
iphone mpmovieplayercontroller mp3 showing black background

I have a button that triggers a mpmovieplayercontroller to play out some streaming audio. When the controller is playing everything works as expected and i see the grey quicktime background. However when i stop the player and press the button again, i still hear the audio, but the background is now black. However if i switch to a vide...

css issue when display background image in a element

hi, i got a issue, let say i want to display a background image for a link | words | the bars mean the start/end of the link, it doesn`t actually exist and i want the background image display horizontally, but not start from the bar, and end at the bar, i want it start 13px away from the left bar and 13px awa...

Why do processes spawned by cron end up defunct?

I have some processes showing up as <defunct> in top (and ps). I've boiled things down from the real scripts and programs. In my crontab: * * * * * /tmp/ /tmp/ The contents of (which is of course marked executable): #!/bin/bash # the real script does a little argument processing here "$@" The conte...

Can we start a background process using exec() giving & as an argument?

If not, how can we start a background process in C? ...

Tkinter how to remove existing background color of text when highlighting

I'm writing a small utility in Python that does some pattern matching of text. Text that matches the pattern the user has entered gets highlighted yellow. I'm achieving this using a Tkinter Text widget, and setting up a tag on the textbox named "match" that gives any text with the tag name "match" a yellow background. This all looks n...

Change background color on radio select

I have the following code <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td ><div class="label_main" id="lab1"> <div class="label_radio"> <input type="radio" name="group1" id="r0" value="0" /> </div> <div class="label_top...

Menu - background image and hover action

Hello, I have a menu and jquery-code, which makes its background-image different when hover. $('#menu a').hover(function() { $(this).css( 'background', 'url(images/slider_bg_hover.png) repeat-x' ); },function(){ $(this).css( 'background', 'url(images/slider_bg.png) repeat-x' ); ...

IE7 Overflow & IE7 Background Images

Heyy guys, two problems, both caused by IE7 1)I have a Div called .postheader that holds the title and another div called .clip . As you can see, the clip should hover over the content and not push it down. (use any other browser to test). Its currently giving me a huge gap when it should only go as long as the...

PHP exec() return value for background process (linux)

Hello, Using PHP on Linux, I'd like to determine whether a shell command run using exec() was successfully executed. I'm using the return_var parameter to check for a successful return value of 0. This works fine until I need to do the same thing for a process that has to run in the background. For example, in the following command $...

Javascript or JQuery for background image slideshow

Hi I want to create a slideshow using the background image of a div. I don´t want the images to rotate automatically, instead I want to use standard prev and next buttons to change the div´s background image. In total there will be around 6 images to scroll through. It needs to be a background image as the div has some other content in ...

User initiated background process in a web application

I have a java web application wired using Spring on Tomcat. I need a way for a user to initiate a background process in the server and return a response to the user without waiting for the background process to complete. The background process is programmed in java and integrated with my application. Since i am using tomcat JMS is no...

[CSS] Centered DIV with defferent backgrounds on either side

So I'm creating a website that has all of its content in one centered div. Im using margin-left and right set to auto to center my content, on the left hand side of my content I want a solid white background, however on the right hand side, I want to repeat a pattern background. Maybe my mind just isn't working properly, but I cant thi...

Can't change background for UIWebView in iPhone SDK

Hi, Is there a way to change background color for UIWebView? None of the colors set in IB effect UIWebView behavior: before acctual content is loaded it shows as up as white (causing a white flash between the moment it is loaded and content is rendered). Setting background color programmatically does not do anything either. Here is cod...

right distance of background-position in CSS

Hello I worked on a CMS and I want to have diffrent Buttons for special editings. I created a small examplefile wich looks like this: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""&gt; <html xml:lang="de" lang="de" xmlns=""&gt; <head> <meta h...

randomly change div background image on page load

Hi I have a DIV background which I want to change randomly on page load from a selection of 3 PNGs. I searched around and found this code: $(document).ready(function() { var randomImages = ['img-restaurante-1','img-restaurante-2','img-restaurante-3']; var rndNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * randomImages.length); $("div.lacarta")...

css Gif white background stroke?

Does anyone know how to fix the white background stroke in the css that you see when a transparent gif is overlayed on a colour? ...

using Kernel#fork for backgrounding processes, pros? cons?

I'd like some thoughts on whether using fork{} to 'background' a process from a rails app is such a good idea or not... From what I gather fork{my_method; Process#setsid} does in fact do what it's supposed to do. 1) creates another processes with a different PID 2) doesn't interrupt the calling process (e.g. it continues w/o waiting f...

Why I got black background when I save file as JPG

I set the JPanel background color as white. However when I save it into JPG or other image format, the background are all in black. I have put this code TYPE_INT_ARGB but it doesnt work. How can I set the background to other color? e.g. blue, white etc. public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { int width = getWidth(); i...

Running multiple background parallel jobs with Rails

On my Ruby on Rails application I need to execute 50 background jobs in parallel. Each job creates a TCP connection to a different server, fecths some data and updates an active record object. I know different solutions to perform this task but any of them in parallel. For example, delayed_job (DJ) could be a great solution if only it c...

Extend background beyond div element.

Is it possible to extend a background element in a div outside of the div frame? And a follow-up question pertaining to a workaround I've found: I've put an <img> in my HTML code positioned behind my main content. That displays the whole background image correctly, but there are scroll bars extending the full length of the image and th...