
Creating a Google-style background image fader?

Hey guys. If you haven't already seen, Google has the ability to add a custom background image (for better or worse) and I was wondering how to achieve the same fade-in-on-load effect using jQuery. Any ideas? ...

CSS and different size of monitor?

Hi, I am doing a website (WIP). I encountered some CSS problems, hope you guys can help me. My current situation: I have am image, lets called it "bg.png" with the width about 2500px, and at the center of the background image has my logo. My website should target all size (from small 800 x 600 to 2400 x XXX) users. My problems: H...

Textarea background image scrolls when text exceeds the height.

Hi all! I am trying to resolve an issue in IE7. My text area has a background image behind it which then scrolls with the text when the text exceeds the height of the text area and begins to scroll with the text. Anyone know why this is happening and what the solution this would be? Thanks, James ...

scaling background and min size

Hi I have big background images 1200 by 1200, what i would like to do is expand the images when the user resizes the browser but constrain it so they never scale any smaller than the original size. There all lots of scalable bg images out there but none I can find that do this, any help would be appreciated. ...

Fadeout a tiled background image in load using JQuery

Hi, I've used JQuery in the past to fade divs in and out successfully. However, I have encountered a situation I can't quite wrap my head around: I am coding a site for a designer who has based the formatting of all the elements on a grid pattern he's created. As he wants the pattern elements to be the same size independent of the brow...

Background images in <a> tag inside <li> tag not dissapears in IE6 and IE7

Hi Guys, In IE7 and in IE6, I have an anchor inside of an li which has a background image in it. When you mouse over these links, the backagound images go missing in these browsers. Any ideas as to why this would happen? Here's an example (IE7 and IE6): Many thanks, James ...

overlapping background image

I have a table with a background image using css property background-image. In table I have some images using the <img. Images <img table are above the background image. I would like the background image overwrite the images <img as with the text. Is that possible? Code Example: <style> #content { background-image:url("background-image...

Android Button ==> Set highlighted image ???

How can i set the button to show a different image after it's been tapped? Either a different image, or maybe some kind of highlighting that shows the button was tapped/ Thanks ...

CSS background image aligned to left bottom corner without forcing scrollbars

Hi, i have a simple website: fixed width, variable height, centered. I want a background image to align to the bottom left corner of the content like so: ---------------------------------------------------------- ____________________________ | <- 960px -> | | ...

Background images in list items not showing in IE7

What is it that I am not understanding about IE7 and background images in list items? I'd like to understand this once and for all please because I run into this problem a lot and only get it right with severe hacking. Please take a look at this link, the link menu items in the left and right column are not showing and I am not sure wha...

background-image load or display delays even though cached in IE7

I have a seperator li which has a background image, in an expanded tree menu, it may appear several times using the css: .simpleTree .line { background:url("/images/Css/gridLine.gif") no-repeat 0 0; Even tho it is cached (from previous instances), there is still a slight delay in IE7 (~500 - 1sec) before all the background images ...

background image not repeating in IE...

This should be real simple...not sure what I'm not seeing here...the background image repeats just fine in non-IE browsers but fails to in IE8. site: #wrapper { max-width:100%; min-width:1000px; min-height:100%; margin:0 auto; background-image:url(image...

Background flicker problem in Internet Explorer

I have several pages with a background image applied to the body of each one of them (same background image for all pages). When I go from one page to another it looks like IE7 renders the image again, which looks like flickering. In Firefox 3.6.3 it does not flicker. How this flickering can be solved for IE ? ...

Print background image in IE without enable "Print background colors and images".

Is possible to print a background-image whithout enabling "Print Background colors and images" in Advanced tab of Internet Options ? I think to use a alternative way without "background-image"... Using div tag and position absolute is possible to emulate the same effect of background-image? Also I would like to repeat the background ima...

How to create a button with gradient background and background image?

hi there, i'm trying to use some jquery client side validation for my 2.0 webform. and it seems that the normal input submit button can easily trigger the validation on click. but i'm currently using a three divs made up image button for this page, thus it doesn't auto trigger the validation. i was looking at css3 and found th...

IE button background image doesn't work...

Hi I am trying to add background image to my button. The image contains two states, A and A:hover. a->background-position:bottom and a:hover=>background-position:top. It works fine in chrome and firefox but IE sucks so bad and display total height of the images (two states together). I was wondering if anyone know how to fix it. Thank...

adding background image to the nnavigation rootview

how to add image as background to my rootview in navigation controller programmatically... thanks for that answer for navigation bar hide,.... ...

CSS - positioning a background image on a fluid layout

Hi so the layout is like this: <div style="width: 100%;" class="container"> <div class="col1" style="width:30%;float:left;"> column 1 </div> <div class="col2" style="width:70%;float:left"> column 2 </div> </div> I want to make div.col1 a different color, so for this I'm using a vertically repeating background ima...

How to keep background image on bottom left even scrolling....

Hello. I was wondering if there is a way to keep my background image on bottom left all the time even if the user scroll the browser. My current css can make the image in the bottom of the browser when the site loaded, but if I scroll the browser, it will still stay in the same location. I appreciate any help. html, body { backgroun...

jquery select element based on background image name

I'm trying to select a div with a certain background image this is what I have so far. Not working. Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong? I'm trying to follow the jQuery documentation. var markerShadow0 = $("div[background-image='url(\"\")]"); ...