
error on ExecuteNoQuery()

hey, i'am trying to update a row in a table using : command.ExecuteNoQuery() it's not giving me an error but it's not updating the row This is my code : Dim req As String = "Update Table Set Id= 5" Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(req, connect()) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() disconnect() thanks ...

UITableView: Need a liveUpdate (Huge amount of cells)

Hey all, I have a UITableView which shows some information. The informations are from a XMLFile. The Xmlfile is pretty big, about 500 entries. I don't want that the user has to wait until the parsing has finished, i want to add cell by cell to the TableView. Here's my code: -(void) onFinishedPartDownload:(id)item { if(odvTableVie...

How to update mobile JVM (Windows Mobile 6 - Esmertec)?

Is there an easy and secure way to do this? I know I can download and kinda hack all that stuff, but I'm developing a comercial application and one of the customers can't open menus inside the app and I have no idea why. It runs fine in all my test phones, so I imagine that theres something with his JVM version, but I dont want to risk s...

Custom Controls Properties - C# , Forms

Hi I m adding custom control to my flowlayoutpanel , its a sort of forex data , refresh every second , so on each timer tick , i m adding a control , changing controls button text , then adding it to flowlayout panel , i m doing it at each 100ms timer tick , it taking too much CPU , here is my custom Control . public partial class...

Settings.bundle Not Appearing on Application Updates

I have an app that does not currently use a Setting.bundle to display setting in the iPhone Settings app. I am releasing an update that does. On a fresh install, the settings are added to the Setting App as expected, but upon updating from the old install, the bundle is not added. Is there some sort of trick to get the Settings App to...

Failed to launch simulated application: iPhone Simulator failed to find the process ID of com.iAndApp.BlockPop.

Hello, I'm having this annoyning problem giving this message in the console: Failed to launch simulated application: iPhone Simulator failed to find the process ID of com.iAndApp.BlockPop. When trying to Build and Run, the application builds fine. The simulator starts but doesn't start the application. However, it manages to do somethi...

Updating database row from model

Hey everyone, I'm haing a few problems updating a row in my database using Linq2Sql. Inside of my model I have two methods for updating and saving from my controller, which in turn receives an updated model from my view. My model methods like like: public void Update(Activity activity) { _db.Activities.InsertOnSub...

AS3 Random repeat x seconds function

Hi, I have the following function: function update(e:Event):void { var val:Number = Math.random() * 120; rgb.r.x = rgb.r.y = val; rgb.b.x = rgb.b.y = -val; } And im looping it with: stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update); But what I need to do would be something like: Random number between 1 and 20 If the number is > 1...

Update Mysql Data Question!

Hellow guys. I am trying to update mysql data by letting users submit a form. The user could update the result of the game and the winning team get +1 win in mysql. The user can always see the game form and update/change the game. My question is how to prevent second or third time +1 win to the existing winning team when the users...

How to perform different operations within Observer's update() in Java?

I just started playing with Observable, Observer and it's update() method and I can't understand what should I do when different actions call notifyObservers(). I mean, my Observable class has a few different methods that call setChanged() and notifyObservers() in the end. Depending on the called method, some part of the UI (Swing) need...

Oracle SQL Update query takes days to update

I am trying to update a record in the target table based on the record coming in from source. For instance, if the incoming record is present in the target table I would update them in the target else I would simply insert. I have over one million records in my source while my target has 46 million records. The target table is partitione...

Calling an svn update from a php script via a browser is not working

Hey guys, I have two scripts. running an update and calling shell_exec('svn update') and shell_exec('svn st') running a mysqldump shell_exec('mysqldump params') The svn script is not running the update command, the svn st is printing results but not the svn update I tried to declare parameters when calling svn update eg 'svn upda...

What is the proper way to Update/Upgrade TomatoCMS

I hope someone can point me in right direction of this. I have a project build on TomatoCMS (version 2.0.5), now they release a new version 2.0.6. I think it will be best to update/upgrade my current project to the current version, but i can find any documentation about this. All i found ont tomatoCMS forum/wiki/site was how to install...

How to prevent negative number in Mysql

Hello guys.. I have data which is starting from 0 in my database. My php will add 1 or -1 to the data depending on the user's input. My problem is that if data is 0 and a user try to subtract 1. The data become 4294967295 which is the maximum value of INT data type. Are there anyways to make the data stays in 0 even when the user...

Django call function when an object gets added

Hay, i have a simple model class Manufacturer(models.Model): name = models.CharField() car_count = models.IntegerField() class Car(models.Model): maker = ForeignKey(Manufacturer) I want to update the car_count field when a car is added to a manufacturer, I'm aware i could just count the Manufacturer.car_set() to get the v...

Self Update in .net programs?

Hi, I`m looking for best mechanism for self update in .net programs! solution should cover this subject: 1) Server - Client Program 2) When new update released, after installing that on the sever-program, all client-program must update itself base on server version.(no need automatic-update for server) 3) Full-Update : for example if ser...

prevent multiple login with same login credentials in php

My website has premium videos, for which users have to pay to watch it. I am sending a random user name and password to the user's email id when the payment is completed. Then I want to assure no more than one user use that login credentials simultaneously. For that I use a login_status column in database table with login credentials and...

How to Update with LINQ?

currently, I'm doing an update similar to as follows, because I can't see a better way of doing it. I've tried suggestions that I've read in blogs but none work, such as http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb425822.aspx and http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2007/05/19/using-linq-to-sql-part-1.aspx Maybe these do work and I'm m...

Update (ajax) only part of table without affecting whole table

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="list"> <tr> <th><a href="#" class="sortby">Full Name</a></th> <th><a href="#" class="sortby">City</a></th> <th><a href="#" class="sortby">Country</a></th> <th><a href="#" class="sortby">Statu...

C# ProgressBar design pattern

Hi, I'm working on a database upgrader application. The upgrader updates the schema of a database ( adds new columns, renames columns , adds new tables, new views to an existing database by executing SQL statements ). When a user wants to upgrade from version 1.0 to 2.0 , "Upgrader" objects are taken from an object factory and the "Exec...