usercontrols user control, getting htmlAnchor resolve to href="#"

How do you get a server control HTMLAnchor to have href="#". It keeps resolving the "#" to the control path. <a href="#" runat="server" /> resolves to: <a href="../ControlPath/#"> I can't seem to get a google search to give me the results i want so i figured i'd ask here. EDIT: Syntax. Removing the runat server is not an option. I...

Why do I get a XamlParseException when I inherit a Custom UserControl in another project?

In one project I have an Editor Class: namespace TestXamlInherit234 { public class CustomerEditor : BaseEditor { public CustomerEditor() { TheMessage.Text = "changed222"; } } } which inherits from a WPF User Control in another project: using System.Windows.Controls; namespace Core { ...

Declarative event handling from ASP.NET user control to page

Hello, I am trying to figure out how to declaratively pass in a event handler into a user control, but I am stumped. All I can make work is the user control's event handler.. I can't seem to bubble up the caught event into the parent page. Ideas would be quite welcome. Here is my code: Default.aspx: <%@ Page Language="VB" %> <%@...

C#.NET - Can I change which class the designer adds events to?

I have my own custom control derived from System.Windows.Forms.TreeView which is present on the designer toolbox. I add an instance of this custom control to my form (using the designer). The purpose I created an inherited control is that I want to let the control itself handle its events since it's supposed to act as a View in a stand...

Why can you inherit a class over project boundaries, but not its attached XAML?

(this question is a refinement of my other question on this topic which was a bit complicated but I really want to understand why this doesn't work so here's a more straight-forward example) WHAT I WANT TO DO: create a simple class (no XAML) in one project which inherits a WPF UserControl (with XAML) in another project. Here is my inhe...

WPF Window.Close() not triggering UserControl.Unloaded event

I have a Window that contains a custom UserControl. The UserControl needs to know when the Window containing it has been closed so that it can terminate a thread. My best guess as to how to accomplish this is to handle the UserControl's Unloaded event. However, the Unloaded event only seems to be firing when the user actually clicks t...

Adding a CheckChanged event handler to CheckBox inside a dynamically added UserControl

I have a UserControl that contains a CheckBox and a TextBox: <asp:CheckBox runat="server" ID="chk1" /> <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="tb1" /> On Page_Load I'm adding several of them dynamically them to a Panel on the page: //loop through the results from DB foreach (Thing t in Things) { //get the user control MyUserContro...

retrieve user control child elements programatically in .net, how to?

ive been searching throughout msdn, but i dont know what I should be searching for do I access the child elements of a user control, I do not wish to create a new custom control that renders its own html, the html output is a simple repeater in an ascx file, it looks like this: <asp:repeater id="rpContent" runat="server" o...

A panel switcher custom control for Winform in .net?

This is a .net winform UI question. In many cases, we want to design an UI such that, you have several options, and based on the option you choose, a different detail UI is setup for you. For example, imagine a user registration: based on the location you pick, you may be asked to fill in different information. Normally, when I design t...

wpf user control base class problem

I am new to WPF and have created a WPF User Control Library I added a Base class that looks like this public class TControl : UserControl { } and want all of my controls to inherit from it. I have a Control called Notification which looks like public partial class Notification : TControl { public Notification() { In...

WPF UserControl of Buttons: How to implement the UserControl?

I've got a UserControl that has 3 buttons in it, Add Edit and Delete. Nothing crazy here. On my parent UserControl, I insert my buttons UserControl. They show up as expected. But I want to bind Commands to each of the buttons from my Parent UserControl. How do I access each of the buttons' paremeters from the Parent UserControl? ...

How to clear a parent response content from a usercontrol in

Hi all, I have a page that has 4 different usercontrols on it. At a certain point I need to make a redirection using javascript location.replace() and it cannot be made through server. It has to be client side. So, what I need is call the Response.Clear() in parent page from the usercontrol so nothing else will be written in the page. ...

User controls, web parts and WSPBuilder

Can anyone point me to tutorials on how to use WSPBuilder to host a user control in a MOSS webpart? ...

Best way to launch a new application design ?

Community Wiki Question! What is the best way to launch a redesigned application? Do you announce the changes and then just launch the new look and feel ? Do you announce the changes and then run two versions of your application ? What are your thought on this process ? ...

WPF: How Do I edit the column properties of a base/parent class in the child class through the property editor/XAML?

I have created a class called ProductionDataUserControlBase and it derives from class UserControl. This base class has no XAML. Its purpose is to act as a base class for a grid that I encapsulate inside the class so that it can be modified when the class is inherited later. Inside the constructor of the base class, I also create the colu...

Commercial Map Controls ?

I am not sure whether this forum is appropriate for this question. But, I am dying for this information. The problem is certain parts of Google or Bing Map licenses does not allow me to use their map services/controls. Is there any commercial map controls (atleast for U.S) similar to Google maps available? Thanks in advance ...

Create Web User Accounting System

I want to create a user accounting system for a web site that would allow people to create accounts and can then log in and log out. Could someone point me to a tutorial on the matter. Thanks. ...

Is this the best way to build AutoSuggest into a WPF ComboBox?

I have a Nationality ComboBox like the one below and want to make it so that the user can type letters to narrow in on the choices. I could solve this the way I started below by adding logic in the NationalityComboBox_KeyDown method. Is this the best way to build AutoSuggest into a ComboBox or is there a built-in way to do the same thin...

Silverlight UserControl Custom Property Binding

What is the proper way to implement Custom Properties in Silverlight UserControls? Every "Page" in Silverlight is technically a UserControl (they are derived from the UserControl class). When I say UserControl here, I mean a Custom UserControl that will be used inside many different pages in many different scenarios (similar to an ASP....

Dynamically adding a UserControl to the DayRender event of the Calendar Control

I have a simple UserControl that I'd like to render in each calendar cell. I'd like it render different information based on a data set by passing changing some properties exposed on the UserControl. For some reason this isn't working. I'm wondering if the page cycle is preventing this from working correctly as it seems to work if I load...