Ordered list (HTML) lower-alpha with right parentheses?
The default lower-alpha list type for ordered list uses a dot '.'. Is there a way to use a right parenthesis instead like a)... b) ..etc? ...
The default lower-alpha list type for ordered list uses a dot '.'. Is there a way to use a right parenthesis instead like a)... b) ..etc? ...
I have an IFRAME on my web site. It's about 300px wide by 200px tall (but has about 1000+px tall worth of content. The IFRAME is scrollable. What I want to do is have a small transparent (alpha) gradient always at the top/bottom inside of the IFRANE regardless of where the user has scrolled. So that, whenever a user scrolls verticall...
I'm developing a web application that uses lots of Javascript and CSS, both of my own creation and through third-party libraries. These include jQuery and Google Maps & Visualization JS APIs. I've been testing everything in Firefox 3. Things are peachy until it turns out the main target of this webapp is (cue sad trombone) IE7. I'm look...
I'm creating a complex layout in CSS and have to have the following: __________________________________________ | | | | | filters | | |___________________________________| | | | | | Toolbar | | ...
The essence of the ie6 bug (dropdown entries must be truncated via overflow hidden to prevent ie from incorrectly expanding instead of acting as overflow:visible) can be seen in it's current (hacky) form in the screenshot below, and at the site http://zd-cms.com Wrong (ie6): Right (FF, IE8, Chrome): The menu entry should show: C...
Hi there, does anyone know of a good way of doing the following, I need to have available via CSS Links up to 5 CSS files in one, this is pretty bad for trips to the server.. but it helps me keep it organized... At runtime i automatically consolidate and minify all css files into 1 ... What i was wondering is how to have links to css ...
Currently, I have an Application which consists of a BasePage which as a header (panel), footer(panel) and in the center for inherited page content. The problem I am running into is with ResourceReferences (Perhaps this isn't even the right way). I am looking for a solution which will allow me to do the following: Have a single direct...
$(document).ready(function(){ $("li").click(function(){ if ($(this).hasClass("active") ) $(this).fadeTo("slow", 1.0); }); }); I have a navigation bar made and am using this code to add a transparency effect on hover: $(document).ready(function(){ $(".thumbs").fadeTo("slow", 0.6); $(".thumbs").hover(function(...
Hi, I have a problem with the floating side panel. It looks ok in Firefox but i think its being push by somthing in IE as it appears at the bottom on the page. The url is: www.sellandrentbackhouse.co.uk I have tried making the blog look the same as the websites but this appears pushed out even in firefox. I cant find out whats wrong...
If I have markup like this: <!-- Other Content --> <div id="container"> <div class="draggable"> </div> <div class="draggable"> </div> </div> <!-- Other Content --> How can I have the container div expand vertically (I only want #container to be capable of expanding downward) as I drag one of the draggables? I've thought about using t...
Hi, So I'm supposed to be a .Net Developer but have found myself getting stuck with allot of css and html stuff lately. I would now consider myself to be very strong in css and all it's intricacies. With that said I still see any use it any of the Visual Studio support for it outside of the intellisense (when it works). I want to ask i...
Do you know of an online CSS compressor that helps remove redudant/ineffecient CSS declarations and replaces it with more optimized CSS? Meaning, I know that a lot of "compressors" exist that simply remove tabs, remove comments, etc. But what I'm looking for is something smart enough to know that: border-top: 1px solid red; border-bo...
I have an html element that is contained within a div. Height are dictated by the outer div and the height and width of the input control are 100%. At the most basic level, I am having an issue where the textbox extends past the right of the containing div. Basic example code: <div style="height:25px; width: 150px;"> <input type=...
I am almost done with my project, but have one final looming problem that I'd like some advice on. Info on the CSS "margin transference bug" relating to ie6 and ie7 can be found here and here. So I have all of these heading tags with margin-bottom: 24px. They sit above any number of left-floated divs, depending on the page. Each of the...
This function adds an overlay with the following properties to the entire browser screen, $('a.cell').click(function() { $('<div id = "overlay" />').appendTo('body').fadeIn("slow"); }); #overlay { background-color: black; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; display: none; z-index: 100; opacity: 0.5; } And...
you can see the site at Emeraldcityguitars.com, the links are the Spotlight titles in New and Vintage Spotlight spaces at the bottom. the images link but the product title text doesn't. I think the issue is that its contained in a z-indexed div, but I don't see why that would break a link. Help... <div id="vintage_spotlight"> <%...
<html> <head> <style type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> * {margin:0;padding:0;} div#box {background-color:green;width:1000px;} /* #box {position:absolute;top:0;right:0;} */ /* #box {position:absolute;top:0;left:0;} */ /* #box {float:right;} */ #box {float:left;} .clearer {clear:both;} </style> </head> <body>...
I'm using the pre tag to display preformatted text (including line breaks, spaces and tabs etc.) But large lines without line-breaks are shown in one line and a scroll bar is added. I want to limit the width of the pre tag (such that large lines are broken up to come to new lines and no scroll is required. Is this possible or is there ...
Hello I am trying to achive the following: Create an image gallery using the JQuery Cycle plugin that shows images with titles (taken from the alt text) Each image has a PNG absolutley posiioned over the top to achieve rounded corners effect Here's my gallery HTML: <div id="slideshow" class="pics"> <div class="photo-container" > <...
I have a site whose menu is functioning incorrectly in IE6, and only IE6. A live preview of the site can be seen here. The HTML & CSS are too long to post here but please view the source and the CSS. I have implemented conditional comments and the IE6 Update jQuery plugin. Neither work. ...