
Set minimum and exact length in bytes of column values in SQL Server

How can one set the column value length to a minimum and/or exact length using MS SQL Management Studio? ...

How to get value from Combo Box PHP?

Hi there! I am using PHP 5 to create a query page for a MySQL database with 2 tables "students" and "teachers". I have created a combo box which can allow users to view and select the 2 tables from the combo box via a "submit" button after selecting from the combo box. However the problem with the script is that I want to verify if the ...

Safari is returning the wrong width value

Hi I have a table with a div in it the table has 2 columns and both are 50% In most browsers I can use offsetWidth to get the width of the article. But in Safari the width is less or more than what it should be. Any help would be greatly appriciated. Regards Richard ...

client-side values of dynamic control on postback

My custom control contains a repeater that adds a dynamic control into a placeholder on ItemDatabound. I'm having an issue accessing the updated value of the dynamic control, I am already taking care of rebuilding the dynamic controls on Load but I first need to get to the changes made by the user. I'm just having some trouble understan...

How can i convert Integer value to decimal value?

Hi, i have an integer value Integer value = 56472201 ; (This could be some time (-17472201) with negetive Integer) I want this value in this form 56.472201 (i mean if i divide this value/1000000 i get it in general 56.472201) but this does not works in programming as it give the quotient. I want both quotient and remainder in thsi f...

Select box with 'Other' option to display input text field. How to get value back for form submission using jquery?

I've got a form with the following select box: <fieldset id="workers_comp_info"> <p> <label for="i_n_r_reason">Reason why Workers Comp Insurance is not required:</label> <select name="i_n_r_reason" id="i_n_r_reason"> <option value="No employees">No employees</option> <option value="1-2 employees">1-2 employees</opt...

iReport: trying to hide elements B,C and D when value in A is repeated

Hi, I have a iReport question: Let's say we have 4 columns on a detail band: A,B,C and D. Column A can have the same value, and repeated values should be hidden. So I uncheck the "Print Repeated Values" property. That works. But now I also want to hide the columns B and C when column A is empty. Adding a "Print When Expression" on B a...

Is the "e" character used to denote an invalid number in graphics data?

I've got a graphical program that's exporting a data file with numbers such as: -1.33227e-015 and -4.02456e-016. I've long been perplexed by the "e-" notation. Is it used to denote an invalid number? What sort of valid value can I extract from the above numbers? What are they trying to say? ...

append object to another object in php

Hi. I have this object: foreach(range(1,$oc->num_users) as $num) { $user = 'user' . $num; $$user = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT user".$num.", user".$num."_ready, FROM oc_db WHERE leader='".$_SESSION['username']."' ")); This gives objects named user1..X later I have a simular function like this, where I use the $...

jQuery Watermark and using .Val()

Hi Guys, I have a problem in that I am using a simple watermark plugin such that it works jQuery('#selector').Watermark('Watermark text here ...'); The problem is - when I try and use something like if (jQuery('#selector').val() != "") { //do stuff } The statement is True because of the watermark. Is there anyway I can somehow "ig...

Use class method from another class

Hello there! Iam trying to use a method in class, from another class. namespace Crystal.Utilities { public class Logging { public static void Log() { //dostuff Crystal.MainForm.general_log_add_item("Hello World"); } } } namespace Crystal { public partial class MainForm : Form { ...

jQuery: trying to get the input value.

Hi, i'm trying to obtain an input value with this: var $a = ('#telephone_number').val(); alert($a); But nothing, any idea? telephone_number is the id of the input. Regards Javi ...

Clearing the value of ASP.Net 2.0 File Upload Control using javascript that works on all browser?

We are running following javascript function: function btn_AddToList_Click() { var filePath = document.getElementById("FileUpload").value; if(filePath.length > 0) { var opt = new Option(filePath,filePath); var listBox = document.getElementById("ListBox"); listBox.options[listBox.options.length] = opt; } } ...

Where Are Value Types Stored In (C#) Generic Collections

It is true that generic collections perform better than non-generic collections for value types. (i.e. List vs. ArrayList). But why is that, other than the boxing-unboxing step? Where are the value type objects stored once added to the collection? In non-generic collections, they'll be boxed and stored on heap, what is different in gene...

Table Value Parameter missing data table data

I'm new to TVP in SQL Server and trying to understand the basics. I created a sample TVP in the Northwind database in SQL Express. My code from VB.NET is fairly simple (see below). The TVP parameter is empty in the procedure. I've tested the TVP in SQL Server and it works fine. Any ideas? Does SQL Express fully support table value parame...

How to remove default value of input on focus.

I have an input box that has default value text assigned to it. How can I remove this text when the user focuses on the field:: CoDE <input type="text" name="kp1_description" value="Enter Keypress Description"> ...

How to use a single NSValueTransformer subclass to toggle the titles of multiple menu items

I would like to make some bindings that toggle item titles in a popup menu based on a single numerical value in a text field. Let me explain: This is my UI: I want my menu items to automatically adjust to singular or plural based on the number in the text field. For example, when I type "1" in the box, I want the menu items to be l...

sqldatasource insert return identity value

Im using SqlDataSource sds = new SqlDataSource(); in code behind and inserting using sds.Insert(); Please tell me how to get inserted record primary key value? Please note im not using stored procedure. ...

How to pass values between threads?

I have a windows forms program with a form MainForm. On a button press I start a code that runs (pulses) on every 0.5secs on another thread. I want to modify many things, like labels, progressbars on my MainForm, from the Pulse method. How is this possible? So I would like to know, how to interract with variables, values, in that thread,...

Form Input from Link

Hello, So I have: <input type="text" id="keyword" placeholder="placeholder" value="" /> What is the best way to go about defining the value based on the link? ie. Does this: <input type="text" id="keyword" placeholder="placeholder" value="thisisthevalue" /> Thanks! ...