
update iphone application behaviour

Hi, I developed one database related application for iPhone device(SQlite database). Now i want to update that application with more features(I want to push an update for the same application). Here i am more concerned about the user data while pushing the update so my question is if i will push an update then does the update will clea...

mysql select update

Got this: Table a ID RelatedBs 1 NULL 2 NULL Table b AID ID 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 Need Table a to have a comma separated list as given in table b. And then table b will become obsolete: Table a ID RelatedBs 1 1,2,3 2 4,5,6 This does not rund through all records, but just ad one 'b' to 'table a' UPDATE a, b SET r...

SQL Update to the SUM of its joined values

Hi, I'm trying to update a field in the database to the sum of its joined values: UPDATE P SET extrasPrice = SUM(E.price) FROM dbo.BookingPitchExtras AS E INNER JOIN dbo.BookingPitches AS P ON E.pitchID = P.ID AND P.bookingID = 1 WHERE E.[required] = 1 When I run this I get the following error: "An aggregate may not appear in the...

Eclipse update problem?

Hello, Please take a look here: Why i got that error when i'm trying to update my Eclipse Galileo to the newest Eclipse M6 Helios? I'm using the update URL from here: http://eclipsesource.com/blogs/2010/03/14/eclipse-3-6-m6-helios-available-for-download/ Is this a bug? If not, what can i do? Please help. Thanks! ...

Notification to the end users about a newer version

Hi, I am having an application that will be installed on various machines. Now if i have a newer version than the installed one, i need to inform the users that an update is available. An update that shows up in Mozilla Firefox about a newer version,similar to that. Is this possible to implement?? Or how those Firefox guys implementing t...

LinqToSQL: Not possible to update PrimaryKey?

I have a simple table (lets call it Table1) that has a NVARCHAR field as the PK. Table1 has no association with any other tables. When I update Table1's PK column using LinqToSQL it fails. If I update other column it succeeds. I could delete this row and insert new one in Table1, but I don't want to. There is a transaction table which ...

Java Fx Data bind not working with File Read

Hi I am using a very simple JavaFx client to upload files. I read the file in chunks of 1 MB (using Byte Buffer) and upload using multi part POST to a PHP script. I want to update the progress bar of my client to show progress after each chunk is uploaded. The calculations for upload progress look correct but the progress bar is not up...

My -tpl file won't update!

Hi, I am running the site at www.euroworker.no, it's a linux server and the site has a backend editor. It's a smarty/php site, and when I try to update a few of the .tpl's (two or three) they don't update. I have tried uploading through FTP and that doesn't work either. It runs on the livecart system. any ideas? Thanks! ...

Check if working copy will be updated with pysvn

How can I check with pysvn if a working copy artifact would actually be updated? Is this info readyly available by some method. Or do I have to compare the working copy and repository revision numbers myself? ...

Best way to find updates in xml feed

Hello all, I have an xml feed that I have to check periodically for updates. The xml consists of many elements and I'm looking to figure it out which is the best (and probably faster) way to find out which elements suffered updates from last time I've checked. What I think of is to check first the lastBuildDate for modifications and i...

C# TableAdapter.Update() is using UPDATE rather than INSERT

SELECT WO_BreakerRail.ID, indRailType.RailType, indRailType.RailCode, WO_BreakerRail.CreatedPieces, WO_BreakerRail.OutsideSource, WO_BreakerRail.Charged, WO_BreakerRail.Rejected, WO_BreakerRail.RejectedToCrop, COALESCE (WO_BreakerRail.Date, @date) AS Date FROM indRailType LEFT OUTER JOIN ...

iphone sqlite3 UPDATE with LIMIT and OFFSET clause

Does anyone know if the LIMIT and OFFSET clause work when using the UPDATE statement on iphone. on the sqlite3 website it says "if SQLite is built with the SQLITE_ENABLE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT compile-time option then the syntax of the UPDATE statement is extended with optional ORDER BY and LIMIT clauses.." if not, can it be enabled?...

Firefox Add-on. Install, update, uninstall manually.

My application installs a Firefox add-on (by copying an .xpi to [FF_inst_dir]\extensions). This application periodically has updates (.xpi with new version). How it can be installed correct (how do I use update.rdf)? ...

Update an Android market app to lower sdk?

I have an app on the market that requires sdk 2.0 I want to rewrite and publish it using 1.6 to find a wider audience. The question is: if I update my already published app with an sdk downgrade to 1.6 will it then show up to users with phones at 1.6? I know currently the market search shows my app only to those that have 2.0 phones. ...

How can I set a counter column value in MySQL?

I have a table with a "SortID" column that is numbered using consecutive numbers. Whenever a row is deleted, it leaves a gap. Is there a way using pure SQL to update the rows with their row number? Something like this: UPDATE tbl SET SortID={rowindex} ORDER BY SortID (I realize this isn't valid SQL, that's why I'm asking for help) Th...

How to update a library in my application

I have used a library like ZendFramework in my project which I have put in Subversion. Now I want to update the version that I have put in Subversion. What's the best way to do this? Copying, taking a svn diff and patching the working copy or just copying the new files over the old files? I have tried svn diff with svn diff but this d...

mysql update enums

I have a field with enums: 'preview','active','closed' When I query like this: $query = "UPDATE albums SET album_active = preview WHERE album_id = 3"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); I get : Invalid query: Unknown column 'p...

Updating with Related Entities - Entity Framework v4

Hi, I use Entity Framework V4 and i want to update Customer who have Visits. My code : EntityKey key; object originalItem; key = this._modelContainer.CreateEntityKey("Customers", customer); if (this._modelContainer.TryGetObjectByKey(key, out originalItem)) { this._modelContainer.Ap...

Reversing column values in mysql command line

I have a table posts with the column published, which is either 0 (unpublished) or 1 (published). Say I want to make all the published posts into unpublished posts and all the unpublished posts into published posts. I know that running UPDATE posts SET published = '1' WHERE published = '0'; UPDATE posts SET published = '0' WHERE publi...

Use the Twitter API to run a script every time I post a new tweet

I have a PHP script on my server that I want to run every time I post a new tweet to Twitter. Is there a way to automate this? I could of course set up a cron job to run the script every five minutes, or run the script manually every time after tweeting, but neither of those is instant — and that’s exactly what I’m looking for. Is it p...