wO_FlangeMillBundlesTableAdapter.Update(invClerkDataDataSet.WO_FlangeMillBundles); wO_HeadMillBundlesTableAdapter.Update(invClerkDataDataSet.WO_HeadMillBundles); wO_WebMillBundlesTableAdapter.Update(invClerkDataDataSet.WO_WebMil...