
"Executing an update/delete query" exception for @NamedQuery doing REMOVE

Hi. The following exception thrown for Spring Batch application: 19:12:40,083 ERROR main AbstractStep:213 - Encountered an error executing the step javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: Executing an update/delete query Code,where named query used: entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager() .createNamedQu...

table update fom table B to A

Is there a fast way to update my ttable´s i have like 3000 record´s and it upddate slowlly. thank´s while not frmDados.Planeamento_remot.Eof do begin begin frmDados.Planeamento_Local.Edit; frmDados.Planeamento_Local.FieldByName('Duração').text := frmDados.Planeamento_remot.FieldByName('Duração').text; frmDados.Planeamento_Local.FieldByN...

Automatically Updating C# Programs

What do I have to add to a C# program in order for it to search for and update itself every time it loads up? ...

Are there solutions for streamlining the update of legacy code in multiple places?

I'm working in some old code which was originally designed for handling two different kinds of files. I was recently tasked with adding a new kind of file to this code. Most of my problems were solved by filling out an extensive XML file with a new entry that handled everything from what lists were named to how the file is written in plu...

Subversion svn update - Not working

Hi guys, I'm trying to setup subversion, so everytime someone commits a change, it updates a working directory that we'll use on a dev box as the 'test' site. I've setup post-commit, and added the line: #!/usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/svn update /home/administrator/sites/checkmyid --username root --password xxx Can anyone tell me why this ...

How can you update an NSMenu while it is active (visible)?

I have an NSMenu instance, through which all communication with the Cocoa app will take place. If the menu is open, the background doesn't run, so how can I force an update while the menu is still active? ...

Visual foxpro DBF update using php

I am using php to update some tables under VFP 9.0 using ADO COM. I am able to select and update the DBF until i specify any Where clause. The moment i add a where clause to the query, it simply returns or updates 0 rows. $conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection"); $conn->Open('Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source="C:\\testDB.dbc";'); $query = "...

Can't use MySQL extract() function in the WHERE clause.

I've run the following query: UPDATE main_table, reference_table SET main_table.calc_column = (CASE WHEN main_table.incr = "6AM" THEN reference_table.col1+reference_table.col2+... WHEN main_table.incr = "12AM" THEN reference_table.col7+reference_table.col8+... WHEN main_table.incr = "...

C# ASP.NET update SQL database with values from text boxes

Here's what I have. User enters values into text boxes (personal information etc.) and then presses a save changes button. The values in these text boxes get stored in an SQL database. The problem I have is that when updating the database using the values from the text boxes, the page refreshes and the values in the text boxes are lost...

update data after click tab s

$(function(){ $('#tabsSlide #nav li a').click(function(){ var currentNum = $(this).attr('id').slice(-1); $('#tabsSlide #nav li a').removeClass('current'); $(this).addClass('current'); $('#tabsSlide #content .tab-slide').slideUp(300); $('#tabsSlide #content #slide-'+currentNum+'.tab-slide').slideDown(300)...

Get CoreLocation Update before TableView population?

hi, i have the corelocation stuff in an uitableview controller. i actually want to get a distance from two locations and print that distance in a tableview cell. the problem is, that the tableview is filled before all the corelocation stuff happens. how can i make corelocation makes all updates before the table is filled? heres my cla...

MYSQL UPDATE with IN and Subquery

Hi i have tables like this : table entry : id | total_comments ___________ 1 | 0 2 | 0 3 | 0 4 | 0 table comments : id | eid | comment ___________ 1 | 1 | comment sdfd 2 | 1 | testing testing 3 | 1 | comment text 4 | 2 | dummy comment 5 | 2 | sample comment 6 | 1 ...

Updating records with their subordinates via CTE or subquery

Let's say I have a table with the following columns: Employees Table employeeID int employeeName varchar(50) managerID int totalOrganization int managerID is referential to employeeID. totalOrganization is currently 0 for all records. I'd like to update totalOrganization on each row to the total number of employees under them. So ...

SQL Server 2005 and SELECT and UPDATE locked

I want to perform a update then select the result. I don't want anything to be able to update the row I am updating until after the select has occurred. How would I do this? My goal is to increment a value of a row and return that incremented value. I have thus far found that I end up with an issue where update (to increment) followed b...

How to Refresh / Reload a KML layer in OpenLayers. Dynamic KML Layer.

Here is an example on: How to Refresh / Reload a KML layer in OpenLayers. Dynamic KML Layer. See my answer below. TLDR See my answer below on how to refresh the layer. ...

Updating a popup window from source page

I have a list of people wrapped in a-tags with onclick for opening a popup window. That popup window contains a previous and next button that invoker a function in the parent window to get the previous/next a-tag and execute the onclick for it. nextAnchor.onclick(); This should update the popup window with the new persons info, bu...

MySQL: updating a row and deleting the original in case it becomes a duplicate

I have a simple table made up of two columns: col_A and col_B. The primary key is defined over both. I need to update some rows and assign to col_A values that may generate duplicates, for example: UPDATE `table` SET `col_A` = 66 WHERE `col_A` = 70 This statement sometimes yields a duplicate key error. I don't want to simply ignore...

MySQL - Update the same column twice

Hello, I need to update a column in a mysql table. If I do it in two steps as below, is the column "col" updated twice in the disk ? update table SET col=3*col, col=col+2; or is it written only once as in : update table SET col=3*col+2; Thanks ...

SQL error: String or binary data would be truncated

I got a table variable @RQ, I want it updated using a table-valued function. Now, I think I do the update wrong, because my function works... The function: ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[usf_GetRecursiveFoobar] ( @para int, @para datetime, @para varchar(30) ) RETURNS @ReQ TABLE ( Onekey int, Studnr nvarchar(10), Stu...

How to make my iPhone app compatible with iOS 4?

Hello, My iphoneos 3.1 based application is not working on iOS 4 GM: the camera is not showing in full screen, it doesn't correctly detects compass information, the uiwebviews doesn't respond to touches (they don't scroll), and so on. It's completely broken! Now my question is: how can I develop an update using the latest xcode with sup...