I need to import yahoo,Live and AOL contacts list. I have already done gmail(their website has the whole hting explained properly). but cannot find much help for live, yahoo and aol for vb.net. Any help will be appreciated. some small source code or where to download API's.
I get a list of contacts in a given group id by id
Cursor cur = ctx.managedQuery(ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI,
new String[] { GroupMembership.GROUP_ROW_ID,
GroupMembership.CONTACT_ID },
GroupMembership.GROUP_ROW_ID + "=" + String.valueOf(id),
null, null);
if (cur.moveToFirst()) {
how to add contact groups in the emulator or sync with Google contacts or device contacts?
i have installed Qt 4.6.2 and developing the application for symbian.
Now i want use Qt mobility API for accessing the contacts.. how can i install the Qt mobility and acces the API..
my build environment is windows XP :)
I would manipulate the contact groups in Android 2.O. My code is following:
To get a list of group (with id and title):
final String[] GROUP_PROJECTION = new String[] { ContactsContract.Groups._ID, ContactsContract.Groups.TITLE };
Cursor cursor = ctx.managedQuery(ContactsContract.Groups.CONTENT_URI, GROUP_PROJECTION, null, null, Contac...
Hi, I am using the latest Nokia Qt SDK.
I have tried to add the contacts, it's not getting added.. what is missing here?
// Construct contact manager for default contact backend
QContactManager* cm = new QContactManager("simulator");
// QContactManager* cm = new QContactManager("memory"); // i tried this, its also not working
hi im trying to call the contact picker, get the persons name, phone and e-mail into strings and send them to another activity using an intent. So far this works
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI);
startActivityForResult(intent, 1);
public void onActivityResult(in...
Hi folks,
I have name, phone number and E-mail infomation of a contact. I just want to insert the additional email and phone for the existing contact. My questions are
How to find the contact is already existing or not?
How to insert the values on the additional or secondary address option?
Thanks in Advance.
i need to import live/hotmail contacts using asp.net. I have done gmail and yahoo. i looked at opencontactsnet.dll and it doesnt work for live. none of the contacts are retrieved from that dll. does anyone know anything specifically for hotmail contacts?
I want to get the nickname of a contact from addressbook. I start with his phone number, query it and want the nickname (aka alias) as a result.
Cursor cur = context.getContentResolver().query(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI, null, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER + " = " + incomingNumber, null, n...
I have been working with Android contacts. I am able to show them, update but
when I want to delete any, it is not deleted completely. In Contacts
application is shown as (Unknown) without any data. Here is my example:
ArrayList ops = new ArrayList();
I'm trying to get my contacts from Windows Live using RestEasy
After succesfully authenticating my user, I've made the call to https://livecontacts.services.live.com/users/@L@/rest/livecontacts
Set the authentication header, added my id and my tokens
If i make the call from command line using cUrl I get the expected output, but in my w...
Hi all,
The title says it all, I have a variable of type Bitmap and I would like to assign it to a Contact from my contact list as the CalledID picture, how would I do that?
I would like to retrieve the name of a contact associated with an incoming telephone number. As I process the incoming number in the broascastreceiver having a String with the name of the incoming caller would help my project greatly.
I would think this involves a query using the sql WHERE clause as a filter, but do I need to sort the c...
Assuming I have a contact saved in my addressbook, called "TomTasche" with the mail-address "[email protected]". How can I retrieve the contact's name, if I only know the mail-address?
I already asked a similar questions about retrieving contact's nickname here, but if I change that code to query the mail, like that:
Possible Duplicate:
Taking contact list from hotmail gmail yahoo in java ?
Can anybody help, its urgent
Thanks in advance.
I am using the Google contacts api to retrieve contacts. That works FINE. I have been asked to get the groups that each contact is associated with and whatever I tried seem to have failed me. I am not going to post my code here but assume it works (other than the group stuff). I am iterating through **result.feed.entry** where my contact...
I have a problem in querying phonebook contacts. What I need to do is get a list of contacts that have both phone and email entered or are of a specific type.
Basically like this:
public static final String SELECTION =
"("+ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER +"='1') OR " + RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE + "='" + Constants.AC...
I am writing an application which writes contacts in the SIM card of an Android phone. I am stuck at the point where the phone number is added: an exception occurs with no apparent reason.
Here is a snippet of code.
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.ContentUris;
import an...
I would like to execute the same operation on multiple contact of the Address Book.
Is there an API available to allow multiple contacts selection from the Address Book ?
If it is not possible natively with iPhone SDK, is there any other alternative / library doing this simple thing ?