
Structure and behavior in UML

Hello! I had some questions regarding the structure and behavior of a model, using UML, and the relationship between the two : Did you find any limitations for UML regarding the specification or understanding of the relationship between structure and behavior? I was wondering if you have any practical ideas of how one can optimize the...

Programmatically and globally adding a custom WCF client endpoint behavior extension

I have the need to add a custom behavior extension to my WCF client endpoints. I tried doing this through configuration, but have been bitten by the often-mentioned bug where WFC configuration can't parse the type name correctly. So can I do this programatically instead? I can't modify the configuration sections at runtime because the...

IE: Reusing the same instance of ActiveX

I have written an ActiveX COM Dll, which is used in webpage. It exposes 2 functions say Connect, Disconnect and 2 events. In Connect method, I have created an instance to another class, lauches 2 threads one for Receiving Events and one for HeartBeat(HB). In the Disconnect method, I am disconnecting the Socket, (if connecting Socket is v...

Application behavior with Internet Explorer 7 settings

I created a very simple ASP.NET application with one ASP.NET textbox control, ASP.NET button control and a ASP.NET gridview control. When my client loads the application for the very first time, they enter in some text and press enter. The application does not load the results and clears the text box control. When they close their b...

What should be the expected behavior on this user decision?

Hi, I have this application where the users can change text files and when they forget to save them, a little message pops up reminding them that the changes are not saved and asks them if they want to save the changes or not with two buttons "Yes" and "No". It also has a little checkbox that says "Disable this warning". And as the same...

ListItems attributes in a DropDownList are lost on postback?

A coworker showed me this: He has a DropDownList and a button on a web page. Here's the code behind: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { ListItem item = new ListItem("1"); item.Attributes.Add("title", "A"); ListItem item2 = new ListItem("2")...

State vs. Behavior

Sometimes objects consist of pure data. Such objects have fields, accessors, and virtually no other methods. Sometimes objects consist of pure behavior. They have other objects representing their state, or data is passed as method parameters. Usually such objects represent algorithms or some kind of policies. What state/behavior ratio...

What is the reasoning behind this ioc behavior (Resolve with multiple registered components)

Seems like a standard approach for an ioc when given a scenario like (C# windsor): container.AddComponent<ILogger, HttpLogger>(); container.AddComponent<ILogger, SmtpLogger>(); var logger = container.Resolve<ILogger>(); Would be that when resolving the component, the first registered ILogger (HttpLogger in this case) is the only cand...

move wpf behaviors APIs to .NET 4.0

Currently the whole behavior framework and APIs only come with expression blend (and its SDK) but I noticed that a crucial part of it resides in the namespace System.Windows.Interactivity. Does this mean that in a future version of the .NET framework, maybe even 4.0, behaviors will be part of the .NET Framework itsleft and do not require...

strange behavior of php array_unique

I'm using following peace of code to output an array: echo "======output without array_unique====="; var_dump($selected); echo "=====output with array_unique====="; var_dump(array_unique($selected));die; And the output is: ======output without array_unique===== array 0 => array 'uri' => string 'http://localhost/conferen...

Adding behavior to wcf basichttp in biztalk 2006R2

Hi I am using a wcf basichttp adapter in biztalk using ESB guidance 1.0 i made a test without biztalk involved calling an asmx service and i ended up with this configuration file : Now i have to add the behavior in the wcf basichttp dynamic port i am creatin. According to...

Incorrect Toggling (jQuery)

I've a simple menu on my page, that uses this jquery code for basic toggling: $("#left-nav .block h3").click(function(){ $(this).next("ul").slideToggle("fast"); $(this).toggleClass("active"); $(this).siblings("h3").removeClass("active"); }); The UL is open (display:block via CSS) by default, so on first click, the UL hides (whic...

How do I import behaviors into Expression Blend?

I'm trying to import behaviors in to blend, can anyone help me? I'm a designer not a coder so would like to know the easy import rout for this in Blend? ...

Expression blend behavior Mix 09 pack gallery

Hi Everyone :) I'm a designer so not to knowledgable at coding :( I'm trying to install a behavior from the gallery on Expression. I've tried this way but it doesn't seem to work. Basicly I downloaded

Doctrine: How to remove part of a where clause from select query inside listener (preDqlSelect)?

My listener is part of a behavior, that should remove all is_published checks in the where clause of any called select query. Adding a part to a clause is really easy, but how to remove one. There are some functions like Doctrine_Query->removeDqlQueryPart('where'), but that removes the complete where clause, while I only need the 'is_...

Behaviours in ContentTemplate Triggers

Hi all, I’m loving behaviours and states in Blend 3. Typically I’m using the GoToStateAction behaviour to go to a state when an action (such as a button click) occurs. I’ve hit a snag with ControlTemplate triggers though. Blend lets me define states in the ControlTemplate, but I can’t work out how to assign the behaviour to use them....

Modifying Containable fields required in beforeFind callback?

In my CakePHP 1.2.5 app, I have a Profile model that belongsTo a User model. The User model has a username field, and when performing a find() on the Profile model, I want to always automatically retrieve the value of User.username too. I figure it would make sense to modify my Profile model's beforeFind() method to automatically conta...

IE VBScript HTC Behavior - Static Variables between all Instances of Behavior?

I'm not 100% sure what question I should ask - as I'm too sure on the best way to do this .. so let me describe what I'm trying to do (using a simplified example) and we'll go from there. You have arbitrary HTML Elements (IMG, A, TD, whatever). Via the CSS they are assigned an HTML Behavior .BoldSelection { behavior: url(SelectBo...

ScrollTo, SerialSroll Help! Dreamweaver behavior? Plug-in 'How-to' for newbs?

Pretty comfortable with html, CSS, Dreamweaver. Just begun learning Javascript but really, just. Have been trying in vain for more than 1 1/2 weeks to dissect the ScrollToLeft function in the product pages of this site: www_dot_alvr_com (then click on "jewelry" then "necklaces" for example and you see these cool scrolling columns of ima...

Strange ruby behaviour with __FILE__ constant?

Hi I have been testing some very basic things in ruby and discover the following. If i put in a file called xxxx.rb in this path "C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\xxxx.rb" puts __FILE__ and invoke this ruby file in a command line WITHOUT preceding ruby the output is the following C:/Documents and Settings/Desktop/xxxx.rb but i...