
ActionResult with optional routevalues affecting other actionlinks on view

I have an actionresult that looks like: public ActionResult MyFriends(Guid? friendId) { if (friendId != null){ return View(...); { else{ return View(...); } } If the friendId is supplied, I return a certain model that my view knows how to react to. Otherwise, if no friendId is given, the view r...

Is it possible to change order of attachment views to drupal page view?

I have a view with a page display that contains essentially content A, that content exists in one column. in addition, I've got another 6 attachment displays that display content B,C,D,E, etc. in another column. Is it possible to modify the order of the the attached view displays? Right now i've got them all set to attach after Cont...

Drupal: Any way to detect if a view's path is changed?

A long shot..I know. Is it possible to detect if a view's page display path is changed via views UI? Is there some kind of hook that I could use for this? ...

Rails, same view, different controllers

map.resources :persons map.resources :people class Persons_controller < ApplicationController::Base #the whole logic for the controller end class People_controller < PersonsController #nothing special there end How I can use the views from /app/views/persons/ when I access my app from ? I get an err...

Rails yield - content_for problem

Hi All, I have the following requirement. Ex: There is a transaction table where it has columns say, transaction_name and amount. I want to loop through the transactions and display their details (transaction_name and amount) and finally I want to display the total amount (sum of all the amounts) in the head (before the loop) section...

How do I display individual fields in a custom block?

A have a view created with Drupal's Views module, and have given it a Block display. It has the following fields: first_name last_name professional_title I understand that I can create a "[viewname]-block.tpl.php" file to provide a custom theme for this particular block, overriding the generic block.tpl.php template file. Within thi...

help me to proceed with drupal views ?

Hi, I am newbie to drupal , I just created a view called "master" and i wanna manipulate the output pro grammatically for creating widget (javascript widget can embed in other website). $view = views_get_view('master'); $view->set_display('page'); $view->execute(); $viewArray = $view->result; $title = $view->display['default...

How to switch to a different view and controller in GWT?

I have a widget written in GWT. In the implementation of EntryPoint, I have the widget load a controller and a view that is tied to that controller. I add this view to the RootPanel and it works fine. public class EntryImpl implements EntryPoint { SimplePanel simplePanel; View view; Controller controller; public final void ...

Drupal, Views Exposed Filters: List Options Containing Results

Hi All! I'm setting up an apartment search site and have exposed a views filter for 'property type'. The property type is a select field with 16 options but the client only wants those options that actually contain results to appear in the drop down of the exposed filter. Any ideas? Thanks! ...

View rendering problem

Hi guys, In my application I have two Master pages and they are used in various different cases. Say one master view just renders the top half of the page and another master view that renders the top half plus a navigation bar to the side. We pass around data to these Master pages using view models Now in my controller my index action ...

Drupal:how to pass argument to exported views code?

Hi, im working with drupal views, function themespage_views_default_views() { views_include("view"); $view = new view; $view->name = 'master'; $view->description = ''; $view->tag = ''; $view->view_php = ''; $view->base_table = 'node'; $view->is_cacheable = FALSE; $view->api_version = 2; $view->disabled = TRUE; $handler = $vie...

SQL View Question

Are there any negative affects of creating Views, specifically large ones (50+ columns) on the database? ...

Drupal View Output

First let me start by saying that Im trying to find the best practices in themeing views and it has been torture, its seems theres a million ways to do anything in Drupal and none better than the other... but heres the issue. Im developing a site. Each "area" of the site will have its own content type. Each content type will have its ow...

In Grails how do I capture multiply selected items in g:select?

I have a Contact Domain class that can be associated with multiple Organizations, which are also domain classes. I want to use a multiple selection box to allow the user to select the organizations that are associated with the current contact. The selection box is populated with the available organizations. How do I assign the selected i...

How to create EditText with rounded corners?

Is there any way to create EditText that has rounded corners? ...

iPhone Development: Simple View Based Application

I've been asked by a client to develop an application that will allow the user to navigate between a series of views. It's best described as a book, with an interactive contents menu. I know the VERY basics of Objective-C but I have no idea how the views work together, how could I jump from one view to another at the click of a button? ...

Joins against views: performance issues

From a performance point of view is it the same doing this: select * from MYTABLEONE MT1 join MYVIEW MV on MT1.ID = MV.ID ( where the view is create view MYVIEW as select MT2.*, MT3.* from MYTABLETWO MT2 join MYTABLETHREE MT3 on MT2.OtherID = MT3.OtherID ) Or is it better to do this: select MT1.*, MT2.*, MT3.* from MYTABLEONE MT1...

Programmatically handling a view in Drupal

I'm using custom module to handle this view. I did many try nothing works and also sorting too. Only arguments code works charm. Guide me to right way / help me with solutions. and here is the exported view link function custom_module(){ views_include("view"); $view = new view(); ...

Returning page HTML from ASP.NET MVC View

Hi Guys, I have a view That Renders 3 grids what I would like to do is on the click of button return the page as a string so I can save the HTML of that Page. is this possible? Thanks ashga ...

drupal multiple view arguments with PHP code validation for empty arguments

I have a view set up to accept 2 arguments. The url is like this: playlists/video5/%/%/rss.xml It works fine if I supply the url with 2 arguments like playlists/video5/front/coach/rss.xml. I have 2 arguments of "Taxonomy: Term" But I need it to run even if 1 or no arguments are supplied. It looks like you can do this with PHP Code under...