How to get Hidden Partitions in the Harddisk in VC++?
How to get Hidden Partitions in the Harddisk in VC++? Does any one knows this. please share info.... Thanks in advance. ~Hara ...
How to get Hidden Partitions in the Harddisk in VC++? Does any one knows this. please share info.... Thanks in advance. ~Hara ...
In Skype, if the webcam is in use, it shows a relevant message. Is this possible using Win API? ...
Hello, I am using the tutorial on this MSDN link to implement a way of transferring data from one process to another. Although I was advised in an earlier question to use the Pipe methods, due to certain constraints I have no choice but to use the CreateFileMapping method. Now, i've succesfully managed to make two seperate window form ...
I'm new to the Win32 API and the many new types begin to confuse me. Some functions take 1-2 ints and 3 UINTS as arguments. Why can't they just use ints? What are UINTS? Then, there are those other types: DWORD LPCWSTR LPBOOL Again, I think the "primitive" C types would be enough - why introduce 100 new types? This one was a...
Hi all! I have created a toolbar with some controls on it using ReBar within a window. Can anyone please tell me, How to get the HWND of a buttons/combobox/etc (not normal buttons in a window) if I know (only) the Id of it ? How to obtain the HBITMAP if I know the id of the resource ? How to set the bitmap to the controller ? Send...
We are seeing bad behavior in an application when it runs on Server 2008 (not R2). This is a WinForms application, and Control.MousePosition is returning {0,0} no matter where the mouse is on the screen... Control.MousePosition just makes a P/Invoke call to Win32 api GetCursorPos(). Followup: I am using Control.MousePosition from W...
I want to format a drive in c++, but when I tried to use Format function of windows.h I could not find a sample or the way of using that. I also don't want to interact by user in order to get ok or cancel so I cannot use SHFormat Does anyone know how can I do that? ...
Doing LANGID and LCID gymnastics right now. Just noticed that in native Win32 NLS, SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN is the user default sub language for the LANG_PORTUGUESE primary language. I expected SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE to be the default sub language. Why isn't it? ...
I have a program (NWShader) which hooks into a second program's OpenGL calls (NWN) to do post-processing effects and whatnot. NWShader was originally built for Windows, generally modern versions (win32), and uses both DLL exports (to get Windows to load it and grab some OpenGL functions) and Detours (to hook into other functions). I'm ...
I did the following steps to use the CDialog in win 32 application: Changed the use of MFC to "use mfc shared DLL". Added a dialog resource and added a class for the dialog. Included the dialog class in my main. Tried to call do modal. when i try to call do modal...i am getting an debug assertion failed.. can anybody help me out of t...
I am using FindFirstChangeNotification API to monitor the changes happening in a particular folder.But how to exclude a particular file(present in the watching folder) change notification Only. ...
I'm thinking about writing a small application that will help me mass rename files. I currently use an application named 'RegexRenamer', which (I'm assuming) uses the .NET regex engine. The application is fine, but is sort of clunky. So what I'm looking for is a C/C++ regex library that I can build my custom program off of. Anything th...
Hi, I'm running Appverifier in an application. When it detects a memory leaks the logs saids "Address of the leaked allocation. Run !heap -p -a to get additional information about the allocation." I guess that's when you are running in Windbg, is there any way to access the allocation stack trace from inside Visual Studio ? ...
Hi, I'm using win32 and opengl and I have a window set up with the projection at glOrtho of the window's coordinates. I have double buffering enabled, tested it with glGet as well. My program always seems to tear any primitives that I try to draw on it if it's being constantly translated. Here is my OpenGL initialization function: gl...
I'm using raw sockets on windows and I'm trying to find a way to limit the max connection speed over a group of sockets. For example I have 3 sockets to 3 servers and want to limit total download speed to 1mb. I googled and cant find any thing related. Any ideas? ...
Is there an equivalent C function in linux for reading the CPU counter and its frequency? I am looking for something similair to QueryPerformanceCounter function that reads the 64bit counter in modern CPU's ...
I'm new to win32 API programming and I try to understand source code of treeview from codeproject. But I really don't understand this : BOOL TreeView::DoNotify(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // blah blah HTREEVIEW Selected = (HTREEITEM)SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd,ID_TREE,TVM_GETNEXTITEM,TVGN_CARET,(LPARAM)Sele...
Hi. I want to send mouse clicks and keyboards keys to a window running a virtual machine such as VMware or VirtualBox. I want to pilotate it from the host OS, from an application written in C#. I can move and click the mouse. But I can't send keyboard input. I tried with SendKeys but it doesn't work. With every other "normal" window, i...
How do you change the font face and font size used by the Windows Ribbon Framwork's UIRibbon? The font used by the ribbon does not match the font the user has chosen as their Windows preferences - which is the preference my application uses. This means that as the font in Windows gets bigger, the ribbon gets smaller: Here an an older...
This is a follow on from my previous question although this is about something else. I've been having a problem where for some reason my message that I pass from one process to another only displays the first letter, in this case "M". My application based on a MSDN sample so to make sure I hadn't missed something I create a separate so...