I'm trying to use a joystick in my C# WPF application using directX (using Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput;), but for some odd reason I keep getting an error in the first line where I try to detect all the connected devices. All I have in my application so far is the following line of code in the contructor:
DeviceList gameControllerList...
I use this project to capture frame from a video.
But when I captured a image from the video, It seems that it's more darker than the video, How can I make them the same ?
I need to get rotation data from Bullets rigid body world transform ( getWorldTransform() ) to the suitable format to pass to D3DXMatrixRotationYawPitchRoll function to generate the rotation matrix for DirectX.
My solutions structure is built up this way so I need to pass the data this way. You can provide other solutions, maybe I can s...
Hello, I'd like to ask how could I load textures from program resources.
This code works fine, but its only from file. How about loading from resources?
texture = TextureLoader.FromFile(device, "file.png");
I'd like to call this method inside a Python script, with as few extra dependencies as possible. How can I do it? I've tried DirectPython, but it's installer installs only for 32-bit architectures, it seems. I've tried comtypes, but the installer can't find my Python installation.
Hi, sorry my noobinity.
I have installed VS2k10 and DXSDK on my comp.
I have started a new project, then added the include and the lib/x64 dir in the VC++
directories. I have also added d3dx10.lib and d3d10.lib in additional dependencies.
But I am keep getting the " error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain...
I have got a crash at calling function Clearrendertargetview().
Below is the code:
HWND hwnd;
ID3D10Device* device;
IDXGISwapChain* swapChain;
ID3D10RenderTargetView* renderTarget;
D3D10_VIEWPORT viewPort;
SecureZeroMemory(&swapchaind, sizeof(DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC));
Hello, i was wondering how could i display 'player' sprite from Player.cs class. So far everything was happening in Program.cs file, witch had 'device' for rendering.
Now i want to do same but using different classes. Do i need to create device for each class to render stuff thats happening within them, or i need to somehow access the de...
Hello, i have this problem when my Sprite rotation origin is fixed at top left corner of window (same with sprite.Draw and sprite.Draw2D)
Either way if i change rotation center it's still at top left. I need sprite to rotate around its Z axis.
Thank you.
I have tried this:
hereMatrix pm = Matrix.Translation(_playerPos.X + 8,...
Can someone please explain the difference in texture memory as used in the context of Cuda as opposed to texture memory used in the context of DirectX. Suppose a graphics card has 512 MB of advertised memory, how is it divided into constant memory/texture memory and global memory.
E.g. I have a tesla card that has totalConstMem as ...
#include <windows.h>
#include <d3d9.h>
#include <D3DX9Mesh.h>
#define THROW_ERROR_AND_EXIT(x) { \
MessageBox(0,x,0,0); \
return -1; \
// Handle close event
switch( msg )
PostQuitMessage( 0 );
I can't manage to download the last version of the DirectX SDK (june 2010) : http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=3021d52b-514e-41d3-ad02-438a3ba730ba&displaylang=en
When I try to install it by double clicking the DXSDK_June10.exe I get the following message:
It seems that the file is corrupted. Is there anoth...
I installed the new Visual Studio 2010. I want to create a C# Winform DirectX application, but I can't find the following assembly when adding the .Net reference list:
How can I use DirectX with Visual Studio 2010?
Does someone know a fast way to invoke shader processing via DirectX?
Right now I'm setting shaders using D3DXCreateEffectFromFile calls, which create shaders in runtime (once per each shader) from *.fx files.
Rendering part for every object (every patch in my case - see further) then means something like:
// -----------------...
This is my program to display a .x mesh. I am able to display the mesh tiger.x but not able to display ball.x. What is the difference between the two meshes? Is there something I should handle in the code? But I am able to view both the meshes using standard mesh viewers like the one which come with DirectX SDK.
I am just beginning to learn how to program DirectX 9 applications in C++, so I'm still not very good, and I'm messing it around quite a bit.
When I reopen the program after it crashes, the D3D Device fails to create with the result being D3DERR_INVALIDCALL. I am compiling with G++ in MinGW, using the DirectX August 2009 SDK. I'm guessi...
Hi, I think this is an easy question, sorry I am not really familiar with C++.
I am using D3DImage in C++.Net project which is using it's SetBackBuffer method, and I am also using DX Surface. I don't know how to convert IDirect3DSurface9 to IntPtr as parameter in SetBackBuffer method. Anyone knows? please help.
Hi. As you know when we want to draw a three demensional object in DirectX we should define
a camera. Now we have a Device object that it's name is 'device1'.it is my question :
device1.View = Matrix.Look...(New Vector3(),New Vector3(),New Vector3());
Argument #3 is Up Vector. What does it exactly do?
For some strange reason my depth buffer is not working, i.e. the triangles drawn later always overlap, regardless of their position.
I have these presenter parameters
ZeroMemory(&d3dpp, sizeof(d3dpp));
d3dpp.Windowed = TRUE;
d3dpp.hDeviceWindow = mWindow;
Hi all,
The WPF application I have build has a Viewport3D containg all kinds of UIElement3D objects. Now I would like to save a high resolution snapshot of a certain view to a file. I have tried RenderTargetBitmap in the past, but I do not like this approach because of the following downsides:
Memory leakage (at least with .NET 3.5 S...