
SQL Server 2005: Update rows in a specified order (like ORDER BY)?

I want to update rows of a table in a specific order, like one would expect if including an ORDER BY clause, but SQL Server does not support the ORDER BY clause in UPDATE queries. I have checked out this question which supplied a nice solution, but my query is a bit more complicated than the one specified there. UPDATE TableA AS Parent...

Updating a Safari Extension?

Hi there, I'm writing a simple Safari Extension, and I'm trying to figure out how to get the update mechanism working. Apple's documentation here is delightfully vague: http://developer.apple.com/safari/library/documentation/Tools/Conceptual/SafariExtensionGuide/UpdatingExtensions/UpdatingExtensions.html And here's my manifest, based...

Killing the mysqld process

I have a table with ~800k rows. I ran an update users set hash = SHA1(CONCAT({about eight fields})) where 1; Now I have a hung Sequel Pro process and I'm not sure about the mysqld process. This is two questions: What harm can possibly come from killing these programs? I'm working on a separate database, so no damage should come to o...

Update values in array in MongoDB

I'm trying to come up with a way to update the values in an array of objects in mongo. I have a collection which looks like [ { CourseName: '', Sessions: [ { _id: null, //oops I didn't set this in the import Name: 'blah', Location: 'moon' }] ...

My Local Fileshare ClickOnce Update Is Not Working, Help?

I have a C# application that I'm trying to get to update automatically via ClickOnce. After publishing newer versions of software, I see the new versions in my publish folder, but when I open the application, it checks for updates, and does nothing (even though there are new files in the publish folder). What do I need in place for u...

MySQL Update query with left join and group by

I am trying to create an update query and making little progress in getting the right syntax. The following query is working: SELECT t.Index1, t.Index2, COUNT( m.EventType ) FROM Table t LEFT JOIN MEvents m ON (m.Index1 = t.Index1 AND m.Index2 = t.Index2 AND (m.EventType = 'A' OR m.EventType = 'B') ...

asp.net mvc2 - update list of objects

I want to display list of objects from database, and on the same page have option to edit them. When submitting, I'd like to submit changes to all of them. I found this link: http://haacked.com/archive/2008/10/23/model-binding-to-a-list.aspx and http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ASPNETWireFormatForModelBindingToArraysListsCollectionsDictiona...

How to update automatically data from datagrid in flex2?

Here is the problem: I have datagrid binded with data acquired from web service which, as you may suspect, retrieves data from some db. Datagrid has some editable columns and I want to update db through appropriate web service call without adding button "Update" as a last column in datagrid. How can I do this? Is there any event which...

How to MySQL Trigger to update a field whenever any record is touched?

I haver zero experience with triggers in MySQL. Learnt them in school (Oracle environment). I have a table which already has a datestamp column for insert date. I want to update a Record_Touched field whenever any record is touched in this table. What is the best efficient way of doing it? Thank you... ...

How to update a table with a list of values at a time?

I have update NewLeaderBoards set MonthlyRank=(Select RowNumber() (order by TotalPoints desc) from LeaderBoards) I tried it this way - (Select RowNumber() (order by TotalPoints desc) from LeaderBoards) as NewRanks update NewLeaderBoards set MonthlyRank = NewRanks But it doesnt work for me..Can anyone suggest me how can i perfo...

Updating join fields in an ORM command

I have a question about object relational updates on join fields. I am working on a project using codeigniter with datamapper dmz. But I think my problem is with general understanding of ORMs. So fell free to answer with any ORM you know. I have two tables, Goods and Tags. One good can have many tags. Everything is working, but I am lo...

update app invalid help

hi all trying to update my app on itunes connet i get the following : The binary you uploaded was invalid. The executable name, as reported by CFBundleExecutable in the Info.plist file, may not contain any of these characters: \ [ ] { } ( ) . + * please i v searched the web no one encountered this error thanks ...

Mobile Application Upgrade/Update Framework

I am developing a few mobile apps for different platforms including Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Android and Symbian S60. I want my mobile apps to have the capability of checking for updates before starting and in case a new version is available, prompt the user to upgrade. Moreover in certain cases (like security patches), the user must...

Is it possible to parse and apply patch files in PHP?

The idea is to have a PHP script parse a given .patch file and will apply the given patch accordingly. Assume that the script has no access to command line so the script will have to do the parsing itself. Is there a library somewhere? ...

Updating UIView subclass contents

Hi; I am trying to update a UIView subclass to draw individual pixels (rectangles) after calculating if they are in the mandelbrot set. I am using the following code but am getting a blank screen: //drawingView.h ... -(void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect{ CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); CGContextSetRGBFillCol...

Get information from various sources

Hi. I'm developing an app that has to get some information from various sources (APIs and RSS) and display it to the user in near real-time. What's the best way to get it: 1.Have a cron job to update them all accounts every 12h, and when a user is requesting one, update that account, save it to the DB and show it to the user? 2.Have a...

sql UPDATE, a calculation is used multiple times, can it just be calculated once?

Using: UPDATE `play` SET `counter1` = `counter1` + LEAST(`maxchange`, FLOOR(`x` / `y`) ), `counter2` = `counter2` - LEAST(`maxchange`, FLOOR(`x` / `y`) ), `x` = MOD(`x`, `y`) WHERE `x` > `y` AND `maxchange` > 0 As you can see, LEAST(maxchange, FLOOR(x / y) ) is used multiple times, but it should always have th...

how to update web reference location

hi, i have an application wherein i am using a web-service. Now the ip address of the machine where this web-service was residing has changed. i try to update the web reference in my application and it is still trying to access the web-service from the old location. How do i change this to the new location. I have already updated the ...

Update a field thanks to a subquery based on another field

Hi, I use a MySQL DB, and I would like to update a field in a table based on another. Something like: UPDATE table1 SET field1 = table2.id WHERE field2 IN ( SELECT table2.name FROM table2 ); I know that this query wouldn't work, but here is the idea. Is that even possible to do? Cheers, Nicolas. ...

sql Query in MS Access

Trying to get this query to work in MS Access. Update Network.Location=Enclave.Location Where Enclave.Site=No AND Network.AlternateLocation=Enclave.Location Where Enclave.Site=Yes I'm not sure how to get this to do exactly what I want which is store Enclave location in network location if the enclave site field is No and if yes sto...