
Do not allow a user to delete a node but allow to delete through Views Bulk Operations

Hi, I have the following scenario: Editor Role should not be allowed to delete nodes. Therefore the corresponding permission is de-selected in the permissions page. However Editor should be able to to delete nodes from Views Bulk operations. Using Rules an action is created called "safe delete" that checks things like if the node is ...

drupal views more link

i'm new to drupal views. More link not displayed with my view block. i set more link both *Create more lin*k and Always display more link option too. Find picture below for view settings. Note: i'm sure there around 10+ nodes available to display. ...

Is it bad practice to commit placeholder/design text into source control?

Is it bad practice to have placeholder data in your source control repository? For example, when building a view is it ok to commit something like this: ... <span id="username">LoremIpsum</span> <span id="karma">999</span> ... ...or should I put the variable names in during design, and only view the work-in-progress view via some sort...

How to create a Views style plugin for Drupal?

I'm trying to create a Views Style plugin for the Views module in Drupal. The aim on the style plugin is to render the view as a drop down (i.e. SELECT) box. I can't for the life of me find any decent or complete documentation on how to do this. I've looked at the source code of other Views Style plugins but that does not help. Does an...

Drupal Views Pager

Hi, I'm using the views built in pager and would like to have an option to 'Show All'. i.e. Show All < Prev | Next > Page 2 of 10. What would be the best way to achieve this? Steve ...

include views vs render templates in grails

Hi What is the technical differences bewteen render a template and include a view in grails? thanks in advance ...

What are the best practices for adding icons to Zend Framework applications?

I want to add icons to my application. I've put the icons in public_html/images/icons/ and I want a DRY way to put them in my view-scripts. So I'd preferably not repeat.. <img src="<?php echo $this->baseUrl();?>/images/icons/plus-circle.png"</a> ..for every icon. I'd prefer a simple object+function call. What is a best practice for th...

How to do MySQL queries on text with umlauts in Drupal?

I need to differentiate between nodes starting with 'O' and nodes starting with 'Ö' (o umlaut). The problem is that since the node table and the title column have utf8_general_ci collation, MYSQL does not treat o and ö umlaut differently and this query returns nodes starting with O AND nodes starting with Ö SELECT node.nid AS nid FROM ...

Rendering an Edit partial while selected a defaulted value

I have a partial in my rails app that loads the vote form (It's just a select with numbers ranging from 1-5). I'm now making another partial that loads up if the user has already voted it's suppose to be an EDIt partial where you get selected the value that you voted and if you wanted to you could change it. But for some reason is not wo...

Android Bouncing Options View?

What is the name of the view that is used to display options in the latest android contacts app? It's the one that after clicking on a contact picture slides in displays a few options in a horizontal line. ...

Problem Switching Views iPhone/iPad Development

I have two view controllers each with separate views. I switch between these views when a button is touched. Both of these view controllers are set to autorotate in landscape mode (AKA no support for portrait mode). I didn't have this issue before (or didn't notice it) but now when I switch between the views and rotate the iPad, the stat...

Views and stored procedures - using both for DB security (Entity Framework 4)

I'm a bit new to database programming in general, and even newer to Entity Framework 4. I'm reading the O'Reilly Press book on the subject, and just want to be sure I understand what the author is saying about using views in conjunction with stored procedures for an added layer of security. She says: If you are reluctant to expose ...

With Django, is there a better way to dynamically import views in

Summary: Say I have a project in Django called "devsite" which will be deployed first to a staging project (also called "devsite") and finally to the live codebase (where the project is called "livesite"). During live deployments, I'd have to make manual changes to in order to import views from the right project. Which means url...

get only root levels of taxonomy in view

Hi I have Hierarchical vocabulary like Audi A3 BMW BMW c4 BMW x11 In my views page I want to all parent terms in page, like Audi BMW How to do this? Thanks for your answers ...

Django newbie question regarding defining an object with subobjects from models for use in templates

I am somewhat new to Django and have searched for some simple examples of creating objects with subobjects in views so that in templates I can have nested for loops. Here is my for this application... from django.db import models from django import forms class Market(models.Model): name = models.CharField('Market name'...

iPhone Development - multiple views in one window.

Hey, I want to have a UIView at the top half of my app, and a UITable at the bottom half. If I create a basic window application I can do this using IB. My main problem is that I seem to be only to do this in the delegate file which I would like to avoid. I repeat the exact same steps I did in delegate in a separate controller and all ...

call void on showing the view

is there something that can call a -(void) every time a view shows. I am rotating between two views, so when i go to the second view and then return to the first view I want a void to be called automatically from the first view I've try to do this with -(void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated and - (void)viewDidLoad by putting a NSLog in th...

SQL Server 2005 Views

I have a table that contains multiple records per employee by effective data and effective sequence: EMPLID, EFFDT, EFFSEQ. I am trying to come up with a view in which I could specify an As Of Date other than the current date and get the most current record for each employee as of that date. The query that I usually use is: SELECT C.E...

Stored Procedures Vs. Views

Hi, I have used both but what I am not clear is when I should prefer one over the other. I mean I know stored procedure can take in parameters...but really we can still perform the same thing using Views too right ? So considering performance and other aspects when and why should I prefer one over the other ? ...

Event Handling [Android]

I wrote simple Application for Android: public class Figures extends Activity { DemoView demoview; int figure_type = 1; /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); //setContentView(R.layout.main); ...